Social enterprise Essays

  • Social Enterprise

    652 Words  | 2 Pages

    Want to make a living out of doing good works? If so, what's right for you is starting a social enterprise. If you don't know how to set one up, here's a great source ( that might help. Social enterprise, by definition, is a kind of organisation that uses commercial strategies in order to maximise improvements in the environment and human welfare. This is in contrast to a for-profit business, wherein its aim is to generate revenues with little regard

  • Roles Of Social Enterprise

    2001 Words  | 5 Pages

    Social enterprises have been around ever since the 1840s. Since then, social enterprises has spread throughout the whole world, spreading the idea of doing business with a social cause to others. Within these 200 years, what exactly is the role played by social enterprises? Is it to be a business that helps others or to be a change maker? In this essay, we will focus on the roles that social enterprises play in society. Drawing examples from both past and present social enterprises, and showing how

  • Social Enterprises Should Be Profit Or Non-Profit Essay

    648 Words  | 2 Pages

    A descriptive study on Social Enterprises should be Profit or Non-Profit Introduction In modern society, we often hear some news about social enterprises, TV, magazine, and internet. We cannot neglect the function of social enterprises in our country. Social enterprises play a vital role in perspectives of helping homeless people, offering employable opportunity, increasing national income, promoting economic growth. While, controversy follows. However, positive appraisal is more than the negative

  • Analysis Of Social Enterprise

    1527 Words  | 4 Pages

    highlight the role of social entrepreneurship in regards to an actual social enterprise, as well as to make an analysis of the business model applied by the social enterprise. Since the 1990s, the notions of “social enterprise” and “social entrepreneurship” are increasingly gaining more recognition as they indoctrinate new dynamics within the third sectors which include non-profit sectors, voluntary sectors and the social economy, where innovative solutions are created with a social view in mind to respond

  • Social Enterprises Case Study

    826 Words  | 2 Pages

    Chapter I – Introduction Social enterprises (SEs) have emerged as a businesslike contrast to the traditional nonprofit organizations. (Dart 2004). A Social enterprise is, first and foremost, a business. It means it is engaged in some form of trading, it trades primarily to support a social purpose. (DTI 2002: 13). According to different scholars we can also define social enterprises as the idea of “seeking business solutions to social problems” (Thompson and Doherty 2006a, p. 362) or as the “use

  • Social Enterprise Case Study Review

    728 Words  | 2 Pages

    Jose Lorenzo R. Quiason 4TE3 Book Review A social enterprise is an entrepreneurial, non-profit project that generates revenues and serves a social cause. It is a social value-creating activity implemented through innovative and resourceful approaches. Social entrepreneurs seek to create social value because they have identified a problem in society that they want to solve. Social entrepreneurs are risk takers. They are willing to take reasonable risk on behalf of the people the organization aims

  • Traditional Enterprise And Social Enterprise

    942 Words  | 2 Pages

    Social enterprise is an organization with a clear social mission that aim to financially self-sufficient. Most of its revenue come from the primary activity of trading goods or services. Social businesses should realize who their target market is, what goods or services they should trade, why it is important in the environment, and how their strategy can accomplish their objectives. Commercial approach is important for social businesses to meet their target market needs, also maximize profit for

  • The Benefits Of Social Enterprise

    733 Words  | 2 Pages

    Social enterprise in last decade has been in core and certainly has shown great potential in becoming the next big thing. Its advocates put forward an aspiring plan of generating jobs, offering training programs and evolving local services in areas of serious and long-standing deficiency, while holding on the prospect of self generating income business model rather than relying of government aid or other grant. (Dees, 1998) What does social entrepreneurship really mean? What does it take to be a

  • The Importance Of Social Enterprise

    758 Words  | 2 Pages

    Social Enterprise is the best form of economic organization to produce goods and services for the communities. (Agree) We preferred to be for this issue as our team considers that social enterprises are businesses whose primary purpose is the common good. They use the methods and disciplines of business and the power of the marketplace to advance their social, environmental and human justice agendas. Its mission is to prepare enormous social quality by means of effective social ventures. At the

  • Social Enterprise Essay

    2140 Words  | 5 Pages

    to make an impact investment for social enterprise. Companies that choose to make an impact investment for social enterprise are taking huge step in giving to their community and nearby areas. It shows that they care and proves that they are willing to help the people who

  • Value Chain Analysis

    706 Words  | 2 Pages

    firm activities on profit, but recently it is also used by social entrepreneurs to measure the impact of activities on the creation of social value. According to J.Gregory Dees, for business entrepreneurs wealth creation is the way to measure value creation while for social entrepreneurs social value is the way to measure value creation. When value chain approach intersects with social entrepreneurship, firms take in to account the social impacts of their value chains, including both mitigating harm

  • Social And Solidarity Economy

    1083 Words  | 3 Pages

    Article for the Encyclopedia of World Poverty, 2nd Edition Social and Solidarity Economy The social and solidarity economy concept refers to enterprises, organizations, and innovations that combine production of goods, services, and knowledge with achieving economic and social goals as well as solidarity building. Idea of social economy emerged in the first half of the 19th century in Europe. In many countries working class experienced deterioration of living conditions by expansion of industrial

  • Accounting

    1692 Words  | 4 Pages

    Preface Financial statements are prepared and presented for external users by many enterprises around the world. Although such financial statements may appear similar from country to country, there are differences which have probably been caused by a variety of social, economic and legal circumstances and by different countries having in mind the needs of different users of financial statements when setting national requirements. These different circumstances have led to the use of a variety of definitions

  • Nestle

    570 Words  | 2 Pages

         Nestle’s commencement in 1866 by the Swedish pharmacists and further expansion into Europe and subsequently the rest of the world 2.     Nestle’s landmark acquisituions. 3.     Nestle’s first mover strategy. The writer makes a comparison to enterprises during the industrial revolution. These companies had to invest in infrasture that are almost negligible in todays commerce activities, to start off production. Nestle had to engage in activities with a potential high risk such as their milk collection

  • Scarlet Letter Essay: The Pornographic Theme

    949 Words  | 2 Pages

    cream? We would be slow to believe it, and we hope our author would not willingly have it so, yet we honestly believe that "the Scarlet Letter" has already done not a little to degrade our literature, and to encourage social licentiousness: it has started other pens on like enterprises, and has loosed the restraint of many tongues, that have made it an apology for "the evil communications which corrupt good manners." We are painfully tempted to believe that it is a book made for the market, and that

  • Comparing Problems Faced by Two Cities: Lima and Tokyo

    1257 Words  | 3 Pages

    Comparing Problems Faced by Two Cities: Lima and Tokyo I will compare and contrast some of the problems experienced by the two mega cities, Lima and Tokyo. Two absolutely different cities located on two different continents, have to cope

  • The Minamata Disease as an Example of Government Weakness

    1656 Words  | 4 Pages

    worked extensively with chemicals in the production of energy and of industrial materials, comprised the local economy. Before it became a center for the Japanese chemical industry, Minamata generated revenue almost entirely from salt production enterprises. In 1908, the Japanese government had recently decided to take over the salt industry and the village needed new sources of income. At the same time Jun Noguchi, a recently graduated electrical engineer and founder of the Chisso Company, needed

  • Ecotourism in South American Countries

    3766 Words  | 8 Pages

    untouched by outsiders. Americans have the ability to preserve that heritage through organized efforts to encourage certain types of visitors to indigenous areas to create an economy that will take the place of potential mining, logging, and ranching enterprises. That economy is ecotourism. The following paper displays some of the pros and cons of ecotourism and the possibilities for establishing ecotourism economies in indigenous environments. Themes I will address include: • History of ecotourism/

  • Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc.

    6303 Words  | 13 Pages

    Coca-Cola Enterprises Inc. INTRODUCTION The main aim of this Advanced VCE Business project is to produce a detailed report on a medium to large business including such things as descriptions of the businesses objectives, identifying the businesses type of ownership, explaining the work of the functional areas in the business etc. The business I have chosen is Coca Cola. This company is quite large but I have chosen it because I know that it is quite successful. The product that has

  • The Great National Temperance Drink

    756 Words  | 2 Pages

    The Great National Temperance Drink Coca-Cola Enterprises is the self-proclaimed largest bottler of "liquid, nonalcoholic refreshment" in the world. More than 350 million people live in Coke territory and since late last century most have been addicted to the sweetened water. Anyone who prefers sipping an ice-cold Coca-Cola Classic (or one of their companion sodas such as Diet Coke, Sprite, Mr. Pibb, Cherry Coke, Mello Yellow, etc.) should start deciding how much they are willing to pay for