Analysis Of Covey

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Success is something that is desired by many in their life. Success can be desired for your day to day life at home, work, or school. Everything a person does is aimed towards success. Covey provides a special approach on how to achieve such desired success. However, Covey focuses on 7 specific ways in which success is possible, each correlating with one another yet having a different idea behind each one. Covey begins by describing his son, a young boy with a love for baseball. Although Covey’s son’s passion was baseball, he was not quite good at it. Due to such issue, Covey’s son would get bullied and laughed at by the other young players. As a parent, both, Covey and his wife believed that their responsibility and job as parents was to …show more content…

These habits will help said individuals to have an effective and successful life. The first idea that the author presents is that individuals should be more proactive instead of reactive. Proactive individuals think through the situation that is being presented to them and how to resolve it in an educated manner while thinking of the outcome it can have while reactive people right by stating what first comes to their mind and do not think about the aftermath of the situation. On page 79 Covey hints how “Reactive people are driven by feelings, by circumstances, by conditions, by their environment. Proactive people are driven by their …show more content…

We must focus on the most important things to us than the more required because when you focus on something that is important to you, you will do it with passion. However, when what you do is the most urgent, you do it in a way to get it over with. Habit 3 presents the idea of remaining focused throughout whatever you do and applying your values to whatever decision you decide to make. Stephen Covey even describes this through the quote "The key is not to prioritize what’s on your schedule, but to schedule your priorities." Habit four focuses mainly on interdependent relationships and maintaining an abundance mentality. When presented with an interdependent relationship, the people involved in it must try to make it a win-win situation. In a win-win both individuals agree and come to a solution for both parts. Abundance mentality has 7 differences within itself, all of which compare different mindsets and ideas

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