Commissioning in the Air Force has been a life-long aspiration. My grandfathers enlisted, but went on to retire as field-grade officers with careers spanning WW2, the Korean War and the Vietnam conflict. Their experiences inspired me to follow in their footsteps and serve my country. After starting college, I soon enlisted due to financial hardships but my desire to commission never waned. Over 10 years’ service, my goal of commissioning ultimately took a back seat to my missions, Airmen and responsibilities at hand. However, I have always sought out opportunities to advance my abilities through holding key positions and seeking out added responsibilities. By earning a commission, I will continue to grow professionally, improve our Airmen and further expand our service's capabilities. …show more content…
I have led, recognized and employed the strengths and talents of those Airmen entrusted to me. I have lead from the front only because I have earned the trust of those behind me. I believe in and embody our service's core values in my personal and professional lives. I am the 'Whole Airman' through excellent technical aptitudes, unrivaled commitment to duty and a genuine desire to improve our force. Time and time again, and without reservation, my family and I sacrificed our wants and time for the demands of my profession. My family and I fully understand what this transition entails and as an officer, I will be fully devoted to the duties and Airmen entrusted to me. As a prior-enlisted officer, I will empathize with my Airmen ensuring their contributions are recognized and further develop them in every facet that is our Air Force culture. Finally, as a commissioned Airman, I intend to serve long and decisively to honor those that have served before us, my family’s proud military heritage and my wife and daughter…who drive me to be successful and strive for every new
First off, I want to start out by thanking you for going through the CCTI. Even though this time honored tradition has change a lot over the years (For the good and the bad) it is still a important part of our service rich heritage that is staying alive because of you and your fellow PCPO’s. A lot of E-7s will not even take two month out of their busy lives to learn about what it really means to be a Chief.
CF02,Full Range Leadership Development. (2012). Maxwell Gunter AFB. Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education (AETC)
This paper will not bore with the definition of a profession. The United States Army is about more than words, it is about action. The action of over 238 years of tradition and service. The Army is a profession. A profession requires its members to adhere to prolonged training and learn specialized skills. A member of a profession must wholly commit himself and his skills to a calling which is entrusted by the public. A profession provides its members with intrinsic value which motivates beyond financial gain. The Army is a higher calling which demands all of these qualities and more.
For years I have aspired to become a part of an elite organization such as the military, and more importantly, the United States Navy. Its reputation for instilling high moral character was encouragement for me to develop into a more mature, responsible, and independent young citizen. There are certain qualities that an officer must possess such as: honor, courage, commitment, and attention to duty, responsiveness to orders, cooperation, loyalty, leadership, integrity, and discipline. Throughout my high school career, I showcased these qualities while an active member of The American Legion of Ohio Buckeye Boy’s State, The National Honor Society, as a leader in the Ohio State Highway Patrol Junior Cadets, Clay and Waite High School Marching Band Alumni, Quiz Bowl, and Top Ten Scholars. I was actively involved in charitable activities such as Math and SOS tutoring, community volunteering, and the Indian 100 Leadership Team, (a volunteer organization on my high school campus). I have shown strength, perseverance and leadership in my participation in wrestling, cheerleading, and bodybui...
There are many things that have impacted my life in a positive way as a result of my military service. For starters, joining the Navy was huge. It got me organized and opened my eyes to an entirely new world, and not just the military service world. The variety of experiences that I’ve had in the service interacting with people from all over the world has helped me grow as a person. However, from the day I entered service, one item or one rank in the structure of the Navy struck me as critical to the operation of the Navy. That item or rank was the position of the Chief Petty Officer. As I entered service I quickly discovered that the Chief was the go to guy and the old saying “ask a chief” had a profound meaning. The Chief was a leader, mentor, and an expert in just about everything, all qualities that I lacked at the time. Then, twelve or so years later, the life changing event for me of being selected as a Chief Petty Officer in the US Navy came to fruition.
My journey into the Air Force was one that started off as a business transaction which transformed into one of duty, honor, and service. I have had the distinctive honor of leading joint forces to search for downed aircrew and leading multinational forces to increase combat capability on the Republic of Korea. I know that I am a part of the Air Force lethal force and am prepared to answer my nations calling in any way required.
As our forefathers before us stated, ‘‘No one is more professional than I. I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a leader of soldiers. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as “The Backbone of the Army (“The NCO Creed written by SFC Earle Brigham and Jimmie Jakes Sr”). These words to the Noncommissioned Officer should inspire us to the fullest with pride, honor, and integrity. The NCO creed should mean much more than just words whenever we attend an NCO’s school.
As a Non-commissioned Officer you can expect me to be a professional leader dedicated to taking care of soldiers, the mission, and the army way of life. You can expect me to use Army Regulations, Technical Manuals, and direct orders from my superiors as my guidance on what actions to take in each situation faced whether tactical or technical. I will not be afraid to make sound and timely decisions in the absence of my leadership’s orders. When left in charge I will take charge.
Upon graduation, if I decide to commission into the armed services, I plan on commissioning into the U.S Navy as a second lieutenant surface warfare officer; then work my way up to possibly
As Operations Group Commander, you are responsible for the execution of the orders from the cadet wing along with operations and supplemental training. You are to evaluate squadrons 1, 2 and POC. Taking over Operations Group Commander, leadership and responsibility characteristics are needed in order to have proper execution of the cadet wing. I am prepared to take this responsibility with your guidance and the help of the cadets who are appointed wing staff this week. I am hoping to make mistakes and take risks
... to be the backbone of the Army unless I am willing and able, to do what is right at all times. I must be the standard-bearer. I must be beyond reproach. I must, at all times, conduct myself so as to bring credit upon the corps, the military service, and my country, regardless of the situation in which I find myself. I have recited a creed daily that embodies what makes an NCO. I have lived by that creed and always placed the needs of my soldiers above my own. I have sacrificed in times when I should not have. I have made sure those around me are better off than myself whenever I was able. What I mean with these hollow words, what I hope rings true from the message I am trying to convey, is that I have LIVED with integrity. I have EMBODIED integrity, even when it meant it would harm me; because no one is more professional than I.
...d me with our staff and Soldiers we have been given the opportunity to lead. The time and effort spent will be well worth it. Possessing a shared understanding of the operational environment will aid in our planning process when conducting operations throughout our theater of operation. In every operation we execute we know that we will accept prudent risks, identification and mitigation of those risks will determine our ability to accomplish our mission. Incorporating the principles of mission command by building cohesive teams through mutual trust, fostering an environment of shared understanding, and accepting prudent risk will make me an effective adviser to the commander, aid the staff during the operations process, and provide an example for Soldiers to emulate. My involvement in all aspects of mission command is critical to the success of our organization.
As being a military officer, society will expect a great deal from us. We have professional standards that ever...
The Air Forces mission is to win in air, space, and cyberspace. From services to maintenance to combat controller, there are hundreds of specialties in the Air Force, and it is tough to recognize what your specialty’s role plays in the ultimate mission. Security Forces have a major duty than what most people might assume.
I have been blessed to have led a highly fulfilling career over the past 22 years. The Air Force’s standards of conduct and performance have helped me mature into an adult while creating lasting memories along the way. I have had the opportunity to make significant contributions to my country that offer a sense of pride and personal achievement. My current duties allow me to directly contribute to the Air Force and Joint arena on an almost daily basis. Joining the Air Force helped me to realize I had undertaken a task bigger than myself.