Reasons Hollywood Should Provide Family-Oriented TV Shows

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Hollywood should be made to create more shows with a flow that are friendly to read (hearing impaired) and easier for families to understand. The three main reasons are as follows: leadership, less crimes, and family orientation. These characteristics are needed so that children and adults may see more positive ways of learning and a way of teaching each other better standards and morals. We all have standards and morals that we have been taught to follow and have learned from our environment. The shows need to be willing apply more smiles for families and provide ways to help build one another.
A characteristic of our behavior is who we are by way of presenting ourselves to others. Although Hollywood promotes many types of images and displays different attitudes, characters influence. Hollywood shows movies that are sometimes filled with morals and visions that sometimes show negative signs, and causes us to display negativity. In some cases it may cause one to try things that we wouldn’t normally do. For example, wanting to give someone harmful advice to hurt someone. In the world today of technology (cell phones, computers) being used, children have a tendency of wanting to experiment what they have seen on television. The use of cell phones and computers may be used to perform pranks. If Hollywood displays more positive roles, I believe it will have a more positive outcome by characters having inspiring roles.
An example of a character that has poor morals would be “Gargamel” of the Smurfs cartoon show. Children watch this cartoon show and receive bad signals from his character and decide to try the actions that he shows. This is one reason why we need to have more positive characters in shows. If there were more sm...

... middle of paper ... more positive movies and shows will increase the greatness in the attitudes of children and adults. Hollywood needs to seek ways of showing smiles instead of ways to cause frowns or setbacks. If Hollywood produced more positive movies to look at, adults may become better at parenting, being a friend, and loving. Children may also have a higher self-esteem and become friendlier.

Works Cited

Chapman, S., Farrelly, M. (2011). Four arguments against the adult rating of movies with smoking scenes. Plos Medicine, 8 (8), 1-3.
Eyben, F., & Weniger, F. (2013). Affective video retrieval: Violence detection in Hollywood movies by large-scale segmental feature extraction. Plos One, 8(12), 1-9.
Tranter, P., & Sharpe, S. (2012). Disney-Pixar to the rescue: Harnessing positive affect for enhancing children’s active mobility. Journal of Transport Geography, 20, 34-40

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