Moving Home Research Paper

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The experience that changed my life was when I moved houses and had friends for the first time. It was an experience that I will never forget. Before I moved my only friend in the neighborhood was my brother. There was no kids in the other town houses, so I was stuck with my brother until we moved. Since I was four when I moved I don’t remember all the details, but I remember most of them. The reason why we moved was because my mom was expecting her third child. Every month or so we went to visit our house. There was a lot of wood beams everywhere. After about a couple months the house was ready to move into. I was allowed to bring in one of my toys to keep me busy. I brought in a package of toy miniature cars. Today I have them in random places around the house. When I first walked in I thought it was huge. I was used to a town house, and this house was like two town houses combined. The next day all the furniture came. My mom and dad got my brother and I new beds. Later in that week some of the neighbors came over with some cookies. Their ages ranged from 3 to high teens. At that point in time I realized that I was going to have some friends not just my brother. …show more content…

It was very insane with a baby in the house. By that time I have gotten used to the new house, and to my new friends outside. One of them was in a grade higher than me, and the other one was in a grade below me, so my brother and I were the right age. About five years later there was an opening for a house across the street. Before I knew it there was a nice Indian family that had moved in. A couple days later I saw this boy who looked my age walking with his dad on the way home from school. I went to go talk to him, and he told me that he was in the same grade as me. Sadly he wasn’t in my class that year. I was so excited to have a friend my age. To this day we are still

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