Analysis Of A Dance Team

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There is something beautiful about dance, but there is something more beautiful about dancing with others. When a group of 13 girls and 1 boy can come together from 14 different ways of life and move together as one, then a dance team become more than just a dance team. This was not something that happened over night, it took time, effort and about 7 conversations with our coaches about our values. Without all of those components this team would have never became the successful, fighting, dream team that we became.
Explaining what it is like to be a member of the Kelly Kittens, almost like explaining the taste of water, it’s indescribable. For many of the people on the team it was a way to break out and be who we really are, instead of hiding. Sometimes when people came to the dance team, they were shy and quiet but the team was a nut-cracker for that shell, most people did not leave shy anymore. I was a prime example.
We had the typical ones, be on time, keep good grades to continue to be eligible, and many others. Those were only second tier expectations of us, the main expectation was to be there for one another. Sisterhood was another thing constantly discussed by our coach, usually 5 minutes before he would realize that there was a boy on the team, then he would just say family. Shockingly that is something we actually became, but that took a while. It did not happen during conditioning, it did not happen during football season, and it did not happen basketball season, but something changed during competition season. Once we finally started preforming for ourselves, the most dramatic change happened, we began to work together and make sure everyone could succeed. It was no longer about individuals, or who performs best so they can perform at the basketball games that Friday. It was about who need help, and it being the entire team’s responsibility to help

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