Ballet Dancing Research Paper

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Have you ever dreamed of becoming a professional ballerina? Many people have, and some people have even attempted to fulfill that dream, only to give up after finding out how hard it actually is. Being a professional ballerina takes more than just dancing, and that is what makes it so hard. In order to eventually be a professional ballet dancer, it takes time, motivation, and the proper steps required to achieve this dream. First things first, getting on the right path is a key part in starting your adventure towards being a professional ballerina. Although there are no academic educational requirements for becoming a professional ballet dancer, there are plenty of colleges that offer programs for dance. Many of the colleges have “undergraduate and graduate programs in dance” (Educational Requirements for Professional Dancers), which allows you to study dance while also getting an academic education. These options are entirely up to you, and whether you choose to get an academic degree or not, there shouldn't be too much of an affect on you. The important education though, is your dance training. Dancers generally start at really young ages, but can also start as a teenager. Starting dance at a young age gets dancers introduced to “the elements of dance, such as technique, language and …show more content…

It truly helps to be educated when it comes to ballet schools, and choreographers. If you know more about ballet, you will have a good chance for achievement. It tremendously helps to be experienced in other genres of dance, too. When you start going to auditions, some may want you to have a tap, or Hip hop routine prepared. “Therefore, make it your mission to study multiple genres of dance because the more well rounded you are as a dancer, the more employable you will be.” (Four Things You Need for Career in

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