Theories of humor Essays

  • Bald Soprano Essay

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    Ionesco, it creates a humor that is very comical and absurd throughout the entire play. From the very beginning to the very end of the play, Ionesco portrays scenes of absurdity and sarcastic jokes to amuse the audience. The characters in the play constantly continue to say things and act in a way that no regular person would. In this play, there are instances of three theories of comedy; Ionesco provides us with evidence of release theory, superiority theory, and incongruity theory in multiple different

  • Witty Humor

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    am genuinely curious about humor. What makes something funny and what purpose does humor serve? The longer that I have been aware of my own inability for intentional comedy, the more attentive I have become to how humor and laughter are intertwined with nearly all social interactions. Based on my own observations, people seem more inclined to like others who they find funny and dislike those who do not amuse them. I certainly befriend other people who have senses of humor similar to my own, because

  • Laughter Essay

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    types of humor and responses to humor that are acceptable. (The Journal of Psychology, Mahony, Burroughs, & Lippman pg. 179) Mora-Ripholl hypothesized that it is necessary to discriminate between variables of laughter, as many analyses of humor have used a humor stimulus, for example a comic movie, to determine the effect of "humor" on a health-related outcome, and others look categorically at the effects of laughter on these conclusions. Still others explore different ways to test sense of humor in an

  • Incongruity Theory Of Humor

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    Humor is a seemingly simple, enjoyable construct in life shared and valued by many. Traditionally, humor has been viewed as trivial and lacking substance from an academic and scholarly standpoint. However, humor can be objective in analyzing and answering the same questions philosophers ask, ones that question widely accepted everyday concepts and ideals. The Incongruity Theory reveals the affinity between philosophy and comedy and rebukes the argument that humor is “hostile and irresponsible” (Morreall)

  • Theory Of Motigy In Gogol's Wife By Tommaso Landolfi

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    Schopenhauer, who derived his theory of humor from Aristotle, believes humor is “the understanding of a perceived incongruity”. Their definition of humor accounts for irony, and Gogol’s Wife is one giant irony. It is said the Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, the main character of the story, never had romantic relations with anyone, yet this is the

  • The three primary mechanisms of Laughter

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    history of philosophy has proposed a theory, but after two centuries of discussion there has been little consensus about what constitutes humor. The topic of humor is currently understudied in the discipline of philosophy. Scope and significance of the study of humor but they are the three main theory (Aaron). The three primary mechanisms that create laughter are the superiority theory, relief theory, and incongruity theory. To begin with, the superiority theory is the idea is that a person laughs

  • David Sedaris' Holidays On Ice

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    experienced the good and the bad. David Sedaris in Holidays on Ice, shared with us some of his personal experiences as well as fictional stories that took those experiences to a whole new level. In this essay, I will be discussing the different types of humor found in his stories and how he presents those stories with two different approaches. First, I would like to speak about “Christmas means giving” which is an example of a story in which he created fictional characters. In my opinion, this story was

  • The Effects of Laughter & The Human Connection

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    The Effects of Laughter & The Human Connection First of all, I have learned from my research that laughter is not the same as humor. Laughter is the physiological response to humor. In addition, laughter consists of two parts – a set of facial gestures and the production of a “ha-ha-ha” or a “ho-ho-ho” sound from our mouths. When we laugh, the brain pressures us to conduct both of these activities simultaneously. And, when we laugh heartily, changes can occur in many parts of our bodies including

  • Comedic Similarities between Elf and Santa Land Diaries

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    realistically happen. Both are humorous but as I described, both took different approaches of the same type of situation. Works Cited Elf. Dir. Jon Favreau. New Line Home Entertainment, 2004. Morreall, John. Comic relief: a comprehensive philosophy of humor. Chichester, U.K.: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print. Sedaris, David. Holidays on ice. 2nd ed. New York: Little, Brown and Co., 2008. Print.

  • The Superiority Theory Of Humor, And St. Thomas Aquinas

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    Humor is a tremendous factor in our daily lives. In the numerous ways we communicate with other people, one of the vital ways is through humor because it helps people get through the hard times, and makes the good times even better. Most of the things people find to be “funny” are based on experiences that have happened to them, others, where they live, and the events happening at the time. When looking at each era, and the humor used in that time, you can see that based on the things happening in

  • Aristotle's Philosophy Of Humor

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    Aristotle Humor has proven to be a trait that makes many feel good and has led some to strive to obtain this trait throughout their lives, whether it be in their partners, their career, or in every aspect of their life. Humor is such a vitally important part of our life, but how do we decide what’s funny? Aristotle is one of the few philosophers who has touched on the philosophy of humor, thus making his ideas that much more important as he has influenced most of the prominent theories regarding

  • Dissonance Theory, And The Mere Exposure Theory Of Persuasion

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    large impact on the effectiveness of persuasion. Types of Persuasion In persuasion, the Mere Exposure Theory, the Dissonance Theory, and the Social Judgment Theory are used. Each of these theories of persuasion explains why it works or does not work in any specific setting. Depending on the theory, certain means of applying these theories can be successful or unsuccessful. The Mere Exposure Theory of persuasion states that people will be persuaded simply by repeated exposure. (G.Magee,

  • Humor And Persuasion Analysis

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    For centuries, humor has been utilized as a catalyst for bringing tears of joy and endless laughter to people in a variety of cultures and settings around the world. Its impact and influence can be seen in everything ranging from comedies to commercials. Throughout the years, humor has proven itself to be an effective tool in persuasion and more specifically, persuasive messages. Like any other persuasive tool, though, the effect that humor has on the audience that's receiving the persuasive message

  • Incongruity Essay

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    The focus of incongruity theories of humor is cognition and it does not focus on the social and emotional aspect of humor. The theory is based on the idea that the incongruity in the stimulus determines the extent to which an individual will perceive it to be humorous. Stimulus which is perceived to be humorous has the characteristics of being peculiar, incongruous, surprising, strange, bizarre, and funny. Incongruity theories may be traced to the writings of Kant and Schopenhauer as quoted in Piddington

  • Theories Of Laughter

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    laugh from seeing weakness in him. Similarly, many cartoons emphasize humor based on the dichotomy between superiority and inferiority. Common cartoons, like Looney He points out that the philosophical study of humor is focused on determining “what has to be true of something in order for it to count as assuming” (Morreall 7). The study has shifted from identifying the theories to now explaining the psychological reasoning behind humor and laughter. Philosophers want to know what does a situation have

  • Zigler's The Colbert Report

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    effect on how comedy is carried out and conceptualized. Before we can begin to study humorous people and their craft however, we must first understand what “humor” is. Humor The term “humor” has no unanimous, scientific definition. It is mostly regarded as a catchall term that considers various

  • Hippocrates is the Fist Known Physician to Consider Medicine as Science

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    the humoral theory was developed, it was believed that angry gods or evil spirits were the causing factors of disease. In order to cure themselves, people had to beg the gods for forgiveness or rid the evil spirits from their body. In turn, the priests who performed the healing became the first known physicians (Francko 372). This theory of magic being the cause of disease was believed for many years throughout the people. It was not until a Greek physician proposed a different theory being the cause

  • Humor in Task-Oriented Group Discussions

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    Robinson, Dawn T., Smith-Lovin, Lynn. (2001). Getting A Laugh: Gender, Status, and Humor in Task Discussions*. Social Forces, 80, 123-158. Background and Purpose: The general purpose of this study is to show how humor operates in task-oriented group discussions. The researchers used the opportunity to study the dynamic occurence of humor during group conversations. The researchers are using the functions of humor to come up with ideals about who it is that actually does the joking (male or female)

  • When Harry Met Sally Essay

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    The dark nature of the humor needs to be the dominant tone of the film, rather than brief moments scattered within. It is difficult to classify Kentucky Fried Movie as a dark comedy, even if this moment classifies as one, because I am not sure if this is the over all tone of the film. b. This clip also can be classified as a parody, or mode of humor that ridicules and imitates a pre-existing representation. “The United Appeal for Death”

  • Humor And Humor In Persuasion

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    conversations, humor indicates a state of entertainment or laughing that, during speech, can influence the outcome of the conversations persuasiveness. Humor can play a significant role in the outcome or intension of persuasion intended in a conversation. Information being exchanged between persons is influenced by the intended persuasion, as well as the possible level of humor within the intended subject. This, in turn, plays a significant role in the outcome of the persuasion, as humor can, sometimes