A Short Story: The Story Of A Horror Story

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It all started with a sound. She thought it was nothing... But actually it was her mom...he got her... She knew she would live. She HAD to live. What she didn't know was... In a horror story no one ever lives... This is the story of a girl who made it through a horror story... that girl is me, and this is my story. My name is Melody and I'm now 23. This all started when I was 16. There was a lot of traumatic events in my life, but lets not dwell on the past. Although that's probably what got me here in the first place. All I will say is my world is reality and your world is the fantasy. Lets go back to senior prom. The thing every girl looks forward to other than her wedding and having children. My friend Callie and I went dress shopping. We tried on at least 20 dresses each. Callie chose this really pretty purple-ly blue dress with a sweetheart neckline and rhinestones all over. I chose this shorter strapless white one with this hot pink band around the waist. 3 weeks before prom, I was walking home from Lilly's house because she was helping me with this project for Mr. Vetter's class. He wanted us to create a poster with every formula we learned this year. When I walked into my house, I yelled "I'm home!"... No answer I walked into the kitchen to get a snack and saw a note on the fridge. It said "Hi honey, I am at the store and your stepfather and brothers went to Wyoming for the weekend. I will be home at 5:00 pm." I glance at the microwave. It was 4:50. Right as I turned around, my mom walked in. I helped her bring in the groceries. And went in my room. Now, to tell this story right, I'm going to switch to my mothers point of view. I was listening to the answering machine, when this really weird one Came on. I... ... middle of paper ... ...ce. "I knew it! Your probably not even my Father! Get away from me! Let me go!!" "No. Your going back into the coffin. See that hole?? That is where I'm going to bury you. And if you struggle, you will get killed." He said, getting very angry. I was scared I had to run. He unhooked my straps on this chair, and I ran. I got away, and I ran. I saw the door, and it was unlocked. I ran and all I saw was darkness. There was a faint light on the right, so I followed the left knowing he would think I would head for the light. I backed up and hit a door. It had a window, and it led to a sunroom. I quietly, opened the door, and left. I could see only a small bit. There was a small door on the floor. There was a rocking chair over it and, so I moved it over a bit to slide in. As I walked down the stairs, I saw a flashlight. I grabbed it and turned it on. I

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