The question arises what is a medical library? When the students are going to college for the first time, they are choosing to learn about becoming a Licensed Practice Nurse, Register Nurse, Physicians in all fields of medicine. During the course material the students are using in college, will show and teach them what a medical library is.
With the website of National Library of medicine has article on bibliographic data for journal writing, book, the library has audio visuals aid. Then the library has computer software, electronic resources and other valuable information on any medical field the students needs. (National Library of Medicine [NLM], 2010)
If the student do an internet search and type in What is a medical library? The student will find the definitions for medical library. Then you will find National Library of Medicine, Medline plus Health Information from the National Library of Medicine, etc. (NLM, 2010)
This website of Medical Library Association it is a nonprofit, educational organization with more than 4,000 health service information. Medical Library Associat...
Medical school and teaching hospital leaders, educators, providers, and researchers operate in an environment that is more chall...
The road to gaining admission to medical school and becoming a physician is long, difficult, and intensely competitive. Once admitted, however, medical students spend the first two years primarily in laboratories and classrooms learning basic medical sciences. They also learn how to take medical histories, perform complete physical examinations, and recognize symptoms of diseases. During their third and fourth years, the medical students work under supervision at teaching hospitals and clinics. Following medical school, new physicians must complete a year of internship that emphasizes either general medical practice or one specific specialty and provides clinical experience in various hospital services. Physicians then continue in residency training, which lasts an additional three to six years, depending on the specialty. Immediately after residency, they are eligible to take an examination to earn board certification in their chosen specialty. Most traditional specialties include the following: anesthesiologist, cardiologist, dermatologist, family practitioner, gastroenterologist, internist, neurologist, oncologist, pathologist, psychiatrist, pulmonologist, and urologist
made by staff for residents in advance. As Jeon Y.H. et al.(2012) told that ,” The association
...ducation material for patients, families, and educators of school age children. The information from this website is appropriate for school presentations. Both websites include a location finder for providers. All of these resources are helpful for educators, patients and families.
Jethani,J. (2004). Medical records – its importance and the relevant law. Vision 2020, IV(1), Retrieved from>mar04.pdf
"iPhone App Helps Doctors." LexisNexis® Academic & Library Solutions. Calgary Herald (Alberta), 21 Apr. 2010. Web. 05 Nov. 2013.
Price for storage media, paper and film per unit for information is a dramatic difference. Medical records are typed into a computer and are legible so everyone can read and understand. Electronic medical records can be continuously be updated. It allows for quality improvement and public health surveillance hundreds of miles away to evaluate charts and by doing this allows help for improving quality care by reviewing their charts.
The original way in which health records were stored was in a paper-based record system. This type of record was a combination of patient information including past medical conditions, laboratory reports, surgery reports and other patient information (Englebardt, Nelson, 2002).
Student nurses depend on the knowledge proficiency of the nurse to be able to consolidate and apply knowledge in a real life setting. Such roles of the nurse mandates him/her to have a good scientific basis for his/her practice.
Safran C, Sands DZ, Rind DM. Online Medical Records: A decade of experience. Proceedings of EPRIMP 1998; October; Rotterdam; IMIA. p. 67–74.
Mayo Clinic. Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 12 Dec. 2012. Web. 23 Apr. 2014. .
A person needs to be able to document numerous amounts of information in a neat and organized manner in the most accurate way possible. A nurse in the field needs to be able to organize medical records and provide the information needed to help improve the quality of health care to the patients. For providing the health care personnel with accurate information is important to delivering quality care to the patients and improve job performance of other nurses, doctors and other medical staff and
“Website.” 2002 Prentice Hall | a division of Pearson Education, plc. Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 29 Nov. 2013.Web. 29 Nov. 2013.
olkers, L. Gibbs, T & Duncan, M. 2007. developing health science students into integrated healthcare professionals: a practical tool for learning. 'BMC medical education'. 7:45
"MedlinePlus - Health Information from the National Library of Medicine." National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health. Web. 06 Mar. 2011.