Aileen's Discrimination Case

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maid at the El Caribe Motel and was living with a friend who had taken her in after she was evicted from her apartment when her and Aileen left. Aileen and
Tyria lived together at the motel Tyria worked at for a while. Money was limited and Tyria asked a friend whom she knew from church if her and Aileen could rent a room on the grounds that they slept in separate beds. The woman reminded Tyria and Aileen that the lord wants them to be with men. Aileen was furious and she even screamed “‘I was married to a man and he beat me! I can’t even talk about my father! That’s why I am this way- because of men!’” (Wuornos, A., & Berry-Dee, C. (2006). Of course she was not beaten by her husband and it was actually the opposite way around but after this outburst her and Tyria were asked to leave but not without a hushed piece of advice saying she should tell Aileen to go her own way. Tyria did not take this advice and for a while their life was great. Tyria had her job at the motel and Aileen had her prostitution career but soon Tyria quit her job which left Aileen’s income as the only financial support they had. They moved into a trailer park and soon a couple beside them moved in too. Billy and Cindy Copeland had a friendly relationship with the two women and Billy later said “I know that girl could kill you in a heartbeat, but I …show more content…

As he lay on the ground gasping for air, Aileen helped herself to his belongings then bent down over him and watched until his gasping ceased. Later that evening Richard’s car was found abandoned a short distance from where Aileen and Tyria were staying, and on Wednesday December 13, two men out looking for scrap metal along a dirt road off Interstate 95, found Mallory’s dead body whose head was skeletonised by wild animals. As authorities investigated this case they found absolutely no leads, and with that, the case went

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