The Horror Essays

  • Horror

    705 Words  | 2 Pages

    Horror movies have captivated audiences for over a century. People everywhere flock to theaters to view chilling horror movies like Saw, Insidious, or the Conjuring. There is just something about horror that humans can’t get enough of. So why do we pay to scare ourselves sick? Why do we pay good money to watch others murdered and tortured to death? What do we possibly get from it all? In a culture were peace and non-violence is constantly promoted, there is still a part of the human that desires

  • Horror Of Horror Essay

    779 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sub-Genres of Horror In this course, I’ve learned about the three sub-genres of horror. These three sub-genres are moral allegory, psychological horror, and the fantastic. The first sub-genre of horror, moral allegory, revolves around a rule being broken and the punishments for breaking the rule. There’s commonly a focus on the battle between good and evil, and there is often a supernatural evil involved. Commentary on our society is also common. The next sub-genre, psychological horror, capitalizes

  • The Horror of Alcoholism

    2578 Words  | 6 Pages

    The Horror of Alcoholism Alcoholism is a baffling and powerful disease. It affects all people from all walks of life. It has been medically proven and recognized by most of society as a disease. However, for some people who either have not been affected or just do not have any knowledge of the disease, it is considered more as a weakness of character. Alcoholism has many effects, on the alcoholic them self, towards their family and friends, and on their health, on their spouse and children,

  • The Horror of Genocide

    1005 Words  | 3 Pages

    Wouldn’t it be scary if someone suddenly decided that you should disappear because he thinks you do not have the right to live because of your race or religion? Scary yes, but definitely possible. The word genocide, which is also known as ethnic cleansing, is certainly not uncommon to anyone living in this not so perfect world, full of violence, hatred and discrimination. Throughout the decades, genocide has taken place in more than one occasion, causing wars, slaughters and mass destruction of cities

  • Horror And The Horror Movie Analysis

    1677 Words  | 4 Pages

    In his book, Horror and the Horror Film, author Bruce F. Kawin remarked “horror itself resists formulation and can be difficult and unpleasant to contemplate.” This year was a phenomenal year for both horror and contemplative movies. Two prime examples: Get Out and mother!. Despite being both horror films with subliminal messaging and allegories, they had drastically different reactions and box office performances. To understand why this happened, it is imperative to analyze marketing, storyline

  • The Horrors of Animal Euthanasia

    1419 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Horrors of Animal Euthanasia Due to the domestication of cats and dogs their populations have skyrocketed. This is due in part to the lack of pet owners acting in a responsible manner. These responsibilities include the spaying and neutering of  pets. These numbers of homeless animals in communities have caused humane societies to euthanize too many animals. This, I feel is a violation to animal rights and is a cruel way for these animals to have to leave this world. I disagree with the

  • Horror Movies

    655 Words  | 2 Pages

    Sleepy Hollow” are all horror films. In these films there is always some crazy person or monster-like character that goes around and slaughters innocent people. And usually, but not all the time the killer is killed at the end of the movie. The media publishes or broadcasts stories that say that horror films influence people to imitate these wrongful acts of violence. I believe that these movies do not influence people to imitate these murderous crimes onto innocent people. Horror films are a way for

  • Afghan Women and Their Horror

    740 Words  | 2 Pages

    A woman’s life in Afghanistan is one of the most shocking and devastating truths. It wasn’t until September 11th 2001 that the world awoke to the relevance of women’s issues to international peace and security. However, it’s been two years since and the lives of Afghan women have improved only slightly. Harassment, violence, illiteracy, poverty and extreme repression continue to characterize reality for many afghan women. “Under the Taliban, ultraconservative Islamic ideas combined with misogynistic

  • Horror Film Review: The Genre Of Horror

    819 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Genre of Horror Why are individuals drawn to things that scare them? Perhaps the adrenaline rush or even the sense of fearing the “unknown.” A good horror movie is usually full of suspense, where one is on the edge of their seat worried about what is going to happen next. Not all horror movies have to contain blood and gore, but they all have the same goal which is to be scary. Sometimes, the result of fear from the movie can cause the audience to dread leaving or may relieve them when it is

  • Horror And Horror In Bram Stoker's Dracula

    1703 Words  | 4 Pages

    involving horror, either identified as gothic, thriller, actual horror, fantasy, etc. To determine how this element is reached, one must look at scenes that are known to frighten the reader. Therefore I decided to choose two passages each from two books to analyze the elements that contribute to the horror and sinister features. Trying to pick an old and a rather new novel I chose Bram Stoker’s Dracula, one of the first modern gothic/horror novels that has been of great influence in horror culture

  • The Horror Genre

    601 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Horror Genre The Horror Genre has been very popular ever since Etienne Robertson, the pioneer of film horror, made the first film. The film 'Phantasmagoria' was more of a theatre shadow play. It was made during the French revolution. Since then, thousands of Horror films have been made. Many developments have been used in newer films such as special effects and 3-D animation. A genre is formed when a type of film has certain elements that become essential to that type of film. These

  • British Horror

    821 Words  | 2 Pages

    British Horror seems to feature very similar narrative themes and characters. The Descent (Neil Marshall, 2005) and Dracula (Terrence Fisher, 1958) are films that present very typical narratives, characters and conventions of British Horror films. British horror mostly follows a definite narrative structure which is usually Todorov’s five steps to a narrative structure; Equilibrium, disruption of equilibrium, realisation of disruption, attempt to repair and finally a reestablishment of the equilibrium

  • Difference Between Horror And Horror Movies

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    do you choose, horror, documentaries or comedies? Between horror, documentaries and comedy movies; comedy movies are the most entertaining genre, due to their purpose, appeal for everyone and option even for the family. Horror movies which are with the intent to scare and elicit fear and paranoia in the viewers. The goal is to leave viewers on high-alert and terrified. To evoke fear and leave a significant impact with you even after the movie finishes. Have you ever watched a horror movie and you’re

  • Pure Horror in Heart of Darkness

    1462 Words  | 3 Pages

    Pure Horror in Heart of Darkness In Heart of Darkness it is the white invaders for instance, who are, almost without exception, embodiments of blindness, selfishness, and cruelty; and even in the cognitive domain, where such positive phrases as "to enlighten," for instance, are conventionally opposed to negative ones such as "to be in the dark," the traditional expectations are reversed.  In Kurtz's painting, as we have seen, "the effect of the torch light on the face

  • Compare And Contrast Horror And Horror Movies

    727 Words  | 2 Pages

    or thrilled to the point of no return? In horror, the main purpose is to invoke fear and dread into the audience in the most unrealistic way. Horror movies involve supernatural entities such as ghosts, vampires, teleportation, and being completely immortal. As thriller films are grounded in realism and involve more suspense, mystery, and a sense of panic. Though both genres will frighten the audience, it will happen in two different ways. Whether the horror thrills or the thriller horrifies, a scare

  • Amityville Horror

    991 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Amityville Horror has turned from a real suburban American tragedy into a horrific myth. It has become the source of bestselling novels and the subject of several movies. These are some of the facts as they are known. On November 13, 1974, in the house at 112 Ocean Ave., Amityville, 24-year-old Ronald DeFeo murdered his family. DeFeo used a high-powered rifle, shot to death his father, mother, two brothers and two sisters. All six members of Ronald DeFeo’s family were killed as they slept

  • Horror Film: The Appeal Of Horror Films

    1598 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Appeal of Horror Film The appeal of horror films is prompted less by entertainment value than by peculiarities of the human mind. While admirers of these graphic films leave a theater having enjoyed a positive experience, the negative nature of the content presented points to the existence of underlying factors stimulating their enjoyment. Looking at psychological concepts for answers, how an individual processes emotional arousal, identifies with issues that they consider relevant, and perceives

  • The Horror Genre

    1295 Words  | 3 Pages

    The Horror Genre The horror genre is a topic that can be written or filmed about. In this essay, I will be concentrating on films, and how the horror genre is included in them. The main ingredients in a horror film are music, sound effects, lighting, camera trickery & special effects and most importantly a clever, catchy, scary script. But to make horror what it is, a director will include many other things that create suspense and the eerie atmosphere of the scene, or simply make us cringe

  • The Horror of The Tell-Tale Heart

    955 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Horror of The Tell-Tale Heart Writers can use many tricks to make a story seem more interesting to the reader. From the words they pick to the setting to the time of the day... the possibilities are endless. In the story "The Tell-Tale Heart" by Edgar Allen Poe, the use of light and darkness, the description of the mans eye and the time frame make the story more scary than anything else. Poe also uses suspense at the end to make the readers heart beat faster. The speaker starts the story

  • The Horror of Dystopia Revealed by Neuromancer

    1583 Words  | 4 Pages

    The Horror of Dystopia Revealed by Neuromancer When William Gibson's futuristic novel Neuromancer  was first published, it seemed farfetched that technology could reach the level of sophistication he described. Science fiction movies have since repeated and expanded upon this theme, portraying corporate anxieties and paranoid fears of people to be controlled by aliens, man-made machines and artificial intelligence. Neuromancer takes us into the subculture of cyberpunk, a dystopia of an amoral