Resource Description Framework Essays

  • W3f): The Resource Description Framework (RDF)

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    Resource Description Framework (RDF) RDF stands for Resource description framework. We can define RDF as “RDF is a model/standard with the help of which we can define resources on the web”. The common people don’t understand RDF. It is developed to understand and read by computer.RDF is a base for managing metadata. With the help of RDF, we can exchange information between applications, operating systems, and computers on the internet. We can define any information of different web pages with the

  • Ontology In Software Engineering

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    INTRODUCTION The software engineering ontology defines information for the exchange of semantic project information and is used as a communication framework. In the area of computer science, Ontology represents the effort to formulate an exhaustive and rigorous conceptual schema within a given domain. Several Ontology languages such as Resource Description Framework (RDF), Web Ontology Language, DARPA Markup Language and Ontology Interchange Language (OIL) are available. 2. Ontology in software engineering

  • Semantic Web: An Enhancement of the Current Web

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    processing easier for software agents. We shall be able to go beyond the keyword searches. 2.2 The Semantic Web The Semantic web is not a new resource on the internet but rather, an extension of the current web, where information is given well-defined meaning, thus, enabling computers and people to process it. We need a way that allows equivalent resources to be identified and understood by machines without programming this knowledge into the application software [5]. The Semantic Web uses ontologies

  • SDI

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    scalability. The future SDI has the following key features categorized according to the components of a SDI: • Databases, Metadata & Sources: The geographic information is converted into linked geospatial data, for exposing, sharing and connecting resources in the web. For example, a geographical feature described in the data has a URI with links pointing to other geographical features based on their geospatial relation. The knowledge model and catalogue model of the datasets (metadata) is changed according

  • The Importance Of World Heritage Sites

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    both cultural and natural properties are: General guidelines: • IUCN, 2008. Management Planning for Natural World Heritage Properties: a Resource Manual for Practitioners. • Ringbeck, B., 2008. Management Plans for World Heritage Sites: a practical guide. Bonn, German Commission for UNESCO. • UNESCO, 2012. Managing Natural World Heritage. World Heritage Resource Manual. Paris: UNESCO. Specialised guidelines: • UNESCO, 2010. Managing Disaster Risks for World Heritage. • IUCN, 2011. Sustainable Tourism

  • Definition Of Strategic Human Resource Management

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    study is to understand the basis of Strategic Human Resource Management with background knowledge from human resource management and strategic management. The study covers the definition of strategic human resource management, its importance, framework, roles and the development and implantation of human resource management and finally an assessment on HR strategies and their application in an organisation. 1.1 Definition of SHRM Strategic human resource management (SHRM) is defined according to Millmore

  • ASC 350-15-4A: A Case Study

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    changes in the timing of the internal-use software capitalization, the new standard requires the entity to disclose a general description of the software acquired or developed, the various significant judgements and assumptions applicable, both a qualitative and quantitative description of the costs that were and expensed or capitalized during the period, and a description of the period over which the implementation costs are an expense in the income statement (ASC

  • Hrm 531 Week 2 The Security Audit Checklist

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    The security audit checklist Item Description If YES, outline how and/or provide comments If NO, explain no, outline action needed Overall management responsibilities 1. Are all Auscred Services staff informed and committed to the Compliance and Risk Management Framework and any related material, including the Privacy Policy? 2. Is the Compliance and Risk Management Framework and any related material (including the Privacy Policy) easily accessible by all Auscred Services staff? 3. Is the

  • Marriage And Family Framework Essay

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    family, theoretical frameworks that give way to explain the reasoning of your marriage and or family. View the structure of both marriage and family through the most common three theoretical frameworks. Such as, conflict theory, family systems, and symbolic interaction that is all valuable, pertinent within the marriage, and family. Through these different frameworks, they all have some sort of comparison within the meaning of the family. Symbolic Interaction Systems This framework deals with the individuals

  • Importance Of Competency-Based Selection

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    interventions keeping in mind the core business of the organizations. It may promote self-assessment, peer assessment, and assessment by experts for achieving HR goals of the organization. The human resources management is considered to be a key to manage the core business of the organizations and competency framework is the frame of HR process. HR professionals with a strategic performance management competency are well positioned to facilitate the pace and extent of change in their organizations. According

  • Donabedian Model Summary

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    Donabedian’s paradigm: Performance-driven planning in a healthcare setting “Avedis Donabedian in many respects, he was the first to recognize the systemic nature of healthcare delivery along with providing a framework for the assessment of the quality of medical care by defining three elements that influence the delivery of care: structure, process, and outcome” (Sadeghi, 2013, p.58). One of the well-known models in accessing the performance of healthcare is the Donabedian model, proposed by Avedis

  • T Mobile Recruitment

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    set. If they take this up, a new member of staff must replace their previous position. In order to perform successfully and remain competitive, a business must have a good recruitment and selection team within their human resource function. Recruitment must

  • Presidential Policy Directive 8 (PPD-8)

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    preparedness towards disasters and emergencies by focusing on protection, mitigation, response, prevention, and recovery. The National Preparedness Goal highlights the whole community participation method that optimizes the utilization of available resources. The goal illustrates the 31 core capabilities useful in addressing the states risks. . The national preparedness goal should echo the policy directions as specified in the applicable Presidential Policy Directives, national strategies, National

  • The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting: Bega´s Current Accounting Practice of Property, Plant and Equipment

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    Overview of the report This report analyses the disclosures of objective of general purpose financial reporting and the qualitative characteristics of useful financial information according to The Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting. It investigates Bega’s current accounting practice of Property, Plant and Equipment in accordance with AASB 116 Property, Plant and Equipment, and how it satisfies the objective of general purpose financial reporting and the qualitative characteristics of useful

  • Coaching Case Study

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    relationship as a client. Post this activity a development of group clustering and thematic analysis using key words from descriptions and discussion of these involvements to additional polish the categories of management practice that had been considered. Though the projected framework claims not to be exhaustive the framework assists by locating coaching within a broader framework of common organizational management

  • Social Determinants Of Health Summary

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    Though it has long been acknowledged that tackling the social determinants of health is essential for improving the population’s overall health, it has been a challenge to address. There are a few researchers who question the framework of the social determinants of health. Frank et al. believe that the social determinants approach should be revised. In the article, The Social Determinants of Health: Time to Re-Think?, a few international researchers argued that there has been insufficient development

  • Difference Between XML And JSON

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    XML vs JSON Overview: XML: Extensible Markup Language(XML) is a markup language that is human-readable and machine-readable. It is a hardware and software independent tool for storing and transporting data. Technically, an XML document does nothing as it is just information wrapped up in tags. A piece of software is needed that can send, receive, store and display the document. There are no predefined tags in XML. The tags are invented by the author of the XML document. JSON: “JavaScript Object

  • IT Governance in Airline Industry Case Study

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    Contents A description of the organisation and the market in which it operates 3 A description of the IT governance used 3 A summary of the case study 4 A critical analysis of the impact of the IT governance on the organisation 5 References 8 A description of the organisation and the market in which it operates Airline and travel industry profitability has been strapped by a series of events starting with a recession in business travel after the dotcom bust, followed by 9/11, the SARS

  • Examples Of Project Management Framework

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    Project Management Framework Project management framework document defines the processes that are performed throughout the life of the project to ensure the project management policy is adhered to. Needs for a framework: The Project Management Institute defines a project as “a temporary attempt undertaken to create a unique product, services or results” (Project Management Institute 2004, 3). This definition clearly justifies the complications and probes exist, especially within the context of

  • Department of Homeland Security and Its Acronyms

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    alphabet soup of acronyms and DHS is no different from the rest. To better understand the agency and concepts that comprise DHS, this paper will also examine acronyms associated with DHS. They are QHSR, HSE, NRF, NIMS, ICS, and UC. Each will get a description while highlighting and discussing core elements or requirements that each acronym calls for or offers. Department of Homeland Security September 11, 2001 is a day in American history that no one old enough to remember the day will ever forget.