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Marilyn Dumont, born in northeastern Alberta in 1955, is a métis writer and educator whose poems have for many years been an inspiration in Canadian literature, giving insight into the struggles of the aboriginal peoples in Canada. Marilyn, in many of her poems, explores the deep feelings of hatred that native peoples feel towards ‘the whites’, otherwise known as the settlers that arrived in the 1600s, or later the Canadian government. These emotions are deep-running, tracing back many years, under which the native peoples have been oppressed physically, culturally, and psychologically to the point where many have given up hope. With her poems, Dumont breaks ties with conventional generalizations through her loud and flamboyant style, ultimately …show more content…
crying out for change and denouncing the practices of the past, portraying the white social class as judgemental and oppressive. She does this in various ways, including through her choice of language, imagery, and tone. Dumont uses symbolism and historical themes to her advantage in many of her poems, specifically in A Letter to Sir John A. MacDonald. In the poem, which is an open letter addressed to John A. MacDonald (Canada’s first Prime Minister), Dumont explores the different aspects of how the Canadian government has mistreated natives. To this extent, she often takes on a defiant tone. On lines 1-3 one can see this usage of emotion quite clearly: “Dear John: I’m still here and half breed, after all these years you’re dead, funny thing…” The satirical nature of this poem is emphasized by the loose way in which the speaker addresses former Prime Minister, referring to him only as ‘John’. The usage of sarcasm in this case displays the disdain that the speaker feels for MacDonald and for what he symbolises; the government destroying native culture and trying to repress native individuality. The element of spite portrays the whites as a force to be distrustful of, showing that many injustices have been wrought upon the natives. In addition, Dumont references historical persona like Louis Riel to emphasize on the satirical nature of this poem, showing that despite the government's moves to repress the aboriginals, they will not give up their individuality. “...Riel is dead, but he just keeps coming back...” (22-23). Dumont uses Riel’s image in a mocking way, highlighting the fact that MacDonald failed in his objective, and that the injustices inflicted upon the natives did not break them. Both of these illustrations make up one of the main themes of the poem, which is the oppressive nature of white society towards aboriginals. The poem Spineless is similar to A Letter to Sir John A MacDonald in that the speaker retains a highly aggressive demeanour in responding to the oppression of white society.
Harsh, sharp, and unforgiving language is specifically chosen like “big, loud, and bitching” (4), and “too damn wise and smiling” (13), to show the speaker’s anger and elicit emotion in the reader. This again reinforces the idea of the oppressive nature of the whites against the natives. This poem, however, does not elicit these emotions merely through irony, but rather by taking a more direct approach. Overall, the poem deals with the stereotyping that many natives face. “The welcome image of you is gone; the unwelcome image of me is still here...” this quote references the ways that natives are stereotyped in Canada, an ‘unwelcome’ image that remains to this day. These images are: ‘the myths, the ones that I threaten your small frame of mind with” (5-6). According to the speaker, these myths are ones that were spread by the white social class, to keep the natives in check. By breaking these myths, she is serving to rob the whites of their power over the aboriginals. This is further supported by line 10 of the poem: “all you’ve heard are lies”, showing that the speaker is trying to break away from the harsh generalizations imposed on her people and show the reader the untruths that permeate through our society. The writing conventions that Dumont uses in these cases reflects the overall theme of the …show more content…
poem, or the stereotypes and the judgemental nature of the ‘white’ class, that groups and compartmentalizes various ethnicities without a second thought. By changing perspective and showing the readers how the natives view the situation, it becomes apparent that one of the main themes of A Really Good Brown Girl is explicitly racism, and the generational suffering that it entails.
That said, Dumont is fighting an uphill battle. The racism and hate started by the white settlers hundreds of years in the past has remained for ages, building into a veritable fortress upon which the ideals of white entitlement and power rest. To fight back against this, Dumont makes herself as loud as she can get in her compositions, acting as a proverbial cymbal to the ears of those above. Her poems are designed to be this way; they aggressively break the mold and rip apart traditional ideas of looking at natives. In turn, she gives her fellow aboriginals freedom to express themselves by allowing them to realize that they no longer have to conform to these generalizations. Simply put, by changing the status quo in how natives are generally viewed, she weakens the power that white society’s “small frame of mind” has and puts that power back in the hands of the
aboriginals. Hence, Dumont portrays the white race in her poems as a judgemental and oppressive towards the native inhabitants, who they fear to be a threat to their ‘small frame of mind’. Dumont does this by employing her larger-than-life language, historical themes, and by directly confronting traditional generalizations. She does so to combat the racism and oppression towards the natives and in turn give more power to them through the power of her creativity. To this extent, Marilyn Dumont is successful in her goal and her written voice remains powerful in mind of the reader, even after the words of the poem have disappeared from memory.
Her book focuses on the myriads of issues and struggles that Indigenous men and women have faced and will continue to face because of colonialism. During her speech, Palmater addressed the grave effects of the cultural assimilation that permeated in Indigenous communities, particularly the Indian Residential School System and the Indian Act, which has been extensively discussed in both lectures and readings. Such policies were created by European settlers to institutionalize colonialism and maintain the social and cultural hierarchy that established Aboriginals as the inferior group. Palmater also discussed that according to news reports, an Aboriginal baby from Manitoba is taken away every single day by the government and is put in social care (CTVNews.ca Staff, 2015). This echoes Andrea Smith’s argument in “Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy: Rethinking Women of Color Organizing” that colonialism continues to affect Aboriginals through genocide (2006, p. 68). Although such actions by the government are not physical acts of genocide, where 90% of Aboriginal population was annihilated, it is this modern day cultural assimilation that succeeded the Indigenous Residential School System and the Indian Act embodies colonialism and genocide (Larkin, November 4,
Rituals, teachings, ceremonies and identities of the Aboriginal people were lost and neglected in the past. Even today, those of the culture continue to heal and strengthen from the consequences. In Louise Halfe’s poem “My Ledders,” a native woman addresses the Pope expressing her passionate feelings towards the traditions that were robbed of her culture, while pleading him to change the teachings back to the original way. In the letter the speaker writes as if she was speaking, using phonetic spelling and broken English, asking the Pope if he could use his power to retain the native culture, as the government may listen to him. Directly linking the losses of native traditions, customs and languages to the residential school system, the speaker uses orature combining a native dialect along with satire to express how the losses in one generation continue to affect the aboriginal identity in future generations.
In the poem “The White Judges” by Marilyn Dumont, the speaker is aware of how her and her Indigenous family are constantly being judged by white society. The poem juxtaposes the family with the encircling colonialists who wait to demean and assimilate the group. The family internalizes a sense of shame and guilt while being surrounded by the primarily white population. Consequently, the family faces the pressures of being judged for their cultural practices. Dumont’s use of prose and lyrical voice distinctly highlights the theme of being judged by white society. Her integration of figurative language enhances the Indigenous tradition and cultural practices throughout the poem. As well as her use of anaphora and musicality which amplifies the
Thomas King uses an oral story-telling style of writing mingled with western narrative in his article “You’re Not the Indian I Had in Mind” to explain that Indians are not on the brink of extinction. Through this article in the Racism, Colonialism, and Indigeneity in Canada textbook, King also brings some focus to the topic of what it means to be “Indian” through the eyes of an actual Aboriginal versus how Aboriginals are viewed by other races of people. With his unique style of writing, King is able to bring the reader into the situations he describes because he writes about it like a story he is telling.
Neil Diamond reveals the truth behind the Native stereotypes and the effects it left on the Natives. He begins by showing how Hollywood generalizes the Natives from the clothing they wore, like feathers
Canadians are just recently beginning to realize the detrimental aftermath of the years of trauma experienced by Indigenous peoples of Canada, such as the survivors of the residential school system. It is often difficult for these people to overcome the impact that follows. Undoubtedly, it requires help and support from others, but these people must make their personal healing journey themselves. The passages “Rock Bottom” by Steven Keewatin Sanderson and the “Legend of the Sugar Girl” by Joseph Boyden prove that although trauma can significantly undermine groups of people, they can overcome their difficulties. Both authors illustrate how trauma negatively affects characters, causes them to fall victim
This quote describes how Louise Halfe uses all four common elements of native literature in her writings. I have chosen to discuss two of the elements she frequently uses, Spirituality and Orality in relation to three of her poems: My Ledders, She Told Me and The Heat of my Grandmothers.
Until the 16th century, Aboriginal people were the only inhabitants of what is now Canada, hence, they were an independent and self-governing people till the Europeans had the capacity to dominate Canada's original inhabitants and possessors (Elias 1). The European Invasion brought about The 1876 Indian Act, which was developed over time through separate pieces of colonial legislation regarding Aboriginal peoples across Canada such as the Gradual Civilization Act of 1857 and the Gradual Enfranchisement Act of 1869. In 1876, these acts were consolidated as the Indian Act (Hanson). This essay aims to explain how the Indian Act tried to destroy the Aboriginal culture through residential schools and unequal recognition of women, successive acts,
In this proposal our team seeks to explore the injustices within the Indian Act. To achieve this our proposed research will examine the target population being the aboriginal woman. The paper will further explore the oppressions faced by the aboriginal women within the Indian Act. In conclusion, this proposal will sum up the negative impact that the Indian Act had on aboriginal women and how it continues to oppress this population within the Canadian National discourse.
Canadians view themselves as morally correct, yet the Indigenous peoples are oppressed and discriminated by Canadians. The Aboriginal peoples culture would last longer without Canada since Canada wants to control first, but not by understanding the culture and heritage. Aboriginal peoples express how they felt about the Canadian “Myth of Progress”. Some other works take a more satirical look like “Tidings of Comfort and Joy” but the points still stand. One of the points is Canadians are discriminating the Indigenous peoples to be lazy and corrupt.
Kelm, Mary, and Lorna Townsend. In the days of our grandmothers: a reader in Aboriginal women's history in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2006.
Generations of native people in Canada have faced suffering and cultural loss as a result of European colonization of their land. Government legislation has impacted the lives of five generations of First Nations people and as a result the fifth generation (from 1980 to present) is working to recover from their crippled cultural identity (Deiter-McArthur 379-380). This current generation is living with the fallout of previous government policies and societal prejudices that linger from four generations previous. Unrepentant, Canada’s ‘Genocide’, and Saskatchewan’s Indian People – Five Generations highlight issues that negatively influence First Nations people. The fifth generation of native people struggle against tremendous adversity in regard to assimilation, integration, separation, and recovering their cultural identity with inadequate assistance from our great nation.
Feminism and Indigenous women activism is two separate topics although they sound very similar. In indigenous women’s eyes feminism is bashing men, although Indigenous women respect their men and do not want to be a part of a women’s culture who bring their men down. Feminism is defined as “The advocacy of women 's rights on the ground of the equality of the sexes.” In theory feminism sounds delightful despite the approaches most feminists use such as wrong-full speaking of the opposite gender. Supposedly, feminism is not needed as a result of Indigenous women being treated with respect prior to colonization. Thus, any Native woman who calls herself a feminist is often condemned as being “white”. This essay argues that Indigenous women may
Lastly, half of the poem, “I’m not the Indian you have in mind,” has a double meaning behind it. The first half of the poem is all about our perception of what we believe an Indian is. Linda Hutcheon talked about“Dual allegiances,” in her writing. These two authored works blend together in a sense because they both seem to follow the ideology of a double meaning hidden within Canadian beings; between having a set perception of something such as a stereotypical Indian to the irony of Canadian culture both are examples of double
For example, in the local school, stereotypes such as the image of the ‘wild man’ are consolidated by claiming that there was cannibalism among the indigenous people of the northwest coast (Soper-Jones 2009, 20; Robinson 2010, 68f.). Moreover, native people are still considered to be second-class citizens, which is pointed out by Lisamarie’s aunt Trudy, when she has been harassed by some white guys in a car: “[Y]ou’re a mouthy Indian, and everyone thinks we’re born sluts. Those guys would have said you were asking for it and got off scot-free”