Advantages And Disadvantages Of Internationalization Of Education

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There are different reasons that a government has when it decides to send some students abroad for further studies. Most governments always have the aim of improving the quality of education that its students receive and in most cases most exceptional students who show exceptional abilities in studies are sent abroad to receive education. The destinations where the students receive an education are directly dependent on the progress the destination country has made both educationally and economically. However, there are a few disadvantages that are experienced in internationalization of education. There are countries where educational institutions have improved very much, and the presence of the students who are being sent abroad could boost the quality of education that these institutions provide. The level of impact this does to the economy is analyzed, and possible measures are decided.
There are increasing educational institutions all over the world. This is a measurement that has been taken by governments as they aim at maintaining the economic growth of the country through all possible means. However, when the same government decides to use funds in funding the exceptional students in education into international studies, the efforts of maintaining and improving the economic growth are obstructive (Sabot, 1999). The funds that are used by governments in the funding of international scholarships could be transformed into improving the state at which the current educational institutions are. This will help in increasing the quality of the institutions.
When the government sends students on international scholarships, the chances that the government is losing out is always increasing. For instance, students who are sent abr...

... middle of paper ... sent abroad for their studies.
In conclusion, the quality of education student gains is important to both the person and his mother country at large. This is because of the responsibility that a person is given by the country. A student will be expected to contribute in the development of his country in any possible way. The best way that the country is helped is through the increase of economic growth. This is helped through the increase of the individuals who help in mastering the best ways to increase the economy of the country. There are different measurements that are taken to ensure that the students who are sent abroad for international studies are retained in their mother countries to help themselves in the making of their mother country a better place. This helps the mother country in different ways making sure that the economic profit is increased.

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