Telephone line Essays

  • Local Landline Phone Systems

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    system it is best to understand some of the terms for the basic components of the landline telephone. A local loop is a loop of copper wire that allows current to flow from the telephone to the central office and back. It is a dual-wire physical interface that connects a telephone to the central office. The two wires are typically referred to as a twisted pair. This is how signal is sent through the telephone to give you the dial tone and to be able to talk. With the use of wires, this makes phone

  • Remote Intercom Access

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    I. INTRODUCTION Modern networking technologies are dramatically making major contributions to our Information Technology industry. Remote systems are acknowledged as a standout amongst the most climbing innovations in today's reality. The cheapest known stand-alone device used for communication is Intercom. Nearly all of your workplaces in addition to houses contain these kinds of convenient products. These plans are mounted for safety purposes so authenticated person easily identified. Nevertheless

  • Essay On The Telephone

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    Today people communicate with each other through the mail, online chatting, or telephone. These days, the Smartphone is most used by human society to interact with others. The Smartphone is not only used for communication, but also used for obtaining information, since it can access to internet almost everywhere. The innovations, which led to this ease of communications, had its beginning in the Gilded Age. The telephone, which was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, was the beginning of advances

  • Telephone: The Technology of the Voice

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    Telephone: The Technology of the Voice 1. Introduction: Telephone invention is the most marvellous innovation considered in the world. We often consider our society to be saturated by technologies of many sorts. Telephone is classed among the information and communication technologies It is now considered one of the major source of communication. It form and functions precisely defined the challenges of interaction between two separate parties: long distance is conquered instantly and any telephone

  • Functions of A Wide Area Network

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    Introduction A Wide Area Network is geographically dispersed telecommunication network. The term distinguishes a broader telecommunication structure from a local area network. Wide area network may be privately owned or rented, but the term usually connotes the inclusion of public network. An intermediate form of network in terms of geography is a metropolitan area network. WAN is communication network that are regional or worldwide in geographic area, with a minimum distance typical of that between

  • History of Communication

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    need for fast and easy communication was getting higher what with different civilizations being more and more spread out. The answer to this demand first came with the invention of the telegraph, then the telephone, and eventually the cellular phone. And although the invention of the telephone was a great one, there were, of course, downsides. Samuel B. Morse (for whom Morse code is named) patented the telegraph around 1837. A series of dots and dashes sounded on a special transmitter and sent over

  • The Telecommunication Industry

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    technology has made enormous steps and has facilitated the development of peoples’ life style. More and more people are interested to stay connected with families, relatives and also with their business. As the television and the radio has developed the telephone has also make his way and welcome mobile phone connection. Nevertheless the need for fixed phone connection for some homes and businesses cannot be ignored. Customer needs and wants are important to know and salvage because by knowing what customers

  • How Did The Telegraph Improve Society

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    tons of notable differences between the telegraph and telephone, which displays exactly how far technology has brought us as a society. First of all, telegraphs usually required skilled operators who knew Morse code well, and because of this most people did not have telegraph machines in their homes. People would usually go to a local telegraph office if they wished to send a telegraph. Nobody is required to have a certain skill to use a telephone, only that they speak into the microphone and listen

  • The Internet Promotes Worldwide Business Growth

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    is to target customers. Stores and companies have customers who live in the general area and visitors who might also like to purchase their products. In order for the company to maximize their income, they must present an easily accessible product line. The Internet is an efficient way to reach out to new customers who are not in the store's proximity. The Internet is the only place where people all over the world can communicate while looking at the object that they are discussing, comparing prices

  • Communication in Business

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    discussions, e-mail. Formal Communication: This is communication which is generally in letter form and has been recorded, such as a formal warning to an employee. Informal Communication: Communication which is oral such as a conversation over the telephone. Methods of communication used in Sainsbury's: These are methods of communication which is used internally in Sainsbury's these methods can be used between departments and within a single department. Written communication: This is messages

  • Negative Essay: How Social Media Can Control Our Lives

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    Telephone lines and radio signals allowed individuals to communicate across the world. Alexander Gram Bell was the first to invent the telephone. While coming to the US to become a teacher for the death he thought of the idea of “electronic speech”. “This led him to invent the microphone and later the "electrical speech machine" his name for the first telephone,” stated Many contributed to the invention to the electric

  • Alexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography

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    Alexander Graham Bell: A Short Biography Upon hearing the name Alexander Graham Bell, we remember the inventor of the telephone. However, Alexander was much more than just the inventor of the telephone. As a matter of fact he was an audiologist. His family was the leading authorities in elocution and speech correction. He had improved and carried on his families business, along with his brothers. Alexander had created the phone at an early age among inventors- only 29. Later in his career Bell

  • Thomas Alva Edison and His Contribution to the World

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    well as faster and wider means of communication. The 19th century was the age of developing machine tools along with interchangeable parts. The assembly line was also invented during the 19th century, speeding up the manufacturing of products in factories. Inventors began to design practical internal combustion engines; the light bulb, telephone, typewriter, and sewing machine, all of which came of age during the 19th century. Long before all of these great inventions were successful a very important

  • How do deaf people use telephones? What about doorbells and alarm clocks?

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    How do deaf people use telephones? What about doorbells and alarm clocks? There are many everyday devises that we hearing people take for granted, among these are telephones, smoke alarms, doorbells, and alarm clocks. When we look at how members of the deaf community use these everyday items we must consider that members within the community have very different communication needs, abilities, and preferences. Hard-of-hearing people for example can use a standard telephone with the addition of a

  • Second Industrial Revolution Essay

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    Steel was cheaper during this time period, which was used for many inventions. The advances in transportation and technology impacted people’s lives by making their lives better and by having subways and automobiles to travel and by having the telephone and telegraph to communicate easier with others across the country.

  • IP Telephony, IP Telephony And Voice-Over IP (Voip)

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    been using the telephone network in the recent past, such as modems, TTY, facsimile, application sharing, whiteboards and text messaging. This usage is particularly appropriate for IP telephony, since one of the strengths of Internet telephony

  • Immigration: The Shakedown

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    fellow Ukrainian in Kiev they began their adventure in setting up the company. In the process of getting the development center up and running a state owned telecommunications utility, Dnipro Telecom, had made it difficult for Zhuk to get the phone lines his comp... ... middle of paper ... ...wer was. If he pulled out of Ukraine then he would be deserting his partner and the employees that he has grown to know over time, Could he do that to them? Also should he give in and bargain with Simonenko

  • Alexanader Graham Bell

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    man most remembered for creating the telephone. Other than that he is a man who always had an obsession for communication. Mr. Bell once said, “Great discoveries and improvements invariably involve the cooperation of man minds. I may be given credit for having blazed the trail, but when I look at the subsequent developments I feel the credit is due to others rather than to myself.” Alexander Graham Bell’s actions are shown in three ways in this essay; the telephone, other inventions, and his passion

  • Mobile Phone Industry

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    Industry and Company Profiles Industry: Telephone Communications Brief Reasoning of Choice As a major in Management and Computer Science, the optimal goal is to create a system that provides technology that is convenient, resourceful, and efficient. My main interests are in mobile systems that provide the leading edge in design, functionality, and resourcefulness. A possible professional career of a management and computer science major is in the mobile phone industry. Within this field, a possible

  • Changes of telephone’s impact on society

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    Telephone, as a great invention in industrial revolution, is widespread around the world. It brings convenience and efficiency to the society. Postman (1992,p.42) states, “The greatest invention of the nineteenth century was the idea of invention itself.” Its unexpected appearance in 1876 had huge impacts on the society. First, the behavior people communicate and interact with their family, friends and other people changed. Auditory conversation improved the quality and the efficiency of connection