Adolescents’ Appraisals of Smokers in Film

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Stereotyping the Smoker: Adolescents’ Appraisals of Smokers in Film

The research question of this paper was, “is smoking among adolescents connected to smoking imagery in media, such as films” (McCool, Cameron & Petrie, 2004, p. 308)? It has been shown that a higher rate of viewing films, with smoking images, increases the likelihood of an adolescent smoking (McCool, Cameron & Petrie, 2004, p. 314). The objective of this article is to find a connection between stereotypes of smokers in films and its ability to aid in the likeliness of an adolescent to take up smoking behaviors (McCool, Cameron & Petrie, 2004, p. 308).
The hypothesis that these researches presented was that smoking likeliness after seeing it in films was predicted to depend greatly on “sociodemographic” variables, primarily being age, gender, smoking status, and ethnic group.
Operationalization was done through questionnaire surveys. 15 elementary schools and 10 high schools in Auckland, New Zealand were researched for these “sociodemographic” influences (McCool, Cameron & Petrie, 2004, p. 308). The age level data was collected on those of year 8, the average age being 12 years old, and year 12, the average age being 16 years old. Data was collected on both male and female genders. Finally, data was collected on Pacific, European, and Asian ethnic groups. No data were collected on people who had more than one ethnic group (McCool, Cameron & Petrie, 2004, p. 309).
The methods used included “setting, participants, procedure, data analysis, and measures”. The setting included a description of the study, how it was designed, and trials. In total there were 3041 students who participated in this study, with a 91% response rate. Data was not gathered on students w...

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.... E., & Sargent, J. D. (2011). Cross-sectional association between smoking depictions in films and adolescent tobacco use nested in a British cohort study. BMJ, 855-861. doi: 10.1123/thoraxjnl-2011-200053 Works Cited

McCool, J. P., Cameron, L., & Petrie, K. (2004). Stereotyping the smoker: Adolescents' appraisals of smokers in film. Tobacco Control, 13(3), 308-314. doi: 10.1136/tc.2003.006791 Waylen, A. E., Leary, S. D., Ness, A. R., Tanski, S. E., & Sargent, J. D. (2011). Cross-sectional association between smoking depictions in films and adolescent tobacco use nested in a British cohort study. BMJ, 855-861. doi: 10.1123/thoraxjnl-2011-200053

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