Argumentative Essay On Mother Earth

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Many people say that the earth is a living planet. Due to the fact that it is constantly changing, this statement holds true. The earth is always moving, both inside and out. Whether one thinks it is good that humans live on a planet that moves is good or not, everyone is affected. This is because when Mother Earth moves, people all across the world will feel it. There are many dangers that the Mother Earth and its geology present to human life. These things lay resting, waiting to be awakened. Things such as tornadoes, tsunamis, hurricanes, and even earthquakes are the very things that affect people in a way that changes them forever, whether it is by taking a life or destroying a home. All of these things are very destructive, but none like volcanoes. A volcano is a mountain or hill that has a crater through which lava, rock fragments, hot vapor, and gas are being or have been erupted from the earth's crust, as stated by Webster’s dictionary. They are formed when magma within the Earth's upper mantle works its way to the crust. This accumulates and forms a magma chamber. Over time this grows larger and a volcano is created. They hold scorching hot lava in their stomachs waiting for the right time to release it. Volcanoes are both incredibly dangerous and extremely destructive. There are literally countless volcanoes that are on earth; however, many of these volcanoes are not a threat because they are either dormant or extinct. Mt. Vesuvius is an active volcano; however, before discussing this volcano, the deliberation of the types of volcanoes must be talked about. There are three different types of erupting lives of volcanoes: extinct, dormant, and active. (Timothy Oleson) An extinct volcano is a volcano that has not erupted i... ... middle of paper ... ... released. When it finally does release, it is volatile and is very explosive. Mount Vesuvius is a composite, or strato-volcano, and is the reason it had such a large explosion. Other famous composite volcanoes include the following: Mount Fuji in Japan, Mount Shasta and Lassen in California, Mount Hood in Oregon, Mount St. Helens and Mount Rainier in Washington, and Mt Pinatubo in the Philippines. (Jeffrey Kluger) The final type of volcanic composition is cinder cone volcanoes. Cinder cone volcanoes are different from shield and composite volcanoes because cinder cone volcanoes only grow to about a thousand feet, and they usually erupt from many openings. Famous cinder cones include Paricutin in Mexico and the one that is in the middle of Crater Lake. Volcanoes, no matter how they may look or what type it is, can be very devastating when it erupts. (Jeffrey Kluger)

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