2010. United States Census Bureau. [PDF file.] Retrieved from http://www.census.gov/prod/cen2010/briefs/c2010br-03.pdf Mosser, K. (2013). Ethics and social responsibility (2nd ed.). San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. Shangbo, L. (2012). Study on the Employment of Female College Graduates in an Age of Employment Equality. Japanese Economy, 39(3), 30-48. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com.proxy-library.ashford.edu/login.aspx?direct=true&db=bsh&AN=86457278&site=eds-live United States
importantly as the U.S. Census. The U.S. Census required efficient data processing because of the large numbers and various types of data it dealt with. The U.S. Census was the catalyst for the boom of computing technology. Its effects are still felt till this day. History of the United States Census The U.S. Census was initially established as a mandate by the Constitution to determine representation of each state in the House of Representatives in Congress. The first U.S. Census taken was in 1790
intensifies the struggle when attempting to pursue independence and obtain individualism (Warner, 2012). The rate of unemployment for the 18 – 31 age groups nearly doubles that of the next age group comprised of their senior cohort. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 63% of the stated young adult age groups were not employed in 2012, with this being the highest percentage in forty years (2012). Most parents have a very strong influence on the course of the career their children chooses to follow. Finding
Supplemental Income Program In 1972, Congress replaced the State-administered programs with the Federally administered Supplemental Income (SSI) program as an assistance source of last resort for the aged, blind, or disabled whose income and resources are below specified levels. The SSI program went into effect in January 1974, administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA). SSI has been highly successful in helping society's most vulnerable citizens. These individuals rely on SSI
their own. Also, there are even some humans who choose to live an animalistic lifestyle. In addition, I am Caucasian or white Anglo-Saxon. This is a large sub-group that makes up over 70% of the American population according to the 2010 census (2010 Census). Speaking of America, I am also an American citizen. These are probably the three largest sub-groups I am a part of and there are many more to follow. I am female and of Scot-Irish decent. These and those mentioned above are all physical
Couples Should Live Together before Marriage I've heard on numerous occasions that one of every two marriages ends in divorce. Although I believe this estimate to be high, there is no question that divorce has become a common occurrence in today's society. I think the biggest cause of divorce is people getting married too soon. Couples should live together before they marry. People become enveloped in a sort of euphoric haze when a relationship first begins to take a serious turn. The object
2013. Magan, Christopher. "For First Time, Women Hold More Advanced Degrees than Men." Dayton, Ohio, News and Information. Daytondailynews.com, 7 May 2011. Web. 09 Nov. 2013. "More Working Women Than Men Have College Degrees." United States Census Bureau. United States Census Bureau, 26 Apr. 2011. Web. 10 Nov. 2013. Mundy, Liza. "Women Are Becoming the Bread Winners - and It Will Transform Every Aspect of Our Lives." Mail Online. N.p., 7 Sept. 2012. Web. 12 Nov. 2013. Ross, Tim. "What Women Really
By the twentieth century over two million Germans have immigrated to the United States. Regardless of where they settled they came from a multitude of areas and for a variety of reasons. They were a highly diversified group in terms of regional origin, religious and political orientation, education, and socioeconomic standing. There were a multitude of push factors, or issues that caused Germans to want to leave Germany from inside the country. One of those is that during the time of World War One
the road. As you pass by what once was your favorite mom and pop’s restaurant you began to reminisce on the time you spent there with loved ones. This has become the story of residents in Boley, Oklahoma; one of the first all black towns in the state. History In 1903 the community of Boley was established on 160 acres of land belonging to a woman named Abigail Barnett; who inherited the land from her Creek freedman father James Barnett. At that time Boley, Oklahoma was considered one of the largest
enable further development. Both of the towns depend on tourism to survive, however this does not mean that they are similar. According to 2010 Census of Bureau the approximate population of Catalina was 4,096. Avalon had a population of 3,569 and the rest of the population is, Two Harbors and the Catalina Island Conservancy (337.37 km2), 527 (U.S. Census, 2011; “Visit Catalina Island,” 2014). As it can be observe, the amount of resident from each town is significantly different, and the major concentration
institutes and banks into bankruptcy is the main cause of this financial crisis. According to The Department of the Treasury, this recession lead to 8.8 million job losses between the years of 2007 and 2009. A study performed in 2009 by the United States Census Bureau, estimated that 48.6 million people in the U.S were uninsured. This was a great threat to the U.S economy, budgeting, and security. In order to offset the problem, the Affordable Care Act was passed on March 23, 2010. The main objective
benefits have many implications including lower martial satisfaction and divorce. In the 21st century, divorce has become commonplace not only in the United States, but in many parts of the world. Franklin and Boddie (2004) reported that within 10 years about 40-50% of American marriages end in divorce. In 2009, the divorce rate in the United States stood at 3.6 per 1,000 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2009). Divorce, however, is not only a social issue, but it has serious health implications
citizens and soldiers at Camp Shelby. Then the first public library building was dedicated on Main Street Hattiesburg in May 1930. The current building was opened in March 1996 and is located at 329 Hardy Street. The library features tributes to the state in the Mississippi Tower, Mississippi Room, Genealogy and Observation Level and the Author’s Walk honoring great Mississippi authors. The centerpiece is The Spirit that Builds, a 10-foot-high, 167-foot-around mural which hangs 30 feet above the circulation
firefighter paramedics, and 20 paid volunteers/ volunteers. The department consists of 3 pumpers, 1 quint, 3 ambulances, 2 brush trucks, and 2 chief vehicles. The Excelsior Sp... ... middle of paper ... ...ensus.gov/qfd/states/29/2942032.html>. "State and County QuickFacts." United States Cenus Bureau. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 Mar. 2014. . "GIS." GIS Clay County Assessor. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. . "NFPA 1710: Standard for the Organization and Deployment of Fire Suppression Operations, Emergency Medical
middle and upper classes? Do government programs designed to help the impoverished actually keep them in the lower ranks? These are all difficult and controversial questions. Conservatives and Liberals constantly battle over these issues in our state and federal governments. Local and national news media provide limited insight to the root causes and effects of the nation’s poor. There is obviously no simple solution to resolve the plight of these often forgotten citizens. Most of us associate
gives those in need the opportunity to buy garden seeds with SNAP benefits. Also, SNAP allows qualifying families to utilize their benefits at participating famer’s markets throughout the United States. Once pre-requisite requirements are met and families are qualified, SNAP food benefits are transferred onto the state allocated Lone Star Card. The
According to Modern Salon/Vance Publishing, total salon industry revenue is predicted to be $42 billion in 2016. How is it possible for a service sector like the beauty industry to continue to grow, given the state of the economy? No doubt because many of the services offered by salons simply cannot be duplicated at home--or at least not duplicated well. In addition, in an age where people freely shell out $59.95 a month for cellular service or hundreds of dollars to lease the latest car model with
children. Homosexual parent are the same in ability and commitment to raised healthy children. It would be a big step for improvement in our society to provide necessary support and rights for same-sex couples and their children. “According to the 2000 Census, there are approximately 594,000 same-sex partner households and there are children living in approximately 27 percent of those households (uscensusbureau.com).” Number of these children continues to rise. Some couples bring their children from their
proximity is not relevant to moral obligation" (Russell 153). Distance and inconvenience do not relieve us of our moral duty. On the contrary, we may be--at least in the case of starvation of distant children--more obligated to help them. In the United States there are many programs, shelters, charities, and individuals to help our less fort... ... middle of paper ... ... Nutrition. (V. 41, N. 3; Autumn 1943) pp. 147-183. Frege, G. "Too Many People, Too Little Food," Newsweek. (Vol. 54; No. 13;
for Women in the Workplace." Human Resources - Business Management Development Jobs Consulting Training Policy Human Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2011. . Longley, Robert. "Pay Gap Between Men and Women Getting Worse, Census Data Shows." U.S. Government Info - Resources. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 May 2011. .