Squid Essays

  • Otopus, Cuttlefish, and Squid

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    Otopus, Cuttlefish, and Squid * Since early times, tales of horror have been gone around strange sea creatures, especially the giant squid and the fearsome octopus. They are among the largest, strongest, fastest, most cunning, and ferocious of all animals. Many of them, however, are quite harmless and are useful in a variety of ways. _________________________________________ *The Eight-Armed Octopus The octopus is a soft, bag-shaped creature. It has eight long, slender arms, with

  • Biology of a Squid

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    Biology of a Squid Squids are among the most varied and unique of all invertebrates. They are mollusks of the Class Cephalopod, along with the nautilus, cuttlefish, and octopus. Squids are highly evolved, and have developed a number of traits uncommon to most other mollusks. Fossil records of cephalopods have dated back the Cambrian Period (about 600 million years ago). Structurally, squids have only small variations of a basic theme common to all cephalopods. They are spherical or cigar-shaped

  • The Mysterious Giant Squid

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    The Mysterious Giant Squid About 80 percent of the Earth is covered in water. With the majority of life on this planet residing in the liquid we like to call the essence of life, we as humans represent a minority on this planet. Much of the underwater world remains a mystery to us, with the giant squid being one of the greatest mysteries of them all. How close are we to actually solving the mystery of this deep water giant? For the first known citing of one of these creatures, you would

  • Vampire Squid Research Paper

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    Vampire Squid (Vampyroteuthis Infernalis) Extreme Habitat/ Environment The vampire squid lives in the midnight/deep zone. This means that they are found at ocean depths of around 1,500 to 3,000 metres. They occupy the deepest tropical oceans, with preferred temperatures of 2-6 degrees celsius. The temperature of water at those depths are so cold. They live in the part of the ocean where there is barely no light. Therefore there is no light intensity. It is extremely dark at those depths, and the

  • The Mysterious Animal Known as the Squid

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    The mysterious animal known as the squid has inspired ballads, art, fear, awe, and long-told stories for centuries. The mysterious Kraken has encouraged whispered stories after lights-out. Many assume that the only species of squid is the giant squid, reaching over 40 feet in officially recorded cases. However, there are over 300 documented species of squid, ranging in all of sizes. The scientific classification of one species, the fire squid, is as follows: Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum: Mollusca, Class:

  • History and Legend Behind The Giant Squid

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    ago, this creature was proven by science. It was proven to be not a demon, but a species of massive Squid. The Giant Squid is, as the name describes, a massive squid, of the genus architeuthis, which can grow up to 43 feet long, and weigh more than half a ton. Some have even reported squids that are 60 or more feet long, although squids this size have yet to be confirmed by science. Like other squids, it has ten arms, eight of which are used to swim, and two of which are used to gather food, and are

  • Octopus Ethnography

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    octopus genome and the evolution of cephalopod neural and morphological novelties This Jornal conducted research on the two-spot octopus, or Octopus bimaculoides, by sequencing the genome of this species. They found that “Coleoid cephalopods (octopus, squid and cuttlefish) are active, resourceful predators with a rich behavioural repertoire. They have the largest nervous systems among the invertebrates and present other striking morphological innovations including camera-like eyes, prehensile arms, a


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    many existing burger companies nowadays. To name ... ... middle of paper ... ... Squid Burger’s market area is school vicinity. This is based on the given survey which mostly students were the respondents. Squid Burger is mainly located in Gravahan, outside University of Mindanao, Matina Campus. It is more populated in Matina Campus compared to the Main Campus so, there is really a high possibility that Squid Burger would click in. Main Customers Based on the conducted survey, the students

  • Cephalopoda Research Paper

    1250 Words  | 3 Pages

    Octopuses, squid, cuttlefish, and nautiluses are all of the mollusk class, Cephalopoda, translated to “head foot.” Ancient Cephalopods have been dated back to the late Cambrian period. Unlike other mollusks, cephalopods internalize and reduce their shells to cuttlebone in cuttlefish, pen in squid, and absent altogether in octopi. Cephalopods are found all around the world and inhabit marine waters from tropical to near freezing and from shallow to the deep abyss. Today, there are about 800 species

  • Fishing

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    in the near-bottom layers of the ocean, this includes cod, sole, halibut, haddock, hake, and flounder. Large catches are also made of a group of fish classed commercially as SHELLFISH - shrimp, lobster, scallops, oysters, clams, crabs, mussels, and squid. WHALING was once a major part of the fishing industry. Overfishing has endangered many whale numbers, however, and the field has lessened in importance. Almost all large pelagic and demersal fish catches are made over or near the continental shelf

  • Dolphins

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    protect dolphins. Animal rights activists also believe that dolphins shouldn't be in captivity for use in aquatic shows. Dolphins eat a lot of food in a day, usually about one third of their body weight. A dolphin's diet consists of mostly fish and squid. Dolphins can swim very fast, so they are able to easily catch their food. The dolphin has 200 to 250 sharp teeth. Dolphins follow schools of fish in groups. The Pacific white-sided species is estimated to travel in groups with tens of thousands of

  • Octopus Research Paper

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    Cephalopods certainly look alien, so it is hardly surprising that science fiction writers have hijacked their characteristics for imaginary aliens. An octopus has three hearts that pump blue-green blood around its body, using a copper- rather than iron-based carrier for oxygen. Its eight tentacles are covered in suckers that enable it to amble, probe and manipulate with great dexterity. When in danger or enraged, it can switch to jet propulsion, and if danger persists it can eject an ink cloud of

  • My Spanish Dress and the Spanish Fair

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    At eleven o'clock I am wishing my shoes did not have hobnails in them as I noisily tread down the tranquil street lined with four-o-clocks and horse stables. I try unsuccessfully to not let my footfalls disturb this peaceful night. Silently, I curse myself for deciding to wear this heavy Spanish dress loudly swishing at my ankles. Agitated, I tug at my hair and red shawl. At the comer a rainbow of people spreads out before me. The appetizing aromas of warm bread, seafood, and sherry surge over me

  • Galicia

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    Castillian which has some French tones as well as Portuguese. They have their own favorite foods also, which consist mainly of seafood. Some of their specialty dishes are: merluza (hake), cigalas (prawns), camarones (small shrimp). chipirones (little squid), langostines (crayfish), vieiras (scallops), percebes (goose baracles), and trout and other local fish. Most of their dishes are served either in casseroles or broiled, or steamed, or rolled into crepes called empanadas. In the winter months, the

  • Starfish Essay

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    Fish that are found in the benthic part of the ocean are really interesting to me. Benthic means it's the lowest level in any body of water such as an ocean or a lake. Different organisms that live in this deep part of the ocean are called benthos. Some examples of benthos are starfish, sea cucumbers, oysters, and clams. There are many different geographies to the be if ocean such as trenches, mountains, and volcanoes. The benthos have their own food source which is called detritus. Detritus

  • Characteristics of Dolphins

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    dolphin species is the buffalo which is found in the Amazon River. The Buffalo dolphin rarely grows over 3.9 feet or weighs more than 66 pounds. A dolphin’s diet consists mainly of herring, mackerel, and sardines. “Some species however, prefer squid, shrimp and other crustacean” (Gygax 585). The average amount of fish ingested is estimated at about 66 pounds a day for an individual dolphin about 8.2 feet and 220 pounds. The body of a dolphin is sleek, smooth and hairless, making the skin rubbery

  • Dissection Alternatives

    2535 Words  | 6 Pages

    cats, and frogs, and therefore there are many alternatives available for these three animals. However, there are also alternatives for other animals such as sharks, rabbits, mice, snakes, minks, turtles, crayfish, clams, earthworms, starfish, and squid. Such alternatives are usually produced by educational companies or biological suppliers for student and teacher use. Science Works, Scholastic, Neotek, and Ventura Education Systems are a few examples of companies that make dissection alternatives

  • The Bloop: Mysterious Underwater Noise First Heard in 1997

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    There is a vast amount of complicated questions that barrage our minds everyday: Time travel, other intelligent life, the end of the universe, and our very creation. However there are other mysteries, ones that are a lot closer to us then we think. A mysterious noise that was so loud it left scientists on different continents with their jaws dropped. The noise was named “The Bloop” and was added to the worlds mysteries because even to this day there is no concrete evidence about what made this noise

  • Cephalopod Communication

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    result that there is not a bit of proof. In order to understand if cephalopods use their chromatophores to communicate, it might be a good idea to know what a cephalopod is. A cephalopod is in the class of mollusks that scientists classify octopuses, squid, and cuttlefish. They can change color faster than a chameleon or a salamander or many kinds of fish. They can also change texture and body shape, and, and if those camouflage techniques don't work, they can still "disappear" in a cloud of ink, which

  • Zombie Worm Research Paper

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    up seventy percent of our world. Even though we have explored so little of it, we have found very interesting creatures such as giant squids, yeti crabs, and zombie worms. None of these animals are similar in any way, not even their habitats, appearances, or diets. However they use these factors to be able to survive in sometimes extreme conditions. The giant squid, zombie worm, and yeti crab all live in completely different parts of the ocean. For example, the zombie worms were first discovered