Website Analysis Essays

  • Website Analysis

    1166 Words  | 3 Pages

    Website Analysis Sometimes it seems like the computer game industry is dying, crushed to death by its own bulk. Every year more and more gaming companies get gobbled up into huge conglomerates like Electronic Arts, companies that mostly put out trash that is technically and visually impressive, but devoid of concept and content. However, there are some small gaming companies that buck the trend. While mostly just small groups of programmers and artists, some are huge unions of fans who, irritated

  • Website Analysis, Williams Principles

    845 Words  | 2 Pages

    The design of a website, as a whole, still involves many of the same principles as a linear document. That is, contrast, alignment, repetition and proximity should be consistent throughout the site. Choosing logical flexibility within these design elements can enhance a website to a desired level. On the flip side, overemphasizing differences between pages can lead to a poor design. The following analysis strays from applying the design principles in a traditional sense as we take a look how they

  • A Website Analysis on the Reformation of Marijuana Laws

    1306 Words  | 3 Pages

    A Website Analysis on the Reformation of Marijuana Laws NORML, or the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, founded in 1970, is a non profit, public interest advocacy group which fights for those Americans who oppose marijuana prohibition and want an end to arresting responsible marijuana smokers. In its website, the organization states that its mission is to “move public opinion sufficiently to achieve the repeal of marijuana prohibition so that the responsible use of cannabis

  • Minecraft Website Analysis

    510 Words  | 2 Pages

    Minecraft is great game with great features. At its core it taps into people’s innate desire to create things from nothing. To build worlds and to start civilizations from scratch. Gamers can even alter the experience they have in Minecraft outside of the game itself using the resource pack gaming system. Resource packs give players the ability to modify textures, sounds and other experiences inside the game. Gamers can download these resources packs online and input them into your Minecraft

  • Analysis Pact for a Travel Website

    933 Words  | 2 Pages

    ANALYSIS Pact for travel website Our approach to design is an important part of the site interactive e-tourism , is that they focus on the user as possible. Benyon et al (2005) recognize the PACT ( people, things , and the context , and technology ) , and think of it as a case of designing an interactive system , a useful framework . We believe that the implementation of PACT analysis will be useful for the analysis and design activities , and can be seen from the understanding of the current situation

  • Analysis of a Websites Design and Creation

    1604 Words  | 4 Pages

    1) CONTENT About the content of this website is in this web site, I agree (1) that there has much useful accurate information to user. This information can help user to explore detail more about the novel they want to read and how to get that novel they want. For example, they put information about type of novel and categories of novel such as English novels and Malay novel. Besides that, they also put information about list of book, purchasing, catalog, member registration and about them. They

  • Today's Dietitian Website Analysis

    626 Words  | 2 Pages

    “Today’s Dietitian” is a website(magazine) that allows consumers and health professionals to keep up with recent studies about Nutrition and Health. This website is unique because it’s a variety of things in one. For instance, it’s a space to keep consumers up to date with upcoming symposiums, allow consumers to read recent and old editions and issues of the magazine, and offer Registered Dieticians an area to compose blogs, and educate readers about certain topics. The website itself is pretty neat

  • Mayan Civilization Website Analysis

    742 Words  | 2 Pages

    In this website what it focuses on is the history, culture, and religion of the Mayas. It talks about the Mayan calendar, origins, the Mayan civilization at its peak, collapse? The mythical origins, the Maya Universe, human sacrifices, writing and astronomy, and economy and power. The purpose of the website is to educate people about the Mayan civilization. The intended audience is mostly for students, teachers, and other anthropologists. The strengths of this website is how it is organized and the

  • Analysis of the Official Website of Major League Baseball

    696 Words  | 2 Pages

    Analysis of the Official Website of Major League Baseball Major League Baseball is not only America’s favorite past time but, it is also one of America’s longest known sports. As the playoffs approach this year baseball gets more intense as the teams try to secure their playoff position as well as making the wildcard cut. The Major League Baseball website is to everyone who loves the game and wants to follow up on all the latest games along with the great plays of the day. There is a step

  • Suggest Analysis Of Liberty Van Website

    720 Words  | 2 Pages

    1. Appearance Even though this is a personal website, it is too much going on. The site is not appealing nor professional. The owner of the site is advertising that she will come to an event to speak on liberty issues. You must read the entire page to find that information. Unfortunately, I don’t believe the first impression of the website will produce potential customers. If this website reflects her company views or mission, I doubt if anyone will take her seriously. Suggestion: I would include

  • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: Website Analysis

    697 Words  | 2 Pages

    This website is about Systemic Lupus Erythematosus and it's very easy to use because it gives a lot of information about the disease. Yes the information is relevant because it asks what Lupus is, who can get it, what causes it, and the symptoms of it. Yes it is very easy to understand because of they way it was typed. The source is very reliable, I can tell by the information that was put and it's a government website. This website was not easy to use because of the simple fact that it didn't have

  • Museum Of Science And Industry: Website Analysis

    992 Words  | 2 Pages

    with its interactive exhibits. Their website is intended for basic information about the museum, which is most likely for the use of parents who plan on visiting the museum with their kids. The website has useful information, but overall, it is not necessarily in an engaging format. Meanwhile, the website does serve the purpose of informing possible visitors of details regarding hours, directions, and upcoming exhibits. The Museum of Science and Industry’s website presents this information with poor

  • Goodreads Website Analysis

    766 Words  | 2 Pages

    As we have previously stated in the Introduction section, in this research paper we will analyze online book reviews which were posted in the Goodreads website. In particular, we will analyze the vocabulary and the linguistic resources employed by reviewers when they want to express their opinions and take their stances. Goodreads was chosen for the present research paper because it is a site which does not allow reviewers to answer or post comments on other reviews but allows them to post their

  • Homelessness Website Analysis

    954 Words  | 2 Pages

    It is easily accessible and fairly easy to navigate. However, this website is very plain, does not give the proper information, and has hardly anything on it. The article needs more to it than what it already has. It also does not have a copyright date. The year it was copyrighted is available, but not the date itself. Not only is it uninformative, it is problematic in format. The colors of the website are black, white, and there are a few words in red. It is very boring to look at

  • Eugenics Website Analysis

    634 Words  | 2 Pages

    For the last exploring history assignment, I am going to talks about the site called History of Eugenics in the U.S. The site has the option of using flash to interact with the information or using HTML, I will be using HTML. The landing page also has a link to a blog. However, for now I will describe the archive site itself. The home page of the site is called Image Archive on the American Eugenics Movement. The site states that eugenics was a way to purify the genome of our species, on the misguided

  • Sikhiwiki Website Analysis

    1006 Words  | 3 Pages

    Sikh way of life. The website is similar to Wikipedia by providing information on any specific need. Sikhi is the fifth largest religion in the world, but also commonly misunderstood or unrecognized. Thanks to this website, Sikhs and non-Sikhs can learn and discover more about Sikhi. A Sikh doesn’t have to be a scholar or gyani to contribute to articles on this website. Anyone can post and share information they know as long as it is correct and or meets guidelines. This website is constantly changing

  • NHD Website Analysis

    512 Words  | 2 Pages

    We were looking through the topics for this year’s theme on the NHD website. While we were scrolling through, we came upon this topic. Even though we were born here, our parents and their ancestors were born in China. We don’t know much of our family history except that we are Asian. We thought it would be interesting to learn more about our background and so the Nanking Massacre stuck out to us and became our NHD topic. We started out by going to the Allen County Library in Fort Wayne. We check

  • ADHD Website Analysis

    752 Words  | 2 Pages

    possible in order to combat the effects and stereotypes of the disorder. While there is a great deal of websites for one to research, there are certainly some more credible than others. The webpage of WebMD describing ADHD is informative and a great use of energy based on its authority, accuracy, currency and coverage. Authority is of course of major concern when one is examining a website about a disorder that affects so many children and even adults. In order to establish authority one must

  • Essay On Privacy And Privacy

    1406 Words  | 3 Pages

    it brings lots of convenient when we use website. However, many people afraid that it will leak our privacy at the same time as it convenient to us. Although cookies are controversial, there is nothing wrong with them. The data collectors should take responsibility to protect users’ information, also users should be aware and careful when they use the website. 1. What are cookies The cookies are a data packet. Every time, when the users visit a website, the browser will send site’s Cookies back

  • Smart Web Analytics

    607 Words  | 2 Pages

    Websites are very important aspects to business today. Our society is technologically based and most of the information needed are accessed via websites. It you fail to monitor your website it is more than likely you will not be able to ascertain your progress and make recommendations if necessary. Usually much money is spent on creating these websites and in order to fully capitalize on the websites potential web analytics are put in place. According to Optimizely (n.d.) Web analytics is the measurement