Academic Core Vocabulary Analysis

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I. Academic Core Vocabulary
1. Sentences- sentences are set of words that combine a subject (which tells us what the sentence is about or the topic sentence) and a predicate (which tells us something about the subject) (Anonymous, What is a sentence?, 2014).
2. Paragraphs- a group of sentences that forms a unit which is usually 5 sentences or half a page long. The group of sentences within the paragraph should support one main idea (Anonymous, The Writing Center, Paragraphs, 2014).
3. Essay- is a piece of writing which is focused and directed on analyzing and evaluating a certain topic or issue (Anonymous, What is an essay?, 2014).
4. Persuasive/Argumentative Essay- is the type of writing in which we try to convince an audience or make them considerate adopting our way of thinking by using facts or sharing our values. It needs to include facts to support our point of view, clarify values that are relevant with our opinion, a sequence of facts and values that create the argument, well formed and stated conclusions, and concentrate it on persuading the audience (Ryder, 2014).
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Narrative Essay- is a piece of writing in form of a story which recreates a personal experience. It needs to involve the reader (interesting), have the sequence of time and space (actual times and actual places), present changes, contrasts, conflicts, or tensions, include detailed observations about people, places, or events (sights, sounds, smells, tastes, feelings, etc.), be told from our point of view, be focused on connecting the past event, people, or place with how relevant would it be today or in the future, and allow readers to make an assumption of why we still have memory of this experience (Desoto,

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