Homelessness Website Analysis

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Homelessness has been a problem for as long as I can remember. I remember seeing people on street corners when we would travel to larger cities and wondering why they looked so sad when they lived in such an amazing place. Growing up in a small town sheltered me in that sort of way, but it also helped me open my eyes to the growing problem as I got older. I could see the pain that came with extreme poverty, the cries of help in just one look, and the gratitude that came when another person did a small act of kindness. As I’ve gotten even older, homelessness has decreased. However, even though the problem is decreasing, it still exists. It exists through the absence of solid information and how we can begin working to solve the problem.
According to GreenDoors.org, there are approximately 643,067 people …show more content…

It is easily accessible and fairly easy to navigate. However, this website is very plain, does not give the proper information, and has hardly anything on it. The article needs more to it than what it already has. It also does not have a copyright date. The year it was copyrighted is available, but not the date itself. Not only is it uninformative, it is problematic in format. The colors of the website are black, white, and there are a few words in red. It is very boring to look at and needs some updating.
The article focuses mainly on what can cause homelessness rather than what society can do to help change it. The one thing about the text that stands out most is how incredibly wordy it is. There are so many words to it and not enough graphs or other images to portray the problem or give insight. Most people would rather take a quick look at a graph or image than read an entire article. Despite being wordy, there is not much information included in the text. The majority of people in today’s society do not want to read something long, nor do they have the

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