King Arthur Essays

  • King Arthur

    1137 Words  | 3 Pages

    Coming of Arthur The Two Swords- Arthur pulls a sword from a stone and becomes king. Then he goes to the Lady of the Lake and she gives him the sword Excalibur and the magic scabbard. Balyn and Balan- Balyn gets a cursed sword and kills the Lady of the Lake. He goes after Garlon the invisible evil night and finds the Castel Carbonek. He stricks King Pelles with the Dolorous Stroke then fights his brother unknowingly and they kill each other. The First Quest of the Round Table- King Arthur

  • King Arthur

    1859 Words  | 4 Pages

    King Arthur If the name of King Arthur is mentioned, I suppose what comes to mind is not so much one person as a whole array of characters and themes, a montage so to speak. Of course we do think first of the King, the magnificent monarch of a glorified or idealized medieval realm. But we think also of his Queen, of the fair and wayward Guinevere, we think of his enchanter, Merlin, who presided over his birth, who set him on the throne, who established him there in the early and traveled days

  • King Arthur

    1424 Words  | 3 Pages

    King Arthur Character Analysis The character of King Arthur is unique in literature. Most characters are known through their actions and words as described by the author of a story. Arthur, however, is a conglomerate of characters described by many different authors over a fifteen hundred year span. There is no single depiction of him, and one cannot trace his origin to a single author for the "definitive" description. As such, the character of Arthur is different depending on the era, culture

  • King Arthur

    1522 Words  | 4 Pages

    The stories and legends surrounding the character of King Arthur are among the best known of all stories about kings and knights. The stories and legends surrounding the character of King Arthur are among the best known of all stories about kings and knights. He is the greatest of British literary heroes, although little is known about the real person. Folklore and literature provide examples of a recurrent myth about a leader or hero who has not really died, but is asleep somewhere or in

  • King Arthur

    676 Words  | 2 Pages

    Arthur’s Birth After Arthur’s father, King Uther, had avenged his brother’s, Aurelius Ambrosius’, assassination, he had a victory party in London. Gorlois, the Duke of Cornwall, joined the celebration and brought his wife Igraine, whom Uther instantly fell in love with. Uther, in lust, threatened to wage war against Gorlois for his wife. Gorlois returned to Cornwall to raise defense, leaving his wife in the castle Tintagel, for the defense was strong. Uther then killed him. In legends, it is

  • King Arthur

    2676 Words  | 6 Pages

    King Arthur The Arthurian legends are well known in today's society. However, very few people know of the "real" Arthur -- who he was and what his accomplishments were. This paper will establish a difference between legend and truth, show evidence to support and explain who the real Arthur was, and shed some light on the sometimes confusing Arthurian legends. To establish any sort of idea that there was, in fact, a "real" Arthur, it is imperative to look over the legendary Arthur and his

  • King Arthur

    549 Words  | 2 Pages

    Many have heard about King Arthur and the legendary castle of Camelot. However, many do not know what really happened. From falling in love with Guinevere to fighting Mordred, this charming tale still intrigues people all over the world today. The story starts with Igraine, Arthur’s future mother accidentally taking Uther, her secret admirer, as Gorlois, her current husband. Igraine conceived as a result and became pregnant with Arthur under Uther. Not long after, Gorlois was slayed and Uther decided

  • Honor In King Arthur

    755 Words  | 2 Pages

    who King Arthur was and when he lived is greatly debated. Some scholars believe he was a Welsh cavalry general between the years A.D. 500 and 517, while another said he was a fifth century British king called Riothamus who reigned from A.D. 454 to 470. No matter who King Arthur was, or the time he lived, it is evident that the society who conjured the tales about him were religious people who valued their honor and pride, respecting and loyal to those who fought well. Reading King Arthur, it is

  • King Arthur Weapons

    1271 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Legend of King Arthur and his Knights includes many weapons such as swords, bows, armor, and catapults. Many people wonder whether the King Arthur of the 5th & 6th century actually existed or not. One way to separate the facts from the fables is to look at the weapons mentioned in the stories, (which were first written in the 12th century), and see if they're the same weapons used at that time. If there are weapons in the stories that weren’t around until the 12th century, then we will know that

  • King Arthur Flaws

    605 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sometimes even the best men have flaws. Although King Arthur appears as the noble man, his tragic flaws complicate his life and set him up for occasional downfalls. King Arthur grows up being “the Wart”. As he goes through trials and triumphs, he becomes the noble man that everyone truly knows him as, but as his life and reign continue he reaches a point of negativity. He begins to do unjust things within the kingdom. In the end, King Arthur becomes more of a symbol for his kingdom rather than an

  • King Arthur Pendragon

    2130 Words  | 5 Pages

    original form of chess back in the 6th century. Arthur Pendragon - (former) king of Britannia (Britain/England) before throne is taken. Sir Mordred - Nephew of Arthur, takes throne for himself when Arthur leaves for military campaign. Camlann - Final battle ground between Arthur and Mordred, where Arthur kills Mordred and Mordred fatally wounds Arthur. (who dies shortly after) Arthur's sword: Caliburn - Original version of the Excalibur wielded by Arthur, scabbard lost by Morgan Le Fay. ---------

  • The Legend of King Arthur

    2265 Words  | 5 Pages

    people all over were telling the fabulous tales and romances about Arthur and his kingdom. The common people heard them sung by bards, while in the court poets wrote different versions. In each retelling the speaker would select certain details for emphasis and introduce new elements, so that the story could be adapted to the particular time and audience. Although most historians believe that there actually did exist an Arthur, they differ on how major his role was on influencing society during

  • King Arthur

    887 Words  | 2 Pages

    King Arthur, was he man of truth or myth? King Arthur was a real person, not just a fictional character. While many believe that King Arthur was a non-fictional character, others feel that he was a fictional character. This was because there is no written record of a King Arthur in any area where he was reportedly born or deceased. King Arthur was real because there many people recall King Arthur or who have known personal stories of him, his family, and the wars he so bravely participated in. There

  • How Is King Arthur Real

    874 Words  | 2 Pages

    King Arthur was a historical figure, but many archaeologists have started the search for King Arthur. Was King Arthur a real person? That question has been asked just recently. Many people believe that he was just a myth, others believe he was a real person. If King Arthur was a true real king would that make all of what we know a lie? I am going to show both sides of is he a myth or was he real. Was King Arthur a real person? Over the last few years, many people have started questioning if

  • King Arthur Research Paper

    906 Words  | 2 Pages

    there is one who stands out above all the rest. King Arthur, a legendary character, has permeated literature and culture for centuries ever since his conception for his bravery, leadership, and possible existence. Arthur and his legend revolves around his adventures as King of Britain. He became king when he pulled the magical sword Excalibur out of a stone. He has his wife Guinevere, the wizard Merlin, and his trusted knights aid him in his journeys. Arthur usually has to fight Mordred, and many other

  • Comparing Gilgamesh and King Arthur

    964 Words  | 2 Pages

    Gilgamesh and King Arthur The Epic of Gilgamesh has many similarities to The Legend of King Arthur. Although Gilgamesh and King Arthur have comparison they also have differences. The main difference is that one is an Epic and the other is a Legend. To compare and contrast The Epic of Gilgamesh and The Legend of King Arthor, one must first know what the words, "Epic" and "Legend" mean. Primarily, "epic" is a long narrative poem about the deeds of a semi-god, also known as a superhuman hero who's

  • The Legend Of King Arthur Pendragon

    703 Words  | 2 Pages

    The tale of King Arthur Pendragon is one that sees many forms, nevertheless still stays true to certain aspects of its origin. We seek to explain Arthur’s history in books, in voice and, in the contemporary world, through films. Although some tell a story, it is interesting to also learn the recorded history and parallels found throughout each that cause Arthur Pendragon and his Knights of the Round Table to be such unique aspects to look at. The documentaries The Legend of King Arthur directed by

  • Good Sites For King Arthur

    692 Words  | 2 Pages

    Good Sites For King Arthur The key to finding useful information on the Web is to know which websites are the most useful and informative. The best services that offer information on the King Arthur legends are "King Arthur" at, "Explorations in the History and Legends of Arthur" at , and "The Camelot Project" at These websites are

  • King Arthur Round Table

    802 Words  | 2 Pages

    historically symbolic objects during the 13th century. Creating a gathering place, King Arthur and his knights came together at the Round Table. The table was a way for the authorities to work through important information. Continuing through his reign with many events happening, a place for communication was established. The design and creation of the Round Table became meaningful for demonstrating the unification of King Arthur and his knights. The design and creation of literary objects and figures create

  • King Arthur And The Catholic Church

    615 Words  | 2 Pages

    Catholic Church has many influences on King Arthur and the rest of his Knights of the Round Table. The knights depended on the church for its teachings and the great power the church held in society. The Knights of the Round Table pledged great loyalty to the church. Also the knights held the teachings of the church in great reverence and were never disloyal to the church. There are many links between the Catholic Church and the way that Camelot (the land of King Arthur and his Knights) was ruled. One