Acropolis Research Paper

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Rising 156 meters above the streets of Athens remains a ruin of great importance, The Acropolis. Acropolis derives from the word akro, high or edge, and polis, whcih is city, so the names translate to High City, City on the Edge, and City in the Air. The Acropolis has served as the focal point of Athens for thousands of years, as the citadel and hundreds of years as the grand temple to the cities patron goddess Athena. It has a total of eleven buildngs around and on the hill and there names are The Parthenon, The Propylaia, The Erechtheion, The Temple of Athena Nike, The Old Temple, Pandrosion, Arrephorion, Chalkotheke, Brauroneion, and the Sanctuary of Zeus Polieus. The Acropolis of Athens was one of the most influential places during the

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