A Return To Love In Marianne Johnson's Our Deepest Fear Speech

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Our deepest fear speech was written by Marianne Williamson. It was used as the closing to her book A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of a Course in Miracles which is about accepting God and showing people how potent love can be. And through their own expression of love, it will allow them to create a more loving place for the future (Amazon). The speech was used in movies such as Akeelah and the Bee and Coach Carter. It was also referenced by author Gabi Nitzan in her book titled Badulina: Return of the Queen. It was also said that the words were used during Nelson Mandela’s 1994 inaugural speech because the last line of the speech says "As we are liberated from our own fear ..." which goes along with Mandela’s background of imprisonment but that was not the case. But it goes to show how powerful and universal the speech can be (Sternbenz, Business Insider,2013).
Williamson is a four time New York Times bestselling author, lecturer and a spiritual leader. She is also involved in many non-profit organization haven been the founder of Project Angel Food which helps feed people affected by AIDS in California and The Peace Alliance which is a campaign in support of a legislation to create in a Department of Peace in the US. Williamson is also known for her lectures and seminars which encourage women to seek out positions in politics. She enforces the point that religion does that to do with politics and people should not shy away from serving the world simply because they are serving God. In line with her teachings, Williamson has decided to run for congress this year (Marianne,2013).
Coach Carter was 2005 sports film based on a true story of Ken Carter; a basketball coach at Richmond High school who saw a need for his...

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...set the movie apart from others because in other sports movies a speech is usually given at the last game when the team is losing. This speech showed that there was a bigger message to deliver and a bigger goal to achieve. Being the best person you can be and allowing yourself to shine is bigger than the sports you may play. In the end we are meant to work hard not only for ourselves but also to allow ourselves, our lives and our stories to be inspiration to others. The speech answered the question what is our deepest fear in a way you did not expect. When the coach persistently asked the players this question, the audience might have assumed their fear had something to do with basketball either the fear of losing a game or not being able to leave the town. But instead the speech hits home with its message of self-image and allowing yourself to be great.


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