Goodreads Website Analysis

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As we have previously stated in the Introduction section, in this research paper we will analyze online book reviews which were posted in the Goodreads website. In particular, we will analyze the vocabulary and the linguistic resources employed by reviewers when they want to express their opinions and take their stances. Goodreads was chosen for the present research paper because it is a site which does not allow reviewers to answer or post comments on other reviews but allows them to post their opinion in the fashion of a review without any restriction on the review itself regarding content and length.
3.1. Goodreads
Goodreads is a “social cataloging” website founded in December, 2006, and launched in January, 2007. It is considered the world’s largest site for readers and for book recommendations and it counts with 40 …show more content…

Once a user has added friends to their profile, they will be able to see their friends’ shelves and reviews and can comment on friends’ pages.
Goodreads features a rating system of one to five stars and users have the options of accompanying this rating with a written review. The site also provides default bookshelves (read, currently-reading, to-read) and the opportunity to create customized shelves to categorize a user’s books. It also offers quotations, book lists, quizzes, trivia, and free giveaways.
Furthermore, the web facilitates reader interactions with authors through the interviews, giveaways, authors’ blogs and profile information. Moreover, there is a special section for authors with suggestions for promoting their works on, which is aimed at helping them reach their target

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