Essay On The Telephone

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Communicating with others allows people to share information, to set an appointment, or to find a solution for a problem. Today people communicate with each other through the mail, online chatting, or telephone. These days, the Smartphone is most used by human society to interact with others. The Smartphone is not only used for communication, but also used for obtaining information, since it can access to internet almost everywhere. The innovations, which led to this ease of communications, had its beginning in the Gilded Age. The telephone, which was invented by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876, was the beginning of advances that led to the growth in many fields. The distance between telephone users is longer than it was in the past, and now a phone call is accessible in almost everywhere. Through the improvement in the technology of the telephone in the Gilded Age, continued into the Roaring Twenties, the telephone has become one of the most indispensable devices in life. After the development of the telephone, the technology of communication was improved constantly from the Gilded Age to the Roaring Twenties, leading to the ease of communication today.
Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Edison developed the telephone in the Gilded Age and the Roaring Twenties. Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, is a pioneer of the technology of the telephone. However, Thomas Edison, a famous American inventor, bridged to the innovative technology of telephone in the Roaring Twenties.
Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, on March 3, 1847. His father, Alexander Melville Bell, was an expert in vocal physiology and elocution; his grandfather, Alexander Bell, was an elocution professor (“Alexander Graham Bell”). S...

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... Gilded Age and the Roaring Twenties led to the innovative technology of telephone these days. The direction of the development of telephone has continued up to the 21st century and it has had a positive impact on the nations today. Not only has the telephone become an indispensable part of human lives, but also the telephone is useful way to gain information and communicate in the fastest way. Although some demand that the well-developed telephone these days brought a negative impact such as risk of the privacy invasion, the technology of the telephone improved economically, socially, politically, educationally, culturally, and militarily. Hence, the continuous effort for the improvement of telephone in the Gilded Age and the Roaring Twenties has motivated people and it led to growth of technology and economy of time by the access to the effectiveness of telephone.

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