White elephant gift exchange Essays

  • Hills like white elephants

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    Throughout our lives we are faced with many decisions and situations that can ultimately alter the destiny of our life. In “Hills Like White Elephants,” a young traveling couple is faced with just that a life altering decision. From the irony of the title to the symbolism of different events and objects, the story is perceived differently among the readers. Once the audience realizes that Jig is pregnant and the couple is talking about a possible abortion, this answers a lot of hindering questions

  • Origins of Popular Sayings

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    English is an amazing language that reflects many different cultures. Americans have many popular sayings and figures of speech that, if taken literally, make no logical sense. If you mention the phrases “white elephant,” “spill the beans,” or “to pull someone’s leg,” they make no sense unless you are familiar with the culture. The word “idiom” is used to describe these forms of speech. Idioms are considered to be part of a nation’s culture, and idioms can make learning a foreign language quite

  • Comparison Of Sonny's Blues 'And Hills Like White Elephants'

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    Blues” and “Hills Like White Elephants” These two short stories “Sonny’s Blues” written by James Baldwin and “The Hills Like White Elephants” written by Earnest Hemingway brings us to the question what’s in a name? The title “Sonny’s Blues” may insinuate we are going to read a story based on a character that plays the blues or jazz as we like to refer to it today, but once we have actually read this story the title has a much deeper meaning. The short story “Hills Like White Elephants” setting is in Spain

  • Symbolism In The Yellow Wallpaper, And Hills Like White Elephants

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    through people and objects. Authors utilize this device to let the reader interpret the story in their own way. A few short stories that are famous for their use of symbolism are “Young Goodman Brown,” “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and “Hills Like White Elephants.” In the short story, “Young Goodman Brown,” the author (Hawthorne) uses symbolism in multiple ways throughout the text. Hawthorne uses the characters in the story as representation of people and objects from the Bible. For example, Goodman

  • The Theme Of Love In Hills Like White Elephants?

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    For this essay, I will discuss three English literature sources that talk about the theme of love and hate. These are the poem Olds "Sex without Love”, the poem Kennel "After Making Love We Hear Footsteps and the story by Hemingway "Hills like White Elephants. I will use the poems to compare the traditional stance of sex that are within the parameters of marriage and love versus the belief that love is in itself an act of pleasure

  • Essay On Indian Wedding

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    couple exchange gold rings, a sign of betrothal.The future-bride and groom are also given various gifts from their future in-laws. The families also decided on the time of the wedding based on horoscopes, this is called a muhurat. This is considered a small event during the wedding process in India. The time between the ring ceremony and the wedding is a time for the families to

  • Good Luck

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    to succeed. Lucky Charms and good luck symbols are ancient, often appearing in religious or spiritual practices. Most agree, performing certain rituals or avoiding certain circumstances influence luck. Jews often give gifts of money in multiples of eighteen as a symbolic gift of life or luck. A common Jewish toast, “1’chaim,” means “to life,” is chanted at celebrations in anticipation of all good things to come. In Hinduism, many conceive through meticulous prayer and worship, the blessings

  • Wedding Ceremony In The Hindu Wedding

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    brief ritual where the couple exchanges gold rings, women and men are separated. The women organize the ceremony of Mehndi, “a party where the bride and female guests have their hands decorated with henna, [which] is usually held at the home of the bride or her relatives” (Yee par.8). Then, there is the evening of the Sangeet, during which they sing and dance all night. As Divya Patwari explains in

  • My Memories Of Christmas

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    Santa was just there and how I missed him, then we would proceed to look through our stockings and try to guess what the presents were. It was always a magical experience to walk into our beautiful front room, all decorated with twinkly lights and gifts that were not there the night before, and see what was left for us. The hardest part was trying to wait for my parents to wake up, I would sneak in the room and make little sounds to slightly wake them, without them knowing it was me or on purpose

  • Male Dominance In "Hills Like White Elephants" and "The Chrysanthemums"

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    Both Ernest Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephants and John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums portray oppressed female characters in the early 1900s. In Hemingway’s short, Jig is oppressed by her lover known only as “The American,” whereas, the main character in The Chrysanthemums, Elisa Allen, feels the weight of oppression from society (male dominated) as a whole. Although the driving force of the two women’s subjugation varies slightly, their emotional responses to such are what differentiate the

  • The Importance Of Mining And Metallurgy In African Pre-Industrial Society

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    It has been suggested that African precolonial societies have had mining and metallurgy being of little significance to them. This essay will discuss how mining and metallurgy played a major significance in African pre-industrial societies. This will be done by looking at historical references and archaeological findings subjected to: how metal production was organised focusing on African livelihood, believes and rituals; the evaluation of the role played by metals in agriculture and hunting, political

  • David Veases Symbolism

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    The David Vases are two porcelain vases which originate from China during the Yuan Dynasty. The two vases are known for being the two oldest blue and white vases in the world and date back to 1351. The vases, named after Sir Percival David, a British-Indian collector specializing in Chinese porcelain; famed for having the world's biggest Chinese porcelain collection, consisting of 1500 Chinese Ceramics. Although unknown where the vases ventured apart, they reunited in 1935 having their journey come

  • Family And Personal Essay: The Definition Of Family

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    on both sides, the adults do White Elephant and sometimes depending on what the majority vote is, they’ll do a secret santa exchange. The only thing my mom’s side of the family does differently than my dad’s, is that prior to getting together on Christmas Eve, the adults put each kid’s name in a hat and each person draws a name, and the name they draw is the kid they have to buy a gift for, and they’ll say the least or most amount of money they can spend on that gift.

  • Essay On Taj Mahal

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    Leanchere Kamfer Tourism Operation Assignment 8 May 2014 Task 1 Introduction Taj Mahal Flag of India The Taj Mahal is located in India. The city of Agra North India State of Uttar Pradesh. The Taj Mahal is known for a symbol of love, the Taj Mahal was built for his third wife (Mumtaz Mahal) that he loved the most. It is known to be a world heritage site under UNESCO and famous for its landmark. The Taj Mahal is referred to as the” crown of palace” Taj Mahal is

  • Humorous Wedding Speech

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    Banquet Speech Good evening everyone. I’d like to first start off by thanking all of our wonderful booster club and parents for making this banquet possible. I’d also like to thank all the family members and friends in attendance tonight for joining us on this special occasion, I hope you all get a taste of this program and how much of an impact it has had on each of us tonight. Now I know y’all all have been sitting here forever & by the time I walked up here you’re probably thinking “Another

  • History Of Social Stratification

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    II.2. Social Stratification The Indian concept of social stratification is peculiar. It is based on what is called Vanna (Varna). Before and during the Buddha?s time, the people were classified according to Vanna. In the Vedic period, the stratification was based on the religious faith. The Rg-veda, the earliest source of the Br?hmnical theory, described the origin of human beings: ?the Br?hman was his (purusha?s) mouth; the R?jahya was made arms; the being (called) Vaisya, he was his thighs; the