Space elevator Essays

  • Why Do We Need An Elevator Into Space?

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    idea of an elevator into space is not a new one. First contemplated by a Russian scientist in 1895, it was not truly popularized until Arthur C. Clarke’s novel Fountains of Paradise in 1978. The idea is so simple, it seems absurd. A tether is extended from the surface of the earth, and using a combination of gravity and centrifugal force, is extended outwards. Vehicles can then scale this tether, removing the need for costly rockets. Arthur C. Clarke claims that the space elevator is an attainable

  • The Space Elevator: Science Fiction to Science Fact

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    In the recent century what used to be science fiction is quickly becoming a reality. Things like the space shuttle, super computers and robots are coming out of Hollywood and into the real world. The most recent projection is the space elevator project. It consists of a 62,000 mile long cable elevator to the stars. This project which was previously believed to be impossible and absurd is now on the fast track to success. This recent success can be attributed to both new technological developments

  • Cutting Costs in Space Exploration: Rockets vs Elevators

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    towards cutting down the costs of space exploration are reusable rockets and the space elevator. Both of these ideas will cut down on the cost of getting payloads to orbit. The idea of reusable rockets means that space programs wouldn’t have to make new rockets for each launch. The idea of the space elevator would allow better payload efficiency and easier access to space, because it wouldn’t have to deal with fuel or the obstacle of gravity. Even though the space elevator may take more time than the more

  • Breaking The Elevator Etiquette

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    Practicing correct elevator etiquette is simple: allow people inside exit first before getting in, select the number of your floor and/or select it for others, face forward, make room for other people, respect people’s personal space and, wait silently. At the elevator it is strictly expected for individuals to face forward, thus, making eye contact and invading personal space for too long may be uncomfortable. Consequently, my partner and I decided to break this norm, but, not only that we went

  • Elevator History

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    An elevator is a mechanism for moving people and freight from level to level in a building or any other structure. The first elevator-like structure was built in 236 BC by the Archimeds. This construction was a hoist operated by ropes and pulleys. However, the first pragmatic elevator was not developed until the 19th century. Though sensible, this elevator has been modified many times throughout the course of history and is still updated with all of the new advancements in math and technology. From

  • Entrapment

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    due to elevator entrapment. About seventy six percent of those people who used those elevators were lethargic. The other twenty four percent had legitimate reasons for using the elevator. Elevators should only be used when you are physically disabled. American’s all over the world try to take the easy way out of any exercise. Elevators have become a major part of everyday life for many Americans. Entrapment occurs when there is too much weight or to many people. Getting trapped in an elevator causes

  • The Intuitionist Lila Mae Essay

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    across the term “elevator”, people of modernity will believe that it is an important invention in the development of society. They believe elevator is an essential technology in their daily life. However, Lila Mae thinks elevator isn’t just an essential technology. She believes the elevator is the core of her career, the core of the city and what brings the city moving forward. Lila Mae is also an intuitionist which she believes “Intuitionism is about communicating with the elevator on a nonmaterial

  • Custom Fabricators, Inc. Case

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    Custom Fabricators, Inc. Case As Ben Lawson, CEO of Custom Fabricators, Inc., drove back to his home in South Indianapolis, he thought about the day. I’ve done a lot of business with Orleans Elevator in Bloomington over the years but just wonder how long this will continue. I have much invested in my manufacturing plant located right next to their plant, but now that United Technologies [the parent company of Orleans] is all into this FreeMarkets Internet purchasing system, I just wonder

  • Personal Narrative

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    “I want to let you know how thankful I am for your assistance, Sam.” Mr. Bushnell said, leading me into an elevator. I mumbled a “you’re welcome” as I struggled to hold together a box of assorted computer parts - keyboards, mice, flash drives, hard drives, and much more. My legs were buckling under the weight, but I managed to hold out thus far without collapsing. It was my first day on the job at this company. Dad scored me a job with his business associate, thinking it would teach me some sort

  • Creative Writing: The Runaways Project

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    was definitely no longer in denial that Hayden may have done this on purpose. My anger meter was beyond full and anyone who stood in my way were simply looking for trouble at this point. Stage two, anger. I was practically carried by Gerald to the elevator and all the way to the Spa, I struggled to escape from his grasp and screamed at him but he remained silent the entire time. Upon arrival he had ordered several people to hold me down onto a hospital bed. I attempted to kick and punch whoever was

  • Workplace Observation

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    from the door, so I have to walk a longer distance. Instead of taking the elevator, I will walk up two flights of stairs. Once I get to work, I will be sedentary until lunch time. Around twelve I will leave for lunch. Again, I will walk down the stairs instead of using the elevator. Since I parked far from the main door, I will have a slight walk to my car. Once I return from lunch, I will park in or near the parking space I was previously. However, after my day is over, I will return home and work

  • Roller Coaster Ride-Personal Narrative

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    rollercoaster ride I just entered, but then again, not all great love stories start with a prince charming. We arrived at the building that house all the elevators that take you behind the caves and shows you what the falls look like from the other side. Everything but the door was all glass. We waited in line as people filed into the elevators,

  • A Trip to the Dentist's Office

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    to remind me of my 11:00 AM dental appointment. I sigh and tell her I will be there on time. I enter the brick building and walk over to the elevator; I push the up button and patiently wait. The elevator door promptly opens, and I get in. I push the button with a number two on it, and the doors close… up I go. Once on the second floor, I exit the elevator. Even before I go into Dr.Taylor’s office, I can immediately smell the mixture of wintergreen-flavored toothpaste and bleach out in the hall.

  • My Favorite Restaurants

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    My Favorite Restaurants As far back as I can remember, I have always liked going out to eat. Two of my favorite restaurants are Jake’s and McDonald’s. Though both are places to dine they have their differences in their ambiance, waiting, and expense. When deciding where to go to eat, I have three things to think about. I must consider the atmosphere or where I want to go. The amount of time I have is another consideration. The amount of money that I am able to spend is a big influence. The

  • Biodiesel – Fuel for the Future

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    that is destined for export overseas. Diesel engines power the tractors that are used for tilling, planting and harvesting. Diesel powered pumps are used to irrigate the fields and diesel trucks transport the wheat to a grain elevator for storage. From the grain elevator, diesel locomotives haul cars full of wheat to mills or even diesel powered barges that will in turn carry it to distant markets or ocean ports. At the ports, diesel powered equipment load the grain onto diesel powered vessels

  • y8

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    With dark hair and tanned skin, Paolo looked too relaxed to have lived in Paris for long. But would this happy-go-lucky Italian also exhibit qualities of a killer? As Clémence continued scrutinizing his photo and profile on her smartphone, the elevator stopped this time and Arthur got in before she had time to panic. Arthur was wearing a pink dress shirt with a fuchsia sweater tied around his neck. “Bonjour,” he said in his usual stiff way. “I don’t think you’re wearing enough pink,” Clémence

  • When In Doubt, Simply Walk Up Nine Flights Of Stairs

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    gotten into an awkward situation? If so, then the comedic short film, The Elevator would be the perfect representation of that moment in your life. This award winning short, directed by Greg Glienna, begins with a very slim man walking toward the elevator. The character’s name is unknown, which allows viewers to better identify with this strange man with no name. He presses the button and patiently waits for the elevator doors to open. When the doors finally open, he walks inside. The closeup

  • How The Elevator Changed America

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    Have you ever stepped into an elevator? Do you stand there and zone out? Or maybe instead you focus on what’s happening around you. Do you notice the heavy push against your feet, and realize you're moving through a dark and hollow hole in the middle of a building? It only takes ninety seconds to undergo this experience that profoundly changed America. The elevator is responsible for shaping modern life in ways that most people take advantage of. Daniel Levinson Wilk, a professor of history at the

  • How to Write a Personal Narrative Essay

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    of personal experiences. You, the writer, have the right to say what you want about your personal experience. You can write about anything -- Aunt Sally, the funky necklace you bought at a garage sale, the harrowing experience of being stuck in an elevator, the best Christmas you ever had, the worst day of your life. No topic or subject is off-limits; therefore there are endless opportunities to write an essay about your personal, point-of-view of what happened. Often the reason behind wanting to write

  • Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground - Exposing the Unseen Depths of the Human Mind

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    Dostoevsky’s Notes from the Underground - Exposing the Unseen Depths of the Human Mind The lights are on but nobody’s home. My elevator doesn’t go to the top. I’m not playing with a full deck. I’ve lost my marbles. ….cause I am cra-a-zy! Just like yooou! -Barenaked Ladies Crazy. That is how Dostoevsky’s man from the underground is referred to as he writes his notes-- his paradox on life. Is he crazy? Are his ramblings only the cries of a madman? Many would like to think so and our narrator