Book Review Of Pamela Palmater's Indigenous Nationhood

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On January 29, 2015, I attended Pamela Palmater’s book launch for her book, “Indigenous Nationhood,” which was a two-hour event that started from 6 PM to 8 PM. Palmater is a well-known lawyer, activist and academic from the Eel River Bar First Nation in northern New Brunswick. The event started with an opening performance from the Hidden River Singers. Palmater then addressed the crowd for around 30-40 minutes, in which the audience, including myself, sat in awe at the passion and intensity in her voice in empowering Indigenous people. She emphasized the importance of exercising peoples’ voices, both allies and Indigenous people, in advocating for Indigenous rights and freedom. A question and answer portion then followed and Palmater answered …show more content…

Her book focuses on the myriads of issues and struggles that Indigenous men and women have faced and will continue to face because of colonialism. During her speech, Palmater addressed the grave effects of the cultural assimilation that permeated in Indigenous communities, particularly the Indian Residential School System and the Indian Act, which has been extensively discussed in both lectures and readings. Such policies were created by European settlers to institutionalize colonialism and maintain the social and cultural hierarchy that established Aboriginals as the inferior group. Palmater also discussed that according to news reports, an Aboriginal baby from Manitoba is taken away every single day by the government and is put in social care ( Staff, 2015). This echoes Andrea Smith’s argument in “Heteropatriarchy and the Three Pillars of White Supremacy: Rethinking Women of Color Organizing” that colonialism continues to affect Aboriginals through genocide (2006, p. 68). Although such actions by the government are not physical acts of genocide, where 90% of Aboriginal population was annihilated, it is this modern day cultural assimilation that succeeded the Indigenous Residential School System and the Indian Act embodies colonialism and genocide (Larkin, November 4,

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