A Comparison of Two Therapeutic Approaches to Mental Disorders

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A Comparison of Two Therapeutic Approaches to Mental Disorders The essence of the medical model is the view that abnormal behaviours like mental disorders result from physical problems and should be treated medically, in other words; mental disorders resemble physical diseases, in that they are both illness of the body. As a result, the medical approach would argue that mental illness and therapeutic action should be taken from the medical perspective. Whereas the psychodynamic approach concerning mental illness put forward by Freud was based partly on his psychosexual development theory. In essence, the child passes through stages such as oral, anal etc. Major conflicts or excessive gratification at any of these stages can lead to fixation, therefore if an adult experiences great personal problems, he or she will tend to show regression (going back through the stages of the psychosexual development) to the stage at which he or she had previously been fixated. Thus because conflicts cause anxiety, and the ego defends itself against anxiety by using several defence mechanisms to prevent traumatic thoughts and feelings reaching consciousness, mental disorders can arise when an individual has unresolved conflicts and traumas from childhood. Defence mechanisms may be used to reduce the anxiety caused by such unresolved conflicts, but they act more as sticking plaster than as a way of sorting out an individuals problems. The medical model has clear implications for treatment. If mental illnesses are basically illnesses of the body, then treatment should involve direct manipulation of bodily processes. For example, if a mental dis... ... middle of paper ... ...relationships were de-emphasised and there was undue focus on childhood experiences and sexual problems. The medical approach has proved positive where psychodynamic therapies have failed in including medically genetic factors and that drug therapies have proved effective, at least in the sense of reducing the symptoms of those suffering from mental disorders. Still there are negative sides, the medical approach ignores unlike the psychodynamic the more subjective side to disorders or background experiences, it has also been argued that with drug-centred therapies people stop working threw for example what would have been considered normal depression and finding out the cause, now “pop pills” to fix what was once every day life problems whereas the psychodynamic approach is more prone to work these problems out slowly.

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