Stratovolcano Essays

  • Hs

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    Cody Crane gives a description of the expedition of a group of scientist who explored Mount Nyiragongo. Mount Nyiragongo is a volcano that is extremely active and unstable. Nyiragongo is a stratovolcano; a stratovolcano is a very dangerous and explosive long lived volcano. A unique property mentioned in the article of Nyiragongo volcano is that it has low silica content (Crane, 2011). Usually stratovolcanoes will have higher level silica content. The levels of silica are a determining factor on how

  • Mount Mazama Research Paper

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    Mount Mazama was a stratovolcano in Klamath County, Oregon, until it destroyed itself. A stratovolcano is a volcano that has many layers. These layers are made of things such as pumice and hardened lava. The volcano was also a part of the Cascade Mountain Range. It is said that Mount Mazama started forming 420,000 years ago. The volcano started erupting more frequently and more violently 400,000 years ago, and stayed active for 70,000 years. Then one day 7,700 years ago, Mount Mazama had a huge

  • Volcanoes

    508 Words  | 2 Pages

    layers of fragment materials and flows of lava, all inclined outward away from the vent. Both Etna, in Sicily, and Vesuvius, near Naples are examples of composite cones. The most common type of volcanic cones are stratovolcanoes. A large stratovolcano will be built with many layers of ash and lava. Mt. Saint Helens, Rainier, and Mt. Fuji are all examples of strata volcanos. Shield volcanoes are made of thousands of thin lava flows. Because the flow of the lava is generally fast, it is

  • The Hunger of Mount Pinatubo

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    The Hunger of Mount Pinatubo Sleeping peacefully for centuries uncounted, Mount Pinatubo, last year, woke up from a cursed nightmare. The gentle thundering and rumbling of the volcano's hunger to explode, frightened farmers, who grew their crops on the mountain's curves, the scientists and volcano experts, who studied day and night, to come up with a possible solution, and of course, the many thousands who lived in the valleys and on the lowland, surrounding Mount Pinatubo. "We are his

  • Mount Mazama Research Paper

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    The United States currently has many volcanoes, particularly in the Cascade Mountain Range, which includes Mount St. Helens, Mount Rainer, and Crater Lake. Volcanoes have three common features such as craters, caldera, and geysers and hot springs. A caldera is a huge depression that is formed after the eruption from the collapse of a partially emptied magma chamber. In the last million years, ten major caldera formed after eruptions, which included Crater Lake in Oregon. Mount Mazama, also known

  • Eruption of Mount Vesuvius Pieces of Art

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    The Eruption of Vesuvius Sebastian Pether’s piece of work called The Eruption of Vesuvius (1835) combines the silver watery reflection of the moon with the hot red molten lava that is flowing down its mountainsides. Though during Pether’s generation he wasn’t the only one to paint the well-known Mount Vesuvius, Joseph Wright of Derby also painted 30 paintings of the volcano. This art piece is currently located at the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. The piece is oil media on panel that is framed

  • Mount St Helens Research Paper

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    Mount St. Helens is a volcano that is located in the state of Washington. This paper will provide an overview on the volcanic eruption of Mount St. Helens that happened in May of 1980. This paper will also cover how this eruption affected the Earth, the damages and death tolls of this eruption, the economic impact, and any permanent consequences. Eruption of Mount St. Helens According to History – Mt. St. Helens (n.d.), approximately at 8:32 a.m. on May 18, 1980, a 5.1 magnitude earthquake happened

  • Argumentative Essay On Mother Earth

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    Many people say that the earth is a living planet. Due to the fact that it is constantly changing, this statement holds true. The earth is always moving, both inside and out. Whether one thinks it is good that humans live on a planet that moves is good or not, everyone is affected. This is because when Mother Earth moves, people all across the world will feel it. There are many dangers that the Mother Earth and its geology present to human life. These things lay resting, waiting to be awakened. Things

  • Article Summary of Into the Volcano

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    The article Into the Volcano by Cody Crane discusses Nyiragongo which is an active and one of the most dangerous volcanoes in the world. It also explains how scientists are working to prevent further damage and loss from eruption which might happen in the future. According to the article, the scientists investigate the volcano, collect the data, and determines how dangerous the eruption is. Their job was not only sitting in the lab, but they actually climb up to the volcano, and put themselves in

  • Hawaii Volcanoes National Park Essay

    503 Words  | 2 Pages

    Hawaii Volcanoes National Park The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park is about 30 miles southwest of Hilo. It is on the big island of Hawaii. This park is the home of Kilauea Volcano. Kilauea is one of the most active volcanoes on earth. The chance to see this creation and destruction makes this park one of the most visited National Parks in the United States. The Hawaii Volcanoes National Park was founded on August 1, 1916. The park holds 333,000 acres of land from the sea to the highest point

  • Lava Flows

    1489 Words  | 3 Pages

    Lava Flows There are two types of lava flows, free flowing mobile lava and slow moving viscous lava. Free flowing mobile (basaltic) lava creates a vent and spreads to produce large broad cones called shield volcanoes. The slow moving viscous (rhyolite) lava creates a narrow steep-sided cone due to a different chemical composition to basalt and this makes the lava flows more slowly down the cone side. My Aims My aims are to investigate the factors affecting Lava Flows. There are

  • Chimborazo Mountain Essay

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    Created by collapsed volcanoes hundreds of years ago and white topped with glaciers that are millions of years old, the Ecuadorian mountain is a known landmark. With the name of The Ice Throne of God, thousands of expert climbers come from the farthest corners of the Earth to attempt to scale this giant, but few succeed. Home to hundreds of graves, and with its towering heights, it earns the title of tallest mountain in Ecuador. The Chimborazo mountain rises 2,500 m (8202.1 ft) above surrounding

  • Staurolite In Greek Mythology

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    Staurolite is easy to spot amongst other stones – it has a very distinct, cross like shape, which was created by nature as it developed. It can be red, brown, almost black, or opaque, and sometimes has a white streak in it. It’s comprised of iron, aluminum and silicon: Fe2+2Al9O6(SiO4)4(O,OH)2 . It forms when shale is changed due to the earths high pressure temperature and conditions where it’s found. Speaking of where it’s found . . . one of its most productive places is in Patrick County

  • How Did Mount Tambora Changed History

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    This may not be the biggest volcano but this volcano changed history with its biggest eruption in history in the 19th Century. This volcano is Mount Tambora, Mount tambora with its biggest eruption in 1815 April 5. Since that day there has been smaller eruptions its now 9,354 ft high it lost some of the top from the eruption in 1815 April 5. Before everything happened Mount Tambora was 14,000ft high. Also, when the eruption ended, a caldera was 3.7 miles, Mount Tambora third top of the Mountain

  • Mount Vesuvius

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    small village town, and Mount St. Helen, the only volcano in my own country to every erupt during my own time period. Mount Vesuvius is located in the Bay of Naples in Southern Italy. Its Latitude and Longitude is 40.8224° N, 14.4289° E. It is a stratovolcano and has a height of 1277 meters (1490 feet) and base of 48 kilometers (30 miles). Mount Vesuvius has erupted over 30 times and has a repose time that can last for months or even years between eruptions. Its eruptions are explosive and is dominated

  • Mount Etna Volcano Essay

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    dating back to 2001. Mount Etna is considered a stratovolcano which means it’s built on top of many layers of lava and ash made from previous eruptions. What makes this volcano so unique is that it has many eruption styles ranging from extreme violent ones to regular lava just flowing from the mouth of it. About “25% Sicily 's population lives on Mount Etna 's slopes.” Etna stands tall above Catania which is a city on the island of Sicily. This stratovolcano plays a major influence

  • Essay On Mexican Volcanoes

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    This fire volcano which is its nickname, is one of the most dangerous volcanoes in Central America. It has erupted more than thirty times since 1585. The volcanic style is explosive with many lava domes. This stratovolcano has two younger volcanoes that are growing fast. The last earthquake recorded nearby was August thirty-first two thousand and fifteen. Colima has been an active volcano since 1994. Finally the last active volcano, Popocatepetl or El Popo as some

  • The Importance Of Volcanoes In Japan

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    Volcanoes can be found throughout the world. Often located along tectonic plate boundaries, shield, composite, and cinder cone volcanoes can be beautiful and deadly. The Pacific Ring of Fire is home to volcanic arcs and volcanic island arcs; the volcanoes of Japan are included in this. Japan, like many areas in this ring, is prone to having numerous volcanoes of varying shape, size, and make. According to Japan: A Country Study, “A tenth of the world’s active volcanoes are found in Japan, which lies

  • Mount Etna Research Paper

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    Mount Etna Near the northeastern shore of Sicily lies a colossus of Europe. Its name is Mount Etna and it is known for its activity and size as it is the largest volcano on Europe. This volcano has lived through the times of Homer and has influenced many who have gazed at its enormity. Etna has been seen to play a big role in myths and holds a lot of power among the people of Sicily. Since Mount Etna is an active volcano it is constantly affecting the ecosystem around it leading to influence over

  • The Importance Of The Stromboli Volcano

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    It has a small eruption every 20 minutes. It is well known that Stromboli is consistently active, and only has very few major eruptions of the glowing lava that is shot above the craters nearly 100 to 200 m. Stromboli is a stratovolcano, and composite. Stratovolcano is a know for the size and cone shape, they are made of a hardened lava layer, volcanic ash and tephra. They are steep and the lava tends to shoot our very viscous and the lava cools quickly. The large bubbles of gas resulting