Creative Writing: The Runaways Project

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In school I 've learned that there are a total of five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. After learning of the truth of The Runaways Project, I was definitely no longer in denial that Hayden may have done this on purpose. My anger meter was beyond full and anyone who stood in my way were simply looking for trouble at this point.
Stage two, anger.
I was practically carried by Gerald to the elevator and all the way to the Spa, I struggled to escape from his grasp and screamed at him but he remained silent the entire time.
Upon arrival he had ordered several people to hold me down onto a hospital bed. I attempted to kick and punch whoever was in my range but was found unsuccessful, eventually they had strapped …show more content…

"Let me go! I need to talk to Hayden!" I screamed at them hopelessly. Maybe if I told them Hayden was coming down here they would stop, and maybe if I begged Hayden to let me off of this project I wouldn 't get my scholarship taken away.
Stage three, bargaining.
Not a soul responded, they continued to roll in a bunch of machinery and equipment gear. One of them had already put on a pair of gloves and turned on the bright lights above me. I cringed and closed my eyes at the bright light. There was nowhere to escape to, I was completely tied down and it didn 't look like they were going to untie me anytime soon. I had no control of my own body, nor did I have control of what they were going to do to me, and for that I started to weep.
Stage four, depression.
Perhaps my weeping had caught their attention, a woman hovered over me and strapped a breathing mask around my head. Her hands were gentle and she didn 't apply force over my head, instead she was calm and careful. Before I could even speak, the woman turned on a foreign wave of air that came through the tubes attached to the mask. I had no choice but to breathe in the strange air and realized what was happening.
"Just relax and sleep, you 'll be okay," she …show more content…

Out of all the bad things that happened to me today, this was the only good and I plan to cherish that moment.
"I 'm Gretchen, you can always come here for a makeover or if you want to talk, Miss Hayes," she smiled and led the way to the elevator. I followed her and hugged her goodbye, she was a fantastic companion to talk to and I definitely will come back often for the free spa treatments. Most spas are expensive and for someone like me, I wouldn 't know the first thing about taking care of myself.
As the elevator door opened I saw Hayden looking at his home, as he was about to step out he noticed I was standing right outside of the elevator. We were both surprised by this encounter, he looked stunned while I looked confused at the situation. He paused for a second but wasn 't speaking, then he pulled my arms and caused me to be dragged into the elevator and almost falling onto him. The elevator door slowly closed behind us and he pressed the fiftieth floor.
"You really could be more gentle," I rolled my eyes and took his hands off of

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