Essay On Hero's Journey

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When things are at their best prepare for the worst. That’s something I always told myself since I was young boy. Joseph Campbell was no stranger to this concept which he described as the hero’s journey. This journey had three stages: leaving the everyday world, overcoming trials and tribulations, and finally going back to the everyday world with newfound knowledge that you can share with people. I traveled through all three of these stages myself. This is my hero’s journey. Everything in my everyday world was set up for me so perfectly. I just graduated from high school among a small class, got accepted into the university of my dreams, and had a job that I was about to start working for the summer. Life was great however, that’s when things turned left for me in a way I would’ve never thought of. It was about three days after I graduated and life was great. The school needed me to send my physical record up in order to complete my enrollment so I scheduled a doctor’s visit so I could get it out the way. Everything was normal until they start running blood tests. That’s when they tell me I have a very abnormal amount of bilirubin in my system. Bilirubin is basically the yellow waste product of when the liver breaks down the body’s aged blood cells and sends them to be removed from the body via urine and stool. My levels were too high. They sent me to a main children’s hospital immediately to be diagnosed. This initiated me into the …show more content…

That experience basically instilled in me that no matter how good things are going it could change in an instant. I also stopped taking the small things in my life for granted. I live by the phrase, “It could always be worse”. It helps me stay positive in even the most stressful situations. Things don’t affect me like they used to because I can have that positive perception of just about any problem I

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