Adam Lanza Video Analysis

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The video was about Adam Lanza and the horrific shooting that he committed. The video started off by talking about how he killed his mother before the event occurred, and how they were interesting in the relationship between them. One statement from the videos stood out and it was asking if she was a victim or the cause. Personally I feel horrified about what happened and I have no feelings for the shooter what so ever or not; regardless of mental illness or not he deserves what happened. I found it interesting that from a young age he was already in an independent educational program (I.E.P), on thing that stood out was how successful his father was. Another thing I found to be interesting is that moving to the new school he made a lot of friends, and enjoyed being in plays. However, I could see that a breaking or stressed might have been when the father moved out before the divorce. …show more content…

I felt as if the mother should have supported his teacher more in helping him. This might have been a strong support system that would have given him the psychological foothold to overcome some of these problems. This was evident when the teacher was able to get him to stand for the club pictures; something he descried as a mile stone. I feel as if the mother was out of touch with her son in some major areas. One question I asked myself was why did she remove him from high school. In doing so she removed him from his main support networks. Another thing she did wrong was not monitor his interaction with violent videos games. It was interesting to hear that he had strong ties to violent videos instead of other games; he particularly liked World of Warcraft. The mother should have attended to this in order to prevent it from causing on wanted

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