9/11 English Drama Script

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Man #1: *smiling* Oh you’re the girl I’ve been looking for. Of course I’ll help you. ~ As the two men started to approach you a big swoosh sound went passed your head. The next thing you saw was that the two men were lying on the ground bleeding from the neck. You look to the place where the sound came from and you saw a shadowy figure then in a blink it was gone. ~ Rae: *shock* Who the hell was that? ~ You look to the lifeless bodies and found two hairpins plunged in their necks. You pull them out and cleaned them off. ~ Rae: *confused* These hairpins? I’ve seen them before but where? ?: *yells* Hey who’s down there? ~ You hear someone yelling and ran back into the shadows. You hear a group of people running to the dead bodies. You slowly slip deeper into the shadows until you hear a neigh. ~ …show more content…

*snorts* ~ You hopped onto Mystery and rode home still thinking about the hairpins. ~ ~ Main House ~ **Dang! Why does she always stop the story? Because I can! Just kidding. But really a murder in the beginning. Well I gotta make it interesting. Plus it’s all Kayla’s fault. (Kayla comes out) What’s my fault?! Nothing. Gotta go! Bye!** ~ You get back to the house and find Kayla standing outside with the bodyguards waiting for you to come home. ~ Kalona: *stares at you* Where have you been Rachel? Do you know what time it is? Rae: *laughs* Relax I’m perfectly fine. I was just out for a little fresh air. It’s no big deal. Zack: *looks at you* Rachel you can’t just… is that

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