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Personal Journeys In Life
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Many events have occurred in my life, although a few have changed my life to how it is today. Growing up I realized how moving to Canada, coming to Milton and getting a baby sister are moments which have had a significant impact on my life. They showed me a completely different atmosphere, got my work recognized and made me more mature, thus, helping me get countless new opportunities and responsibilities. From ever since I could remember, I lived in Saudi Arabia. However, when I was seven, my family immigrated to Canada. Arriving in Canada showed me how the norms I was used to were completely opposite compared what happened in Canada. In Saudi Arabia, my family, which consisted of my father, mother, uncle, brother and I lived in an apartment. …show more content…
My family solely consisted of my parents who both worked and my brother and I who were in the higher grades of our elementary school. However, on July 28, 2015, my baby sister was born, taking my daily life in a completely different turn. Earlier, my family and I had a tight schedule which included school, after school activities and homework in the evenings. However, after my sister was born, my family made a harder effort to spend quality time together and with my little sister since she required a lot of attention and care. My entire routine changed as well because playing with and babysitting my sister had become an important part of my day. Before her birth, our house was very quiet since my brother and I did not get along very well in order to spend time together and were busy in our own pastimes like video games or soccer. However, when my sister came along, my home became filled with her crying more than laughter, the games we play like peek a boo and the many nursery rhymes she listens to during the whole day. When my sister was not there, I had the freedom to do many more things such as going on picnics with my family, having peaceful car rides and not having to worry about taking care of her. Although, now the places I go with my family are limited as my sister does not enjoy car rides or visiting places which do not cater to her needs such as restaurants or parties with friends. Also, taking care of
Source I is a quote from the Paris Peace Talks by British Prime Minister; Lloyd George, where he states a desire for Germany to suffer. This line was said after the end of World War I, where nations met up to discuss the Treaty of Versailles or the treaty to end World War I. In that treaty, it claimed that Germany was responsible for the war and included all the punishments for Germany. Britain and France wanted to make Germany hurt, in return from all the losses it’s caused them, like death of loved ones and damaged property. Squeezing an orange until its pips squeak, means to apply intense pressure on one, until it suffers or in Germany’s case, becomes economically and militarily weak. The Treaty of Versailles harshly punished
Any person, place or event that has held the honour of being commemorated in Canada has been recognized of an extreme importance to the country. It is impossible to research commemoration in Canada without reading about world war one and two; The great wars are arguably the most commemorated events in History let alone Canada. Understanding this they are not the only events that receive attention from Canada, the government recognizes many other occurrences as, well, anything from Sir John A. Macdonald day on the 11th of January to the anniversary of the statute of Westminster on the 11th of December. I do not believe that any one event can be placed above or below another, and that they all hold a value in whatever way that may be. This Essay
The steps to becoming a Canadian citizen are comprised of several components. The fact of the matter is that citizenship does not end when an individual obtains the documents that enable them to participate within civic duties and responsibilities. Based on the evidence of expert T.H. Marshall, within his academic essay entitled “Citizenship and Social Class”, the formation of social citizenship “promised greater economic equality, improvements in social welfare, services and education, and the opportunity for individuals to "share to the full in the social heritage and … live the life of a civilized being according to the standards prevailing in the society” (Marshall 1964). Social citizenship is also attributed as the basis of all forms of citizenship, yet is often debated whether it is currently possible and exercised by those of who it would benefit. According to the principles of T.H. Marshall’s literary work, social citizenship is active, as demonstrated through: the four core aspects citizenship, the basis of social policy, and the resulting actions taken by governing bodies.
“You are in America, speak English.” As a young child hearing these words, it did not only confuse me but it also made me question my belonging in a foreign country. As a child I struggled with my self-image; Not being Hispanic enough because of my physical appearance and not being welcomed enough in the community I have tried so hard to integrate myself with. Being an immigrant with immigrant parents forces you to view life differently. It drives you to work harder or to change the status quo for the preconceived notion someone else created on a mass of people. Coming to America filled me with anxiety, excitement, and even an unexpected wave of fear.
There are various changes that can occur in an individual’s life. Some variations are very little and would not affect your lifecycle very greatly. Nevertheless, other events could be very significant and could change a person’s entire life, such as marrying, giving birth to the baby, or losing someone special. The important event that transformed my life is coming to the United States of America to get education and to study. When I first arrived in this country, I comprehended that an incredible change would happen in my life both mentally and physically. After living more than one year in the United States, I definitely believe that moving to the United States is an advantageous change for me. This change offers me an opportunity to live a healthy lifestyle as well as a new way of thinking that are significant for me and the most importantly it provided me a better education in a simple way.
“Difficult roads often lead to the beautiful destination”. 28 July 2017, I came here in Canada from India. In India for me was coming to Canada exciting with many dreams in my eyes. Before coming here in Canada I thought that everyone living here has a voice and freedom to speak. Also, girls are treated equally to boys without any discrimination. Girls have equal rights and opportunities as men, but the English were a big problem. I never had to speak in English in India there was no language barrier in India. I realized in India I can express my feeling without thinking that it will be embarrassing if I will talk with others. All of the above, I had to make new friends all over again. After starting my school in Canada, my excitement was all
North America is the third largest continent in the world right behind Africa, and Asia. Two of the largest countries in the world are, our very own, the United States of America and Canada. Canada is the second largest country in the world. Although they are a part of North America, Canada is very well known because of the European culture that is a part of their country. Before the Europeans came over to Canada, a large population of a group called the Paleo-Indians not only populated what would eventually become Canada, but they also inhabited the other countries of North America. After thousands of years living in Canada, Europeans came across the Americas and began to settle. In fourteen ninety seven , explorer John Cabot discovered and claimed land on the east coast of Canada for King Henry the eighth, two years after moving to England for Canada. After the discovery by John Cabot, other European countries became excited at the idea of the coastal areas in this new found land. The only European country to really establish themselves in what would be Canada, were France.
What impact does immigration have on the economy of Canada? This research points out possible effects on the employment and wages of domestic workers, Canada’s trade with other countries, the size and growth rate of the economy and the prices that Canadians pay for goods and services. Immigration has directly affected the through the addition of workers to the labor force. At the most basic level, immigration increases the supply of labor in the economy. More labor means more goods and services being produced, so that national output (GDP) rises. Immigration also affects the prices of the inputs that are used to produce these goods and services. Those inputs for which immigrant labor substitutes will suffer as the prices of their
With out our past, our future would be a curved path heading to nowhere. In order to move up he ladder of success and achievement, we must come to terms with our past and integrate it in to our future.
Migration is an arduous process and can be a stress-inducing experience (Aroian & Norris, 2003) that can lead to numerous social and mental health issues varying from social isolation, depression and anxiety (Blair, 2000). Alongside migration comes the complex and lifelong endeavor of acculturation, defined as the process by which individuals or groups transition from one or more cultures into another (Cainkar, 2000). Although Arab immigrants have been migrating to the United States since 1854 (Miller, 1976) and may currently number more than two million today (Nydell, 2012), discussion of the Arab American populations was, until recently, conspicuously absent from the literature. This article will first explore the reasons for immigration as it impacts the way this population assimilates to their host country. It will then provide a description of the challenges and difficulties this population faces, with a focus on the source of the post immigration stressors they undergo and the impact it has on their acculturation process. Finally, it will explore the use of an existential approach in treatment with an Arab-American client resisting assimilation to the new host country due to an inability to cope with post-immigration stressors.
A person does not experience many events that shape their life in a large way, whether it be for better or worse. I have had just one major situation that has sculpted me into the person that I am today. In February of 2008, I was diagnosed with a life changing disease; it would relieve me of the agony I had been experiencing for as long as I could remember, but also restrict my diet for the rest of my life.
Everyone has a special event that determines our life journey. This event can give us identity, happiness or even pain and sadness. The special event that changed my life was deciding to play basketball because basketball helped me find peace, happiness and gave me identity. When I was ten years old my grandfather succumbed to cancer. His death created hatred inside of me.
I stepped out of a life where I was put through a lot. I've been through foster care, through so many arguments with my family, and I have done a lot of mistakes throughout my life. It made me the confident and strong minded person I am today. I experienced failure many times, but moments like those made me realize that I needed to protect those who are in my shoes and take a step back into my own life and be a leader. It pushed me to learn things I never knew and to be a police officer have showed me these standards. You protect, help, and understand the people in need and I wanna pursue a dream that will come true.
“An Event Which Changed My Life” An Event which changed my life, well when, I think back on my life there’s Many changes for the good and some were bad but, there were some learning experiences that help make me a better person. The events in my life, was dealing with the Birth and The Death of my first daughter. The First, Event was the birth of my first daughter it, was a joyous event in my life.
Migration is defined as the movement of people from one place to another. The movement can be within a short distance or within a long distance. Human populations have a vast history of several migration patterns that occurred during different periods in history including the pre-modern periods. According to Koslowski (376), there are several factors that lead to the migration of people from one place to another. Some of these factors include increased human population, political instability, natural calamities such as drought and disasters, and religious conflicts. The migrating communities have several impacts in their new place of settlement. Some of the effects include the spread of culture, the spread of religion, and the introduction