2014 Chevy Commercial Analysis

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“A dog will teach you unconditional love. If you can have that in your life, things won’t be too bad” (Robert Wagner). A dog is constant during every important season in your life. Whether it is going into highschool, your sweet sixteen, advancing to college, or your first move. The 2014 Chevy Commercial can speak towards anyone whose background consists of having a dog they were attached to. Many people are able to relate to the commercial because they may have had dogs with them during the same turning points in their lives as the video had. The chronological process the composer created, was the life of the dog, Maddie, and her owner backwards. The commercial started when the guardian of Maddie was saying goodbye to her as she was old and ready to die; from there, she gazes into the past at the turning points in her …show more content…

From the pleasureable to somber junctures, we see that pathos is being revealed. Pathos arouses emotion in a congregation. There are many details used in the Maddie commercial that create this theme. For example, the introduction begins when Maddie is older, therefore the lighting is gloomy and dreary. However as the flashbacks get deeper, the saturation of colors begin to take place. This was broadcasted by the author to show the young life the dog and her owner contained. As they got older, shown at the beginning of the commercial, the life and color began to die along with them. Not only did the lighting allow them to get their emotional theme across, but the music set the mood as well. The use of soft, quiet, and calming music is what gives the audience the realization that life is fun, but not always easy. It points out that life is a serious matter and love is an important element to living. Also, the use of limited talking attracts the audience. Again, it reveals the seriousness the commercial is conveying, but still the deeper meaning of why Maddie was conceived is

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