Winston Essays

  • Winston Churchill

    1763 Words  | 4 Pages

    Winston Churchill was born on November 30, 1874, at Blenheim Palace, the famous palace near Oxford that was built by the nation for John Churchill, the first duke of Marlborough. Blenheim meant a lot to Winston Churchill. It was there that he became engaged to his wife, Clementine Ogilvy Hozier. He later wrote his historical masterpiece, The Life and Times of John Churchill, Duke of Marlborough. With English on his father's side and American on his mother's, Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill

  • FDR and Winston Churchill

    2883 Words  | 6 Pages

    faced with the unparalleled task of protecting the world from tyranny. In terms of political power, this weight was bestowed upon the shoulders of two memorable individuals. By and large Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt can be labelled as beacons of democracy and leaders of the free world in their time. Winston Churchill, the son of Lord Randolph Churchill, became an officer in the 4th cavalry in 1894. Between 1895 and 1899 he served in Cuba, India and South Africa as a reporter. Churchill

  • Winston Churchill

    619 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill was one of the greatest leaders in world history. He was Prime Minster or political leader of Great Britain during World War II (1939-1945). He was also a talented speaker, writer and painter. Winston Churchill was born on the 30th of November 1874, in Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire, England. Winston’s childhood was quiet challenging and unhappy. He talked with a stutter and lisp, he was very stubborn and with his high spirits he annoyed everyone. As Winston was

  • Winston Churchill

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    Winston Churchill Winston Churchill was a man full of principle, courage, and compassion. Nevertheless, it was his excellent leadership skills, his instinct for making beneficial wartime decisions, and motivational speeches, which inevitably lead to the success of Great Britain in World War II. Britain and the world free of Hitler and the Nazis looked to Winston Churchill for leadership. Because of his soldier's training, his historical knowledge, and a statesman's beliefs that had filled his

  • Winston Churchill: The Great Communicator

    1031 Words  | 3 Pages

    Winston Churchill was perhaps one of the greatest public speakers in history. Some of the best speeches have come from being in life or death situations, Winston was known best for this. His small sound clips like, “this was their finest hour”, and “this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning”, encourage his troops and his people that they will win this war and will overcome the greatest odds. Although Churchill told many speeches

  • Sir Winston Churchill

    2314 Words  | 5 Pages

    Winston Churchill had many accomplishments during his life. He was a remarkable politician but also a great solider, speech writer, and artist. He was considered one of the best politicians and speech writers of both his time and ours. He was born into the upper class but was able to sympathize with the poor and working class too. Churchill was loved and respected by all. Of all his great accomplishments, Churchill was best known for his two terms as prime minister. Winston Churchill was the

  • Winston Churchill as Man of the Twentieth Century

    3041 Words  | 7 Pages

    Winston Churchill as Man of the Twentieth Century During the twentieth century, there were many people, some well known and others not so well known, who contributed to society in one way or another. When determining which one of these people was the biggest contributor to society during the twentieth century, and, therefore, the person of the twentieth century, their lives as a whole should be taken into consideration. In addition to contributing much to society in various ways, the best candidate

  • The influence of Winston Churchill

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    Many people have heard of Winston Churchill, but not all of these people know of his accomplishments nor his dedication to his country, Britain. Churchill was born November 30th, 1874, in Woodstock England (Jennifer Rosenburg, Sir Winston Churchill). Growing up, his father was the Prime Minister of Marquess of Salisbury, in Britain. His father was the one who influenced him into politics. Churchill’s father was such influence on him that after his father died, he wrote a biography on him. Later on

  • The Story of Winston Churchill

    2793 Words  | 6 Pages

    The story of Winston Churchill’s upbringing and life through politics and war did not begin as one might expect. More often than not, fictional stories usually portray our main character as a man of little things who climbs the social ladder through their own achievements and intelligence. Instead, Churchill began and ended his extensive life as a privileged being, but it is in the middle where the most interesting facts lay. Winston Churchill is the most influential man in European History. Beginning

  • Winston Churchill Essay

    677 Words  | 2 Pages

    be kind to me for I intend to write it.” For this has been quoted by Winston Churchill. He did happen to change history while he served terms in politics. He encouraged soldiers and when almost no hope was left the nation turned to Churchill. In this essay I will talk about Churchill’s childhood, his rise to power, negative/positive aspects in his leadership and lasting effects he made in the world. As a matter of fact, Winston Churchill made many significant contributions and overcame big obstacles

  • 1984 Winston And Julia's Relationship

    552 Words  | 2 Pages

    Winston and Julia had their own separate reasons for starting a new relationship but overall they had influenced each other into doing actions that were sensual to one another. When they first meet, Winston want to start the relationship with Julia because his idealistic goal is to destroy the Party. Winston enjoyed the relationship with Julia because it hinted at corruption and “anything that hinted at corruption always filled him with a wild hope.”(Orwell pg. 125) Julia started the relationship

  • Winston Churchill's Perseverance

    844 Words  | 2 Pages

    without loss of enthusiasm.” This was said by the late but great Winston Churchill. This quote gives insight to his character by showing that Churchill would persevere through anything. This attitude of never giving up coupled with never being afraid is why we still read about him in history books. It is also what allowed him to lead the great nation of Britain in World War II despite the outlook of victory being slim to none. Winston Churchill was one of the greatest wartime leaders in history due

  • Winston Churchill Accomplishments

    793 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sir Winston Churchill became the most influential person in World War II due to his military background. Born to a aristocratic family, Churchill was pushed into a military academy by his father for doing badly in school.While in the military, he began a short-lived journalist career that led him to writing novels. In his later years in life, he started his political career and worked his way up into Prime Minister. By obtaining these accomplishments, Churchill became a very significant figure in

  • Winston Churchill Research Paper

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    good sense.” ("Winston Churchill." Contemporary). Winston Churchill was quite possibly known as “one of the greatest statesmen who ever lived” and served in a multitude of ways for over sixty years including, Prime Minister during World War II and in times of strife. He passed numerous in acts in favor of the people which affected their everyday lives, made countless speeches which are still famous to this day and most importantly, led Britain to victory during World War II (“Sir Winston Churchill”)

  • 1984 Winston Character Analysis

    796 Words  | 2 Pages

    we will be focusing on how Winston Smith and O’Brien possessed a certain appearance, to conceal the reality of their true self. O’Brien  He is a large, burly man  Inner Party Member  To Winston has the appearance of an enemy of the Party and someone he could trust  Mysterious and Secretive Quote #2 'They've got you too!' he cried. 'They got me a long time ago,' said O'Brien with

  • Winston Churchill: A Hero Or Hero?

    810 Words  | 2 Pages

    Winston Churchill made many achievements in his life. This goes from getting to admiral in the British Royal Navy to becoming prime minister. In between these two achievements, he made an outstanding politician through World War two, he made a commanding leader, and a victor. These he did not win through just being part of a family. He maintained hard work and put his iron will and steel determination to work. Winston Churchill should be looked at as a hero and a man who was great at the things he

  • Winston: A Modern Day Hero

    516 Words  | 2 Pages

    main character, Winston is put through many difficult situations but comes out victorious in terms of being a hero. Although Winston may not meet the definition of a modern day hero, he's a hero according to Orwell's definition “Ordinary people doing whatever they can to change social systems that do not respect human decency, even with the knowledge that they can’t possibly succeed.” Winston goes through many situations throughout the novel that make him fit this definition. Winston does not conform

  • Winston Churchill: Servant Leadership

    770 Words  | 2 Pages

    Winston Churchill is an example of a secular leader who has applied the principles of servant leadership (Hardy, 2010). Winston Church, a highly influential world leader, served as Prime Minister of Britain from 1940-1945 and again from 1951-1955 (Spencer, 2016). Researcher Benjamin Hardy (2010) observes the importance Churchill's trustworthiness, foresight, and commitment to the British people during the turbulent years of the Second World War. He also was skilled orator who gained the trust of

  • 1984 Winston Smith Character Analysis

    515 Words  | 2 Pages

    The protagonist Winston Smith is a thirty-nine year old male. He is rebellious, curious, and pessimistic. He is tall, white, and has varicose veins. His function in the novel is to allow the reader to experience the world of totalitarianism through the eyes of an average man. Winston is in a constant rebellion against The Party, believing that everything they do is wrong and that he needs to act against them in any way that he can, saying to O’Brien “"But how can you stop people remembering things

  • Winston And Julia Relationship Analysis

    1057 Words  | 3 Pages

    between Winston and Julia may seem to be based upon mutual love and respect, but in reality it is very one-sided. The two both take initiative in the relationship whether it be to benefit themselves or the other person, and bring something important to the relationship, however, the appeal of their secretive love wears off quickly as the relationship progresses. From the beginning of this story, it is shown how important Julia, or the girl with dark hair, is going to be in the life of Winston Smith