Reel Essays

  • A Speech on the Presentation of the Film Reel Bad Arabs

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    television industry has been doing this for so long, even back in the times of silent films; people have become accustomed to it. They believe that what they see in the screen is a realistic portrayal of Arabs and the Arab world. When I started developing “Reel Bad... ... middle of paper ... degraded in the media. Whether this is a good or bad thing, I’m not sure of. However, the overall act of stereotyping a certain group. Not just in films, but in all forms of mass media. There is no appreciation

  • Analysis Of Francis Alÿs Children's Games

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    world. The apparent innocent, unpretentious nature of a children's game allows the artist to reveal deeper issues or thoughts. It allows him to express, in an often poetic way, how from heaviness lightness can arise. We are going to show first how Reel – Unreel is not the only deliberate utilisation by Alÿs of a child point of view to convey deeper meanings, and then we’ll interest ourselves more specifically into the violence and the poetic aspect in the work disclosed through childhood. II. Relation

  • Ireland: The Culture Of The Irish Culture

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    taught (Whelan 11). Barns were constructed on farms prior to his arrival with the trade that the farmer’s children would receive free lessons (Whelan 12). The most basic lessons the master taught were “the rising step of the jig and the side step of the reel” (Whelan 12). More of the students were children and picked up the movements fairly easy. However, if the students were having difficulty, th... ... middle of paper ... ... in the shape of a cross. Tall lancet windows also marked this time period

  • Descriptive Essay On The Magic Lantern Scene

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    Magic Lantern MaryAlice pushed open the door of the darkened screening room, and the shaft of light from the hallway stabbed through the black all the way over to the screen. “Eeehhh!” The sound was definitely John, but strained, muffled, near a word but not a word. She stepped inside and let the door close behind her. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she waited to hear the soundtrack of whatever John was watching. She heard nothing but the consistent train track click of the projector from

  • 3D Modeling Concepts Course Evaluation

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    3D Modeling Concepts Course Evaluation I learned a lot about 3D modeling and ways it can be used. The class first started on September 6, where I was introduced to Klee Miller, a man that actually had worked on a motion picture, The Polar Express. I have to say, I was quite impressed, considering that's what I wanted to get into at the time. I came to University thinking that I wanted to work a lot with 3Ds Max and create many special features for movies, such as Klee Miller did, but now things

  • Reel Injun Sparknotes

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    The Reel Injun A Cree filmmaker named Neil Diamond directed Reel Injun. At a young age, he always cheered for the cowboys but never realizing that he was the Indian. He explores the portrayals of North American Natives through a century of cinema. These images of Natives have shaped people's opinions and views about Aboriginals. Through these depictions, it has led to stereotypes that caused discrimination among the First Nations. Reel Injun emphasizes not to generalize indigenous people through

  • Best Spinning Reel

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    Tips to Consider When Choosing the Best Spinning Reel What makes a spinning reel be termed as ultimately the best? Basically it must employ a unique design such that the ease of use is compelling while maintaining the levels of practicality all the same. This means that your spinning reel should have a sufficient line holding capability, a spinning capacity that is high speed and finally, should enable you to throw your line for a good distance. This concurrently gives you the edge to take part in

  • Reel Bad Arabs Essay

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    The film Reel Bad Arabs opens a discussion on the Western media representations of the Arab world. However, the film analyzes not only the social and cultural factors at work, but the history that helped established these stigmas and depictions of Arab culture. Edward Said delves into the historical forces that have allowed for such perceptions to develop, focusing heavily on the colonization of the East. There is also the notion of cultural purity and danger, as proposed by Mary Douglas that is

  • Theme expressed in Tape by Jose Rivera

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    “Tape” is a short ten minute play by Jose Rivera. It’s a play that only has two characters, a Person and an Attendant. It takes place in a small dark room with no windows and only one door. Inside the room are a chair and a table with a reel-to-reel tape recorder and a glass and pitcher of water. This play is about a Person who is brought to the small room by the Attendant to listen to every lie the Person has told in life. Every single lie was recorded and now it’s time that the Person gets to listen

  • Bass Fishing: A Beginner's Guide on a Budget

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    don’t take that much to get started. First off you will want to find a bass fishing rod that suits you there are plenty of different types of rods and preferred rods but to me the best rod is a graphite rod. They all differ in size, strength, the reels, and the eyes of the fishing rod. These are all a really basic things that you want to research and look at for beginners and people new to bass fishing because on my point of view bass fishing is not as easy as people argue it is.

  • Royal Reels Case Summary

    550 Words  | 2 Pages

    Martin Gedman’s years of experience as a savvy businessman with Royal Reels foreshadowed to him that the slot gaming industry was rapidly changing, and Royal Reels competitors were outmaneuvering them with innovative gameplay. This reality left Gedman with key choices to make as it related to the company which he inherited from his father and took to higher levels over the preceding few decades. According to the customer experience framework that Gedman and his team of senior executives constructed

  • Informative Essay On Reel Mowers

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    grandparents had a reel lawn mower, you might still suffer from nightmares that feature the effort it took to use that life-sucking beast. Not only was it hard to push, but it was egregiously heavy as well! Mowing the lawn required strength, time, and unsurprisingly, tons of expletives. But times change, and the reel lawn mower has undergone an incredible evolution. Today’s reel mowers are a far cry from the abominable beasts of the twentieth century. In fact, today’s reel mowers are widely sought

  • How The Tape Recorder And Their Impact On Society

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    industry. It also boosted the profits that the industry made. The first recording device that used a tape reel was the telegraphon, which was used as a recorder for the telephone that recorded missed calls (“The Tape Recorder”). With this idea of a device that could record the calls we miss, the modern day answering machine was based. The modern day answering machine may not use a tape reel, but without the telegraphon, there would be no necessary start for the answering machine. The tape recorder

  • Analysis Of The Film Reel Injun

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    of U.S history Dr. Larry February 12, 2018 The Film Reel Injun introduced the world showing films that’s current and numerous clips of classics. This shows the action of distorting which means misleading the impression of Native people from the silent film era of today. Over time, Hollywood shaped the whole image of Native American people. Some people that were highly performed educated on films had personal interviews. This is what made Reel Injun unique. We witnessed Native and Non-Native Americans

  • Reel Injun Film Analysis

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    Reel Injun is a compelling, thought-provoking documentary that shows how movies have stereotyped Native Americans, and has shaped how society in general viewed Natives. The film seeks to show how Natives really are, and ultimately seeks to correct the Native stereotypes created through the Hollywood Native films. Neil Diamond discusses why films about Natives were originally created and how Natives were portrayed in the early years of film. Through the documentary he continues to show how Natives

  • Reel Bad Arab Stereotypes

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    terrorist, to stupid to understand how much money they had, they were overly attracted to American women and only seen women as objects. These stereotypes have been ingrained into American society and have been very detrimental to our country. In the film Reel Bad Arab! By Dr. Jack Shaheen. Its begins by explaining from a young age that films like Aladdin give a negative portrayal of Arabs. The film opens up with the song Arabian Nights and the second verse includes “Where they cut off your ear If they don't

  • Reel Abilities Film Report

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    I attended the Reel abilities film short program on Sunday, October 30, 2016. I took my husband with me to the film. This film was held in Rodef Shalom in Pittsburgh, PA. This was the first time I was inside this building. We arrived at 3:30 and could get a parking space close to the building. The door was locked and had to buzz in and was informed that it wasn’t working for some reason. Once we got up the stairs we was greeted and everyone was so nice. There were a line of people getting tickets

  • Stereotypes In The Film Reel Bad Arabs

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    The film Reel bad Arabs reveal many stereotypes and racial prejudice throughout the film. these stereotypes are built on accepted truths which are then used to build a foundation for these racists beliefs and stereotypes. Image makers have constantly vilified Arabs, we see examples of this all throughout Hollywood and even in some of the today's biggest block busters. and there is a consistent pattern of Arab stereotypes. all aspects of the western culture portray Arabs as the bad guys. they have

  • The Film Analysis Of Orientalism, And Reel Bad Egypt

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    middle east has been tainted for hundreds of years starting with ignorant men who passed down there incorrect beliefs to those who would accept them purely as fact. These beliefs passed down by europeans are still prevalent in western culture today and Reel Bad Arabs does an excellent job of shedding light on how we still spread these beliefs in modern times. To understand how these films started to be produced, one must first understand that Orientalism set the stage for all of these films to be created

  • Reel Injun: The Distortion Of Native American Life

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    The film, “Reel Injun” reveals a distortion of the way Hollywood sees Native American life through comedy and the real way Native Americans live which changes according to the current times. Dozens of films recreate the way Americans believe Natives live as savages and wear costumes decorated with feathers, but Hollywood does not show the true spiritual side and the meaning of why they live the way they do. US history negatively affect Native American live which lead to the image of Natives to be