Video game development Essays

  • The Development of Video Games

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    technological advancement, video games have gone a long way since they were first created. Video games in the twenty-first century are no longer just toys or junk in the lifestyles of the youth. They have become innovative inventions that not only entertain its users, but also help aid the people in both the academic field and in jobs. The influences that video games bring about in the culture of the youth today are, in fact, not the negative influences that most people think. Video games are actually this

  • A History of Video Game Development

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    Video games are an ever-growing franchise that is constantly undergoing change. Ever since the dawn of video games, new consoles, games, developers, and teams have come together, fallen apart, triumphed, and failed. What is it that has allowed some to thrive where others failed? Several different factors have changed and influenced the world of gaming, including the history that is continuously being written, the people who have built the games behind the scenes, and, of course, the actual video

  • The Impact of Video Games on the Psychological Development of Children

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    most widely deliberated topics when it comes video games with children is the violence factor. Psychologists Saleem, Anderson, and Gentile show that the impact on the children has to do with the content of the game. They assessed 177 children from ages 9–14 years old play a prosocial, neutral, or violent video game, and assessed helpful and hurtful behaviors simultaneously through a new tangram measure. Participants were told that they would play a video game by themselves, work together with a partner

  • The Positive Effects of Video Games on a Child's Development

    1580 Words  | 4 Pages

    Do video games induce emotional, physical and psychological scars on children? This question has been pondered by millions of researchers across the globe. On the news there have been frequent accounts of acts of violence caused by children. However it is not the child, parents, or guardians that are blamed. Instead the media has often blamed the video game industry for these acts of immorality. After the Columbine Shootings Bill Clinton (1999) stated that "Over 300 studies report that the boundary

  • Playing Video Games Help Support Child Development

    810 Words  | 2 Pages

    Recently, there have been many active video games that have become popular amongst children that can encourage exercise. Video games such as the Wii and the Xbox connect engage children in a whole new way in which the whole body is actively involved. The scientific journal JAMA Pediatrics conducted a study to evaluate the effects of active video gaming on the physical activity and weight loss in children. The research group conducted a 16-week study on seventy five overweight or obese children that

  • Flourishing in Video Games: The Improvements of Child Development through an Examination of the Effects of Particular Gaming Aspects

    1503 Words  | 4 Pages

    productivity. What productivity is, in this sense, is undefined; leading myself to gleam from personal experience what society purports it to be. Common answers involve actions, such as working and social interaction. Self-centered hobbies, such as video games, are often left out, viewed as promoting little towards productivity and its assumed benefits. This produces tension through what is commonly considered to be positively productive towards flourishing, and a growing medium, with children especially

  • Video Game Development

    638 Words  | 2 Pages

    Video Games are a rapidly growing industry; developers have increased along with it. Companies that put their full time and energy into the development and marketing of their games originally held dominion over the video game industry. However, this isn’t true today. Today, video games can be made by a couple of people in a basement of a house. This doesn’t mean that the quality of the game is any less impressive, which can happen obviously, all this means is that making and developing video games

  • Game Engine and Development Structure

    1659 Words  | 4 Pages

    Introduction A game engine is a platform prepared for development of a particular game. In other words, game engine is a set of tools used to develop games. A brief history In the olden days, arcade games were very popular. However, these games are developed as a one-off kind meaning that if someone were to create another game, that person wouldn’t be able to use the same tools due to the fact that the games are developed right there and then. This was because memory at that time was not sufficient

  • Positive or Negative Effects on Violent Entertainment on Youth

    1413 Words  | 3 Pages

    Video games have become one of the world’s largest hobbies. Many choose to love them and others have quiet of an obsession. Since the 70’s, video games have become popular in entertainment and a fixture of 21st century childhood. The theme and idea expressed in popular video games is commonly violence. Many studies have issued that the violence used as entertainment in video games causes younger children to be more aggressive and violent. Violent video games act as a form of violence, but do not

  • To What Extent Can Video Games Behavers

    768 Words  | 2 Pages

    Can video games lead to harmful behavers? Video games can be a serious harm because of all the negative effects it causes. Many people of all ages are spending a large amount time playing video games. Playing video game for long hours can be very addictive children tent to react to aggressive video games in a violent manner and aggression. Also children become anti-social and isolate themselves because of the impact, and the influence of playing video games, on a daily

  • Use of Video Games as Learning Tool in Schools

    1698 Words  | 4 Pages

    Topic: Use of Video Games as learning tool in schools General Purpose: To argue Specific Purpose: To argue that video games should be used as learning tool in schools Thesis Statement: Video games should be use as tool of skills development in schools because, (1) they will increase the interest of students in their course; (2) they will help to advance more learning aspects in students as compared to other means (3) they greatly appeal to students of all ages. INTRODUCTION I. In my school,

  • The Pros and Cons of Teenage Video Game Playing

    1168 Words  | 3 Pages

    (Intro Paragraph) Many people do not believe there are benefits to playing video games. The majority of them are parents of disgruntled teenagers. These kids meet a wall of parental resistance each time they make an effort to get the ban against video gaming lifted in their homes. They have used every typical persuasive technique available to them; including a promise to keep their room clean and free of clutter for the remainder of their life. Kids learn best in the company of trusted adults. That

  • Stereotypes Of Women In Video Games Essay

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    Besides female game developers, women who self-identify as “gamers” reveal that there is a larger gap between women who play video games and the video game community on a whole. A total of 6 percent of all adult women interviewed said that the term ‘gamer’ describes them well, whereas 15 percent of all adult men interviewed said the same. This gap further intensifies when looking at young adults aged 18 to 29, as one-third of young men agree that the term ‘gamer’ describes them well, more than three

  • Youth Exposure to Stereotypical Gender-Bias in Video Games

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    Playing video games has become an increasingly common activity for the youth world-wide; in contrast, this also results in a rise of concerns by the media and researchers about youth-engagement with video-games. This critical essay discusses some of the primary concerns of video-gaming, focusing primarily on youth engagement, from the age-group of 13-18, in relevance to the stereotypical gender-bias that exists within video-games. Many video games promote the passive role of women in our society

  • Youths and Violent Video Games

    939 Words  | 2 Pages

    Since the rise of violent video games, a common topic of discussion has been that violent video games incite violence in young teens. Despite what these people may think, violent video games have many upsides as well as the whole idea of inciting violence may just not be true. Research has stated that among many things that violent games do help, they can help reduce the amount of youth violence, increase intellectual skills, provide an output for aggressive behavior, and help kids or even adults

  • Difference Between Movies And Video Games

    583 Words  | 2 Pages

    Introduction During the past 10-15 years video games and movies have been in constant competition. Whether the game plot is original or has developed from a movie, the same with movies. There have been plenty of times when videos games have been made into to movies and have been least successful than the game, also vise versa. Both movies and games have a hand in advertising through there specific medium, and many experiments has conducted to figure out which one if more influential. Depending on

  • Do Video Games Teach or Help us in Any way?

    776 Words  | 2 Pages

    question is, do video games actually help us or not and what do they teach us? That is what I will be discussing throughout my talk today by addressing both sides of the argument and finally concluding on what the answer is to this commonly asked question. One of the many things video games help to teach a person is goal setting. We all know what that is and how important it is in order to have success and to be organised when so many things are going on in our lives. Video games teach this essential

  • The Gaming Industry Should Market to Women

    2764 Words  | 6 Pages

    As soon as the video game world pressed the start button on their business, they never stopped playing. Like any video game, they hit major checkpoints and beat levels. From Pac-Man with joysticks to Angry Birds on iPads, the video game industry has a consistent history of success. Today, everyone knows someone who plays or has played a video game. New games and gaming consoles are constantly being advertised and released. They are even an entertaining method of keeping people up with the growth

  • The Advantage of Video Games

    1270 Words  | 3 Pages

    Good Video Games are entertaining, interesting, and just plain old fun, but many believe that they are poison to the minds children, teens and even adults. Through studies, scientist and psychologist have determined the exact opposite and that video games actually strengthen your brain and help balance emotions. Since the rise of Electronic gaming, parents have feared video games were damaging the foundation of influence they have tried to build unto their children. Over the time that video games

  • Comparative Procedural Rhetoric

    1545 Words  | 4 Pages

    Empty, Meaningless Video Games: Comparative Procedural Rhetoric Analysis The world has changed immensely in the way we teach, learn, and play. A lot of people in the world currently have a technological device, and those devices include computers, laptops, video game systems and cellular phones. These devices have changed the way we learn or have taught. Instead of going to a classroom and reading paper books we can take classes online and use eBooks. Our play has changed from being outside as much