Smoking Satire Essay

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Smoking is a lifestyle, a habit, and a trend. Smoking has become a social activity among teens, connecting them through the craving of a smoke. Smoking is seen as seductive and cool in the media and movies which influences teenagers to smoke even more. The World Health Organization has stated that “Tobacco kills around 6 million people each year. More than 5 million of those deaths are the result of direct tobacco use while more than 600,000 are the result of non-smokers being exposed to second-hand smoke.” As of April 2016, only 7% of teenagers in the U.S. smoke, but it is said that tobacco use will kill 8 million people annually by 2030. 99% of adult smokers start in their years as teenagers. Smoking is an epidemic that has taken control of people’s lives since 1881 and the media since the early 1900s. Smoking currently kills about 440,000 people a year in the U.S. I feel that it is an issue because it is the #1 most preventable way to die, but people still continue to smoke because of how it looks and how they are perceived as a person if they do. The fact that people become addicted to a trend that will attribute to their death for the sake of being thought of as cooler, is a problem that needs to be addressed.
The Coolest Way To Die - Satire
Have you ever felt left out? Have you ever wished you seemed cooler or you were as cool as “those …show more content…

It bonds the people together. Smoking cigarettes is a cult, a religion, a philosophy. It’s not only a lifestyle, but it’s a belief-system. Smoking is all about the illusion of freedom. The illusion of freedom is most powerful among teenagers of junior high or high school age. The lit cigarette in your mouth your badge of freedom and defiance. It’s fun to smoke precisely because we live in a world where we’re not supposed to smoke. Smoking a cigarette separates you from your actual lame self and turns you into the cool person you want to

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