United States National Forest Essays

  • Issues Within the Discipline of Forestry

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    products. There were a few forest reserves for hunting or preservation in Europe, but the idea of managing a forest for a number of resources is quite new. There are four stages that almost all societies have gone through when trying to develop this idea of forestry. The first stage has to do with the unregulated abuse of forest products to be used as energy, building supplies and also to be cleared to make way for agricultural land. This creates a kind of domino effect on forests everywhere. The overexploitation

  • Logging on Public Lands is Destroying Our Forests

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    and near extinction of our national forests. Today, fewer than five percent of our country's original forests remain (Thirteen) and the U.S. Forest Service continues to allow more than 136,000 square miles to be logged each year (Byrant). Even more alarming, is the fact that only twenty percent of the current public forest lands are permanently protected by law, leaving nearly eighty percent to be consumed by chainsaws and bulldozers (Heritage...). National forests, or the sections of land set

  • Stop Logging Before it Destroys the World

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    distance, national forests being cut down by humans; these are things that animals living in the forest have to deal with every day in the forest. Logging takes away animals homes and turns beautiful land into torn up trashy land. Logging is bad for the environment and should be banned from national forest. The logging companies claim they care about our forest but all they really care about is the money. The national forest should not be a source of income for our nation. Logging the National Forest

  • Logging in the United States

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    Logging in the United States Logging in the United States is a very controversial subject. Many people have different opinions on how we should take care of our forests and sometimes the arguments can get heated. Logging needs to be done to protect small western communities from catastrophic wild fires. Logging also gives small communities a way of income. When people think of logging they think of clear cutting which is damaging to the environment, but clear cutting does not happen too much

  • Essay On The Wildfire Season

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    longer and more intense wildfire seasons, while in the meantime, the dangers and costs of fighting those fires have increased substantially. The budget and appropriations that are in place for the two main agencies that practice forest management, the United States Forest Service (USFS) and the Department of the Interior (DOI), are less than sufficient, and these agencies are being forced to rely on “fire borrowing” to fund excess fire suppression activities. This “borrowing” undermines other important

  • Blacwater fire Changes Methods of Firefighting in 1937

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    The Blackwater fire of 1937 was a forest fire that occurred when a lightning strike ignited a tree in the Shoshone National Forest. It lasted for 6 days and killed 15 people, injuring a further 38; David P. Godwin (investigator of the fire) said,“not since 1910 have so many lives been lost on a single national forest fire”. The fire consumed a total of 1700 acres of forest woodland1 in this time. The Blackwater fire’s dire effect therefore resulted in the methods of firefighting that were used at

  • Essay On Public Lands

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    in the United States, (Bureau of Land Management Lecture), which equates to almost 650 million acres, of land of all different types and terrains. The U.S. Public Lands system is divided into five major units, all owned by the federal government, all with different goals and all ran by different legislation but all still dealing with the same things: nature and the environment.

  • Skiing

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    additional construction of the ski area, expanding it and adding new features (The Sedona Dream Maker, 2003-2005). The Hopi and Navajo Tribes opposed this decision immensely for the sake of their heritage and beliefs lying on this very mountain. But, the Forest Service decided to go forth with it because they agreed to let the mountain have multiple uses, such as the recreation they were approving. Presently, the ski area has up to 30,000 to 180,000 visitors a year depending on the snowfall, according to

  • Ballinger V. Pinchot Controversy

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    America’s federal forest management dates back to the mid 1870’s when Congress decided to create the U.S. Department of Agriculture to maintain the forestry. This environmental department represented the growth in America’s industry and the depletion of forests. Yet, as it was defeating the initial purpose, more natural resources were being lost from their area and the government had not acknowledged the damage. The conservationist Gifford Pinchot, created an impact on society by taking a stand to

  • Review of The Big Burn: Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire That Saved America

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    attempt to save the beautiful scenery of the West. Roosevelt used his presidency as a springboard to campaign his want of protection for our woodlands, while doing this he created the Forest Service from this battle. In this book Timothy Egan explores the Northern Rockies to analyze the worst wildfire in United States history. This disaster is known as the “Big Burn,” the 1910 fire quickly engulfed three million acres of land in Idaho, Montana and Washington, completely burned frontier towns and

  • national Guard

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    What is The Pennsylvania Army National Guard? The Pennsylvania Army National Guard is a branch of the United States Army that is mostly used today for homeland security. Although the National Guard is not active like the Reserves or Active Duty Army, they still have the same requirements and same responsibility. More than 22,000 men and women make up the Pennsylvania National Guard and Air National Guard today. They reach from state quarters at Fort Indian Town Gap in Lebanon County to about 100

  • The VA Health Care System

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    dependents and manages all their health care. The VA Health Care is actually one part of the Department of Veterans Affairs. There is also VA Benefits Administration which has to do with compensations and pensions. Then the other part of the VA is the National Cemetery Administration which is in charge of the cemeteries and providing burial and memorial benefits. All these parts make up the Department of Veterans Affairs. (VA History) In 1636 the “Pilgrims passed a law which stated that disabled soliders

  • Exploring the Role of Civil Support Teams

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    response agencies with any request that is deemed to be within the parameters of their mission set. These teams are comprised of 22 Title-32 National Guard soldiers that remain on call 365 days a year prepared to deploy in support

  • Analysis Of 'The Armed Citizen In The Early Republic' By Robert E. Shalhope

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    Amendment and concludes that the Second Amendment guarantees United States citizens the right to keep and bear arms. Shalhope, a specialist in eighteenth and nineteenth century American political culture, has a strong background in history as he is the George Lynn Cross Research Professor of History at the University of Oklahoma. Even though there are many different interpretations of the amendment, the Second Amendment clearly states that individuals have the right to bear arms. Shalhope argues

  • The Department of Veteran Affairs

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    taxes. The executive branch of the agency is located in Washington DC and is headed by Secretary of Veteran Affairs. There are Veteran Affairs Offices located in all 50 states, including American Samoa, District of Columbia, Guam, North Marianas Islands, Puerto Rico, and Virgin Islands. It ranks number two in the United States federal department with over 200,000 employees. Originally, assistance for veterans began in the 1600 where the colony passed laws where soldiers that became disabled while

  • History of Civil Support Teams

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    Information Research Paper on Civil Support Teams Little is known about the National Guards Civil Support Teams. They are National Guard units that support civil authorities in responding to events were WMD’s are suspected, whether it be hostile use of various chemicals, accidental chemical spills, radiological sources or any one of numerous biological events. Liza Porteus Viana (2012) notes, “The National Guard’s Weapons of Mass Destruction Civil Support Teams are known as some of the most effective

  • What is a Medical Library?

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    With the website of National Library of medicine has article on bibliographic data for journal writing, book, the library has audio visuals aid. Then the library has computer software, electronic resources and other valuable information on any medical field the students needs. (National Library of Medicine [NLM], 2010) If the student do an internet search and type in What is a medical library? The student will find the definitions for medical library. Then you will find National Library of Medicine

  • Morals and Intelligence

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    MORALS AND INTELLIGENCE The United States must maintain the highest standard of morals during intelligence missions. There are many ways that information from intelligence missions can be compromised, and far to many ways that the members of the mission teams can be exploited. Due to the risk of allowing one’s self or the mission to be compromised, a high moral professional and personal standard should be ever present when accomplishing intelligence missions. The first issue dealing with morals

  • National Security Act of 1947

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    interagency process coincided with the passage of the National Security Act of 1947. This landmark legislation dramatically altered the landscape of the federal government at the dawn of the Cold War. Although various presidential administrations adjusted their foreign policy methods to meet their own requirements, this act established the basic framework of coordination necessary for America’s position as a global superpower. Why have the national security advisor and the NSC staff become so prominent

  • Soccer Supporter Essay

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    Soccer Supporters Community The word community is primarily referred to our association with a neighborhood, town or city. But besides its dictionary definition, a community is also what holds a certain group of people together based on their interests, beliefs, practices and values. The world is conformed by many of these communities, but there is one that stands out because of its enormity and the passion that is shared within its members, the soccer supporters community. Soccer supporters are