A Knights Chivalry: An Analysis of Chivalry

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A Knights Chivalry
“An Analysis Of Chivalry”

Chivalry, or the code of conduct that the Knights of out past used to justify their actions, towards country and state. It is greatly expressed in the stories that were passed down orally and written down, but these traits were many, including: Courage, Honor, and the treatment of women. These three traits are discussed wholly throughout the tales of King Arthur’s day, because like the Anglo-Saxon Code it was the basis of how a man should act throughout his life. Knights held by this code throughout their lives and were told in the stories hence, with these lines Sir Gawain did prove himself of his knightly hood, “Gawain by Guenevere Toward the king doth now incline: ‘I beseech, before all here, That this melee may be mine.” (Page 174 Lines 113-116). Knightly hood became the populous’ view of how a man should act in any situation that bequeathed him, which is still in use today, just not in the same context. Death is not a punishment for those people who don’t follow through the code. Overall Chivalry is the concept that every young man should live by, for even though it was thought up millenniums ago, it has just the same relevancy of the laws and codes that people today live by.
Initially, the Code of Chivalry states that a Knight should be courageous, and stand up for what he believes in, no matter of the consequences. “’You are not Gawain the Glorious,’ the green man said, ‘That never fell back on field in the face of the foe, And now you flee for fear, and have felt no harm: Such news of that knight I never heard yet! I moved not a muscle when you made the strike, nor caviled at the cut in King Arthur’s house; My head fell to my feet, yet steadfast I...

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...lis, and the third was the Queen of the Waster Lands. Now more of the death of Kind Arthur could I never find, but that these ladies brought him to his grave…” (Page 194 11th Paragraph). The Knights Chivalry Code is to protect his queen, no matter the cost, even to his own death.
Chivalry is the basis of how all knights reacted and prided themselves in. It is still used to some point today, but it is on the downfall because of how today’s people act. Whether its from, how you are required to treat a women in their society, to how you uphold your honor through your word, and finally through courage. Chivalry can come in many other different forms, but these are the main goals. Clearly, you can see how Chivalry was a life goal to Knights of Arthur’s day, and how these two amazing stories express this.

Works Cited

Pearson Vol. 1 Pages 140-196

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