The DCI Essays

  • The Sound And The Fury (madison Scouts)

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    American Legion and Veterans of Foreign Wars posts, from whom competitive Drum Corps w!as given birth. The competing units had little to say in any modification of rules. From this new coalition, Drum Corps International (DCI) arose. The Madison Scouts, one of these charter members of DCI, were originally formed as a division of a Boy Scout troop in 1938, so that Madison would have their own Drum and Bugle Corps to resemble the Racine Scouts Corps. Each year 125 men, ages sixteen to twenty-one, come together

  • Classic Drum And Bugle Corps (DCI)

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    Drum Corps International also known as DCI, is the non-profit governing body for junior drum and bugle corps in the U.S. and Canada. DCI has helped drum and bugle corps grow in all directions. The DCI member corps have originated from many different backgrounds, but all have a common goal of enriching the lives of their participants while striving for excellence and promoting

  • DCI’s Impact on Its Members

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    DCI, an acronym that not too many people know the meaning of, but for those who do, you’ll soon learn that it is more than marching band. Started over three decades ago, Drum Corps International has “delivered the message of ‘excellence in performance and in life’ to over 7.2 million young people” (Drum Corps International About). That motif of excellence is echoed throughout their 60 day tour around the country. While learning their music, drill and visuals, the participants learn something more

  • Case Study On Decompression Sickness

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    1. The possible disorder for Delilah is decompression sickness because she went scuba diving and now she has been experiencing fatigue, numbness, dizziness, and also a rash on her body. 2. Decompression illness affects people who change altitudes frequently, such as aviators, astronauts and scuba divers. Nitrogen makes up 70% of the air around us but at lower levels, the air pressure is higher so our body tissues absorb larger amount of hydrogen at these levels. While ascending, the pressure decreases

  • Analyse Purgatory Structure

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    Your score is at the end of the draft. The thesis in the draft is clear, with criteria that define your structure. In order to keep readers engaged in your evaluation, decide what order you intend to discuss these criteria; then follow that order. As you begin revising, you will need to take a look at sentence structure. Since an evaluation is often more predictable in structure, you will need to focus on strong, sophisticated sentences to distinguish yours from the thousands of others that writers

  • Argumentative Essay: Why Marching Band Is Not A Sport

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    DCI is pretty much professional marching band without the woodwind section. Drum Corps, opposed to its title, not only contains a drum line and a pit section, but also all brasswind instruments as well. All twenty-two of the existing DCI bands consist of approximately 200-300 members that have completed multiple rounds of auditions to make the band. After the band is

  • Anxiety In Drum Corps

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    anxiety ticks as other athletes. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects of anxiety has on performers of drum corps. Drum Corps Drum Corps International (DCI) defines drum corps has a drum and bugle musical marching unit that has only brass, percussion instruments and color guard. DCI is considered a specialized marching band (DCI parents: About drum corps, n.d). The reason drum corps is considered more of a sport

  • Reagan Scandal Case Study

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    act, Casey died of pneumonia in Glen Cove Community Hospital on Long Island at the age of 74 years old without ever testifying again. During his five years of service as DCI, Casey revived the CIA, before the scandal damages the face of the agency again. In the mind of many CIA career officers, Casey was the best and the worst, DCI they worked for. It was unfortunate that he died during the worst scandal of his time and was not able to see the results of his work, specially his greatest victory, which

  • Why Uganda Is Worse Than Life In The United States

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    Families don’t have enough money to go to school (DCI). Even if they could afford it, they still don’t get a good education. Teachers are very hard to find because most people don’t know enough to teach children. There is not many school houses to teach the children in either because the country is to

  • Elizabeth Corley Research Paper

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    Elizabeth Corley is an English author and financial executive from West Sussex, England, best known for the DCI Andrew Fenwick series of novels. While juggling the demands of running a major global investment company and a writing career is likely to overwhelm almost any other person, she has been so successful at it, that she has managed to attain success and respect in both fields. As a crime fiction writer, she was at one time the vice chairperson and committee member of the Crime Writers Association

  • A Connection between Marching Band and Sports

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    With four and a half minutes left of halftime, Annandale High School’s football coach, Michael Scott, forces the marching band off the field by shaking the drum major’s podium repetitively. Nevertheless, Michael brought his football players onto the field and did not realize that he was being disrespectful to the band, especially on senior night (Devorak). After participating in marching band for 7 years, marching bands do not receive the credit, recognition, and satisfaction that they deserve for

  • Essay On Shared Decision Making In Nursing

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    Research has shown that the largest and most universal barrier for shared decision-making is time constraint {11}. Part of being a nurse entails many tasks to be completed throughout the day, it is therefore important that when a nurse is interacting with a patient they set aside an adequate time to allow clear communication and clarity. Making shared decisions under time constraints can create several problems such as the wrong decision being made which can lead to inconvenience for both the patient

  • Personal Narrative Essay: My First Fire Scene

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    a fatal fire scene! I know it is wrong to be happy that not only did someone’s house burn but also that someone died while it was happening, but it means that I can actually take what I have been learning and finally incorporate it into real life. DCI does not get called to every fire in the state of Wisconsin. They are actually only usually utilized for fires that arson or when there is a fatality present in the state. The day started by meeting Bos at a park and ride where we carpooled to the

  • Personal Fitness Research Paper

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    and my cardiovascular endurance will also improve. I’m planning on creating a strict schedule for going to the gym after PE is over, so that I can continue to improve. A long-term goal that I have is joining a Drum Corps International, or DCI, band in my mid-20s. DCI is double the intensity of Minnesota Brass and will help my physical ability stay strong. I also plan into my adult life to keep on sticking to my fitness plan with a gym

  • Mammography Screening

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    Treatment types are also done according to each stage. The plans for the treatments are usually by personal choices and medical options. The first is DCIS (stage 0) meaning ductal carcinoma in situ, which is noninvasive breast cancer. Surgery is the first step in treating DCIS. It removes the abnormal tissue in the breast. Depending on how far the DCIS has spread within the milk ducts, surgery can be either mastectomy or lumpectomy, followed by radiation therapy for a lower risk of recurrence and finally

  • Clare Calbraith: An Understated Talent in Acting

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    The actress who burst into our screen through drama Heartbeat and is consistently serving the industry with phenomenal talent is Clare Calbraith. She is an English actress whose recent roles in the ITV drama series Downton Abbey, Home Fires, and drama The Shadow Line raised her fan base. Relationship and Married Life Regarding personal life of the leggy actress Calbraith, detailed information can be accessed. Though we get every minute details of her professional life but we can get through her

  • Breast Cancer Case Study

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    Although rarely asked, don't mind at all since at least I'm here to talk about my bout with cancer. I'm trusting your cancer is in complete remission as is my (100%) case that started with discovery of Breast Cancer (x2). 2001 (age 49 - discovered at Walter Reed): Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC) - Stage 2A (invasive type tumor ~2-5cm not yet spread to lymph nodes). Performed lumpectomy, recovered ~4 weeks, then started chemo (every three weeks x 5) and eventually radiation (once every 8 weeks)

  • The History of Digital Cinema

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    Digital cinema has quickly created a huge impression in the worlds of film and television. The progression from traditional film to digitized software has brought upon a myriad of new methods and processes to create and transport film more easily than ever before. 2K Resolution is one of many forms of digital cinema that has long been used in the history of film and is still the most popular format to use during screenings of feature films at a movie cinema. The history of 2K Resolution begins from

  • Argumentative Essay On Breast Cancer

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    Paige Aversa Miss Campellone English 10 20 May 2014 Rough Draft Breast Cancer Sonya Rose Atkinson, diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of thirty nine, is currently battling hereditary breast cancer now at the age of forty. “I’m climbing the highest mountains to survive, with many challenges along the way. I’m remaining strong and carrying on…” (Surviving Cancer). Her advice to new patients is to take one day at a time and to find your inner strength. Her one wish to everyone is for them to know

  • Wgi Guard Case Study

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    WGI Guard: Origins The national guard championships had occured during the summer at the DCI Drum and Bugle Corps Championships or at the National Contests of the American Legion and Veterans of Foregian Wars before 1977. One day on August 1977, the DCI Championships was held in a basement in Denver. The basement had columns in it so the performers had to manuver around them, while judges had to look around the obstructions. The basement also had no air conditioning as well. Despire the problems