A Reflection On My Personal Beliefs About Christian Worldview

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Every person sees worldviews in many different ways. A worldview is a way one sees and looks at the world, this is developed from personal beliefs, experiences, and how they were raised. The Christian Worldview is one of the biggest world’s population. It encloses Jesus Christ, God the father and the Holy Spirit, also knows as Holy Trinity. I am a follower of Jesus Christ and I have faith in God the father, Jesus the son and the holy spirit. This paper will discuss the requirements of the Christian worldview which involve God, human nature, Jesus Christ, restoration of humanity, benefits of a Christian worldview, and finally a reflection on my personal beliefs about Christian worldview.
God's loving personality is seen throughout …show more content…

Our nature is distinct as we have the ability to feel, however it has two important aspects in the Christian worldviews. The first important aspect is that humans are created in God's image and the second main aspect is that human nature is sinful because of Adam and Eve's action in the Garden of Eden. In Genesis 3, God gave Adam and Eve simple instructions on how to live a pure life. The only requirement was to "not eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die" (Genesis 2:17, NIV). Unfortunately, they failed at accomplishing the requirement and became victims of the devil. This helps humans learn how everyone should live life according to God's will. Now that sin is present in humanity, it is noticeable that human may fail to obey God's laws at some point in life. Our responsibility is to love others just as God does the same for us. Human nature is known as the fall of man (Herman 2016). Therefore, Human nature is not strong and not satisfying in the eyes of God. The pain was introduced to this universe, and so was sin along with diseases, infections etc. (Herman 2016). The root cause of the human problems is the sin. Everyone sins and this is the real problem with the world. (Provan

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