The Frogs Essays

  • Frogs

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    discussed I this report are humans and Frogs. The Taxonomy of an organism includes kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. Humans are classified by the kingdom animalia, phylum chordate, class mammalia, order primates, family hominidae, genus homo, and species homo sapiens. Frogs are classified as kingdom animalia, phylum chordate, and genus and species Rana pipens. A frogs habitat is usually spent on land for most of its adult life. However frogs reproduction and development must take

  • Frogs

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    Frogs Frog is the common name for a species of amphibian that also includes toads. A very common question is “whats the difference between frogs and toads?” , the answer: none, except for the fact that toads lack the powerful legs that frogs have. “Where can frogs and toads be found?”, one might ask. They live in all parts of the world, except for Antarctica, but are mostly found in tropical areas. Frogs are small animals with smooth moist skin, and big eyes that can see in almost any direction

  • The Frogs

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    The Frogs The frogs were singing again. I had heard them all night through the thin membrane of my tent. Their songs had died down with the rising sun, but now they picked up again with a fervor that sounded not unlike desperation to my teenage ears. I rested in the tent only a few moments before clearing the sleep from my eyes and springing out of my sleeping bag to greet the mourning. Dew droplets still covered everything, and the mourning seemed as magical as any other morning does to a young

  • The Wood Frog

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    Description and Habitat The wood frog is part of the amphibian family and is nothing short of unique. It can range from 3.5 to 7.6 cm in length. Suggested by the name, it is a frog that is found mainly in wooded areas, lakes, forests and boggy land; however they can just about survive anywhere there is enough water available in the spring for breeding. The wood frog is the most widely distributed amphibian, mainly dispersed throughout the North American region, indicated by the image below. "It

  • History of Frogs

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    History of Frogs A Frog is a small, tail less animal that has bulging eyes. Almost all frogs have long back legs. The strong hind legs make the frog able to leap farther than the length of its body. Frogs live on every continent except Antarctica, but tropical regions have the greatest number of species. Frogs are classified as amphibians. Most amphibians, including most frogs, spend part of their life as a water animal and part as a land animal. Frogs are related to toads, but are different from

  • Importance Of Pond Frogs

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    help you. Pond frogs are harmless creatures and yet they are still stepped on, tossed around, and not valued by humans. You see because humans decide not to have a value for something that means there is no value at all. Because humans are so anthropocentric they believe the world revolves around them, not literally but they think it does. They don’t care about the frog they just smashed under their huge foot. Want to know why? Because they don’t see the value of this critter. Pond frogs deserve to have

  • Panamanian Golden Frog

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    ASSIGNMENT ON PANAMANIAN FROG The Panamanian golden frog is a rare species among toads of Panama. Panamanian frog belongs to the genus of Atolopus and species named A.zeteki. Panamanian frog lives in the wet rainforests and dry cloud forests of Cordilleran Mountains. The Panamanian frog which lives in wet rainforests habitat generally spends much time near mountain streams, they also perch on moss-covered rocks. The Panamanian frog that lives of Cordilleran Mountain are most likely to be

  • The Jumping Frog

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    The Jumping Frog Now that brings me by a natural and easy transition to Simon Wheeler of California; a pioneer he was, and in a small way a philosopher. Simon Wheeler's creed was that pretty nearly everything that happens to a man can be turned to moral account; every incident in his life, almost, can be made to assist him, to project him forward morally, if he knows how to make use of the lesson which that episode teaches, and he used -- well, he was a good deal of a talker. He was an inordinate

  • Axolotls In Kermit The Frog

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    As far as animals go amphibians have it pretty well in the popularity category. Kermit the Frog keeps smiles on the faces of people around the world, Godzilla strikes fear into the hearts of those who dare to watch his films, and Dig’Em the frog gives children all over the world Smacks cereal to get them ready for the day. However, there is one amphibian that does not get the fame it deserves. The axolotl is an amphibious salamander that deserves more recognition than it gets. The axolotl is incredibly

  • Edgar Allen Poes "hop Frog": The Transcendence Of Frogs And Ourang-ou

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    Edgar Allen Poe's "Hop Frog": The Transcendence Of Frogs and Ourang-Outangs "Hop-Frog!, I will make a man of you." In Edgar Allen Poe's short story "Hop Frog," the title character Hop- Frog is able to transcend the limitations of his physical body, in ways the King and his seven ministers are unable. "Hop-Frog" has multiple examples of the transcendence of man, and the inability of man to transcend. The most prominent of these points are: 1. By overcoming the limitations of his, Hop-Frog's, physical

  • Symbolism In The Frog King

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    running out     Even though fairy tales don’t always end the way we want them to, we usually expect them to end with prince charming saving a princess. However, according to the Grimms Brothers version, “The Frog King,” the princess actually saves the prince. An innocent naive princess comes across a frog that once was a prince. Therefore, the only way he can overcome this curse is to ask a princess to fully have her assurance into becoming his companion. The moral of this fairy tale is express how appearances

  • grey tree frogs

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    versicolor, commonly know as the Gray Tree Frog or the Eastern Gray Tree Frog, is an amphibian that is referred to as the “Chameleon of the Frog world” (Craighead, 2004, p.1) because of its ability to change colors. “This frog was once thought to be the same species as the Cope’s Gray Tree Frog”. They can only be distinguished by their calls and the fact that the Cope Gray Tree Frog is diploid while the Gray Tree Frog is tetraploid (NPWRC, 2004). The Gray Tree Frog is classified as follows: Kingdom: Animalia

  • Disappearance Of Frogs: An Essay On Endangered Species

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    that seems small and insignificant, is the disappearance of frogs. In 1970, a science students was studying frogs. While collecting information out in a field, she had to take care not to step on any of the frogs that she was studying as there was so many of them. Two years later, all she encountered were a few dying frogs with puffy red legs. The frogs' immune systems had been destroyed and they fell sick easily. In 1979, not a frog was to be found in the once abundant habitat. Scientists were

  • Hop Frog as a Love Story

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    Hop Frog as a Love Story "Hop Frog", by Edgar Allan Poe, is a short story in which the title character, after enduring much abuse by the king, gets revenge in the end. Hop Frog is not only the king's jester, but is also a handicapped dwarf. The king perpetually berates Hop Frog and plays practical jokes on his poor jester. At one point, king and his seven ministers summon Hop Frog before them so that he may give them ideas for an upcoming masquerade. The king forces him to drink wine (which

  • An Essay On The Poison Frog

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    Most frogs are known for their long tongues, protruding eyes, and absence of its tail. Frogs are also known for their unbelievable jump, but what people don’t really consider is that many frogs contain toxins. These toxins are used in defense against their predators and gives makes them unappetizing to them. Poisonous frogs usually display their toxicity with their beautiful bright colors, strategically known as aposematism. There are many different types of frogs containing toxins. An example of

  • Strawberry Poison-Dart Frog Research Paper

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    Guillaume Lama-Solet Willard Honors Biology 10 March 2017 Evolution of Strawberry Poison-Dart Frog Get ready to learn about the deadliest and smallest poisonous animal in the world. The Strawberry Poison-Dart Frog (Oophaga pumilio) is the most poisonous animal in the world. It’s as big as a finger very colorful. These frogs are native from Central America. In this essay, you will learn what its adaptations are, what process has it used to become what it is now, how it impacts society, how it relates

  • Comparative Essay: The Frog Prince Vs The Princess and The Frog

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    Produced in 2009, The Frog Princess is a Disney animation inspired by the Grimm Brothers’ fairytale, The Frog Prince. Both The Frog Princess and The Frog Prince deal with a multiplicity of issues, all of which contribute to supporting positive messages and morals (Ceaser, 2009). However, though The Frog Princess is based on a classic fairytale, it is far from being the same. The writers at Disney have taken a classic fairytale and created a “Monster” (Prince, 2001). This essay will examine the

  • The Frog Prince Analysis

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    The original tale titled “The Frog King” or “Iron Heinrich” has no written origin. It was passed down orally through the Wild family, of Kassel, and was recorded by the Grimm brothers after Wilhelm Grimm married Dortchen Wild. The mortal of the original fairy tale is keep a promise once it is made. Centuries later Walt Disney’s Animation Studios retold the story under the name The Princess and the Frog in a more modern and embellished the story greatly. They completely changed the moral and most

  • The Frog Prince - Original Writing

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    The Frog Prince - Original Writing She almost got away with it, she nearly did but one perky young prince caught the evil old witch as she was about to turn the towns food, which was stored in a great cellar under the castle, rotten. The boy was playing with his favourite toy, a simple bat with a ball on a string. When the string snapped and the ball went flying down the 151 stairs to the great cellar he was distraught. He could hear the ball bouncing off each step and getting further and

  • How Do Frogs Show Parental Care To Protect Their Children

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    There are three different ways that frogs show parental care to protect their young. There are many species in which the adult frog guards over the eggs. The sex of the frog that guards the eggs all depends on the species. In some species the male watches over them and in other cases the female is the one who is doing the protecting. But in some cases it is not known whether it is the female or male because the external characteristics of both sexes are very similar. Some of these species lay their