An Event That Changed Me Analysis

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The main event that has changed me and shaped me into the person I am today is my 3 older sisters who struggle with drug addiction; things got so bad with my oldest sister this summer that she lost custody of her kids and now my parents have all 3 of them. Last year my whole life basically got turned up side down... and things really took a turn for the worst this summer. Both my parents are fishermen so when they left this summer they took my 2 nephews and left me, a 16 year old, alone in town with no money, no car, and my 1 year old nephew that they couldn't take with them- which was completely out of their control and there was nothing else they could do, so I definitely don't blame them; but it was a serious life changing event. It was one of the worst summers I've ever had, but I feel like it was a good life lesson; I feel like I really grew up because of it. I lost my oldest sister, not literally, but she's not the same person anymore. The Kevy that I know and loved so much and looked up to is gone, and not coming back. For a long time I was in denial and refused to accept that she wasn't the same person anymore, but after this summer I've come to terms with it and it still hurts a lot, but I'm dealing with it. …show more content…

I refused medication because I felt I didn't need it, and I was really in denial with this too. But I've learned to accept it. This is just who I am; everyday is definitely a struggle but I know I can handle it. I still refuse to take what I like to call the "happy pill" that my doctors have tried to give

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