Dance Research Paper

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“To watch us dance is to hear our hearts speak”

Dance to me is as necessary as water and food are. It fills my lungs with fresh air as I take each leap, soaring high in the atmosphere. It is my passion and my drive and frankly is the reason I am alive.

To be a dancer you must be able to dig deep inside yourself and feel emotions. You must portray your thoughts and feelings on your face as you lose your soul in the music. Every beat, every sound, every step. The music goes in your ears and circulates through your body creating almost effortless movements.

Dance tells a story with body movements.. Each line that you accentuate is the bold choice that the character makes in a story. Each pirouette and grand jeté you allow your body to …show more content…

From that very moment when I pulled my first pair of jazz shoes over the ball of my foot, I knew that this activity was for me. As the teacher called the class to start I felt the excitement rush through every fiber in my body. My body jumped off the cold hardwood floor onto the bouncy “gray floor” as we called it at age six. Even though most of the girls had been dancing since they were three and I had just joined I felt as if I was as good as them while on that floor. The first fifteen minutes of class was stretching. While stretching to the upbeat “popular” music of 2009 I felt like my body was going to rip in half because of the fact that I had never done anything of high physical demand for that long. Stretching was followed by across the floor where I felt more and more alive with each sequence we performed. Each move we did was full of extended legs and pointed toes, or so we thought. Throughout the class my dance teacher would always give us corrections such as change your weight and to stay on the balls of your feet. The drive it took me to improve from then to now has made me push myself in other things besides dance. I still get that rush of excitement and feeling of limbs being pulled off but that's mainly because I push myself harder than I did

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